Take part in the European Geodetic Future!

If we want, we can influence our professional future. Therefore CLGE has to be present. That means that our delegates and members have to come forward! Dear Colleagues and Friends, The  Umeå CLGE Seminar is coming closer every day. Please register soon and ask your colleagues to come with you. CLGE raises profile in the field of GI and Geodesy and therefore it is important to show our presence at such occasions. About the venue, you can find some information in this footage or on this website. Another important task preparing the same seminar is to fill in the CLGE – GSA survey about the use of EGNOS. Please read the information paper (de, en, es, fr, it, nl) and fill in the questionnaire. For the time being, the statistics are rather poor … 1 surveyor in 2000 has answered by now, and … that’s not much! Some contries have two answers, other 3 but most of them zero. The credibility of our profession is at stake. Please, take part and invite your colleagues to do it too. Jean-Yves Pirlot CLGE President


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