CLGE Participation in the 5th Romanian Surveying Week

From right to left: Mircea Afrăsinei, President of the Romanian Surveying Union (UGR), Jean-Yves Pirlot, CLGE Director General, and Ionuț-Cristian Săvoiu, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and Past President of UGR.

CLGE was honoured to be invited to participate in the 5th annual Romanian Surveying Week.

CLGE Director General Jean-Yves Pirlot represented us at this significant event. Mircea Afrasinei, the President of the Romanian Surveying Union (UGR), introduced him on stage:

“I don’t usually believe in coincidences. Last year, during the Romanian Surveying Week 2023 in Oradea, we had the pleasure of hosting CLGE members for their General Assembly which was held at the same time. Organising the GA was the responsibility of UGR, something in which we take great pride.

Simultaneously, the proposal for a law concerning our profession was submitted to the Romanian Parliament, which was facing significant opposition from state institutions. In Oradea, we sought support and advice from the CLGE members, which later materialised in a letter of support to the Romanian Parliament.

We are delighted to welcome Mr. Jean-Yves Pirlot, Director General of CLGE, back at the Romanian Surveying Week 2024. We extend our gratitude to him for the support provided, especially as the Law on the Organisation and Practice of the Geodesy Profession has now been approved by the Romanian Parliament and is awaiting promulgation.

I don’t see this as a coincidence, but rather as a testament to the unity of surveyors when it matters most.”

After this poignant introduction, our Director General took the floor and congratulated the Romanian Union for this landmark achievement. He explained that the law is not the final goal of this journey, but much more a starting point, since the General Assembly of the newly created Council will have to build a new regulatory framework. For this purpose, CLGE is of course willing to support its Romanian members. It will be important to apply the “Smart Regulation” concept, as developed by CLGE. Fittingly, this topic was the central piece of Jean-Yves’s keynote speech, delivered later that day.


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