Forum of Regional Bodies Meeting in Accra, Ghana

Pedro Luis García, President of APPAT

The Forum of Regional Bodies (FoRB) met on 22 May 2024 in Accra, Ghana, here is a short report:

As each year since 2016 with a brief interruption due to the pandemic, we had a successful meeting of the Forum of Regional Bodies (FoRB) in Ghana, during the FIG Working Week 2024, in Accra. We thank the Ghanaian hosts and the FIG Leadership for making this possible in excellent conditions.

The Ghana session was chaired by John Hohol, on behalf of Pedro Luis García, President of the Pan American Association of Surveying and Topography Professionals (APPAT) who was not able to attend in person but who had recorded the opening message, published with this news item.

As each year we got very inspiring reports from many regions in the World and if we may underline two interesting trends, it’s the efforts made for instance in Australia and South Africa to get a statistical description of the economic strength and importance of our sector and the initiatives to engage with youngsters via competitions for instance in the USA and in Europe.

We all agreed on the importance to reach out towards the younger generations not yet surveyors and would like to do this during the Global Surveyors’ Day, on 21 March 2025. We also decided to make a compendium about the professional governance of property surveyors throughout the World.

As usually, the 90 minutes we had were too short, but we know how difficult it is to plan these working weeks, with a minimum of overlap. The pandemic has caused a lot of harm and distress, but it has taught us to meet online. That’s why FoRB has decided to organise an online meeting in two sessions, end of September or early October.

Please watch this video from Pedro Luis García, President of APPAT.

You can read agenda for the meeting here.


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