Legal framework / EU Directives
EU Directives and the national implementation
Listed are the EU Directives with a relation to the fields of activity of the surveyor. For each CLGE member state the national implementation of these EU Directives can be found.
- ‘LPIS-CAP’ – IACS Land Parcel Information Systems for implementing the CAP
- ‘PSI Directive’ – Directive (EU) 2019/1024 on open data and the re-use of public sector information
- ‘INSPIRE Directive’ – Directive 2007/2/EC establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)
- ‘General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)’ – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data
- ‘Database Directive’ – Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of database
- ‘Free movement of professionals’ – Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications
- ‘Services Directive’ – Directive 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market
EU Directive | |
Name | IACS Land Parcel Information Systems for implementing the CAP |
Description | Agricultural policy in Europe - the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) - is almost unique in being defined at EU level by the governments of Member States (MS) and implemented through regulations driven by the Commission, rather than through the implementation of Directives by the MS. The CAP aims to support farmers’ incomes whilst also encouraging them to produce high quality products and to adopt to more sustainable practices. The CAP is one of the most significant financial policy instruments that has been improved and developed over the past decades. As a result of the evolution of CAP legislative requirements the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) has been developed and adopted in 1992 by the EU. One part of IACS is the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS). It was designed as the main instrument for the implementation of the CAP first pillar – direct payments to the farmer, i.e. to identify and quantify the land eligible for payments. Related regulations include: Council Reg. 3508/92, in particular the amendment 1593/00. Council Reg. 73/09 (Repealed Reg. 1782/03) Commission Reg. 2419/01 Commission Reg. 796/04 |
Keywords | Land Parcel Information Systems, Common Agricultural Policy |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
National implementation | |
Country | Romania |
ID | The Payments and Intervention Agency for Agriculture (APIA) operates under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development based on Law 1/2004 with subsequent amendments and additions |
Name | The Payments and Intervention Agency for Agriculture (APIA) |
Description | Duties of APIA: Ensures the running of financial operations related to the management of allocated funds; Ensures the verification of payment requests received from beneficiaries; Authorizes payment to beneficiaries following the verification of payment requests or notifies them of any reported irregularities, in order to resolve them; Execute authorized payments to beneficiaries; Keep the accounting of the payments made; Monitors the inclusion of the funds allocated for the above-mentioned activities; It ensures the fulfillment of the requirements regarding public information regarding the activities carried out; It ensures that the economic, administrative, accounting, personnel and audit activities of the Agency are carried out in good conditions; Collaborates for the fulfillment of specific duties with central and local public administration bodies; Prepares and implements provisions regarding commercial mechanisms; It administers the system of export-import certificates and guarantees for the import and export of agricultural products Develops and implements the procedures regarding the application of the intervention system for agricultural products; It is the public authority responsible for the implementation of the Integrated Administration and Control System; Ensures the management of sugar and isoglucose production quotas and manages the contributions related to these quotas; Develops manuals of procedures and methodologies in order to properly implement the duties assigned to him; Implements and administers export refunds and the system of guarantees related to refunds; It provides all the information requested by the Coordinating Body of the Paying Agencies for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries. |
Keywords | Farmer, Subsidies, Payments, Agricultural Product |
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Name : Cornel Paunescu |
National implementation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 45/08 |
Name | Zakon o kmetijstvu (ZKme-1) |
Description | This Act sets out the objectives of agricultural policy, planning agriculture and rural development, agricultural policy measures, the safety of food of plant origin in primary production, food quality at all stages of production, processing and transport, protect the interests of the consumer, the labeling of agricultural products and foodstuffs, transport of agricultural products and food, the conservation of biodiversity in agriculture, supplementary activities on farms, utilities, database and information in the field of agriculture, the procedures and authorities for the implementation of this law, research, education and development of professional tasks and inspections. |
Keywords | agricultural policy, planning agriculture, rural development |
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Name : Grilc M. |
National implementation | |
Country | Poland |
Name | System Identyfikacji Działek Rolnych |
Description | The project is driven by the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA) in cooperation with the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGiK). Polish accession to the European Union required to create administrative and technical structures for the management of subsidies for agriculture, which is to build the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS). Its main core is Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) covering almost all the basic modules of IACS: records of farms, records of agriculture producers and records of subsidies. LPIS project included the realization of a vector map of the whole country consisting of: boundaries of land parcels, land contours of the ground, classification contours and a vector layer of the so-called fields of management. The system that created the ARMA covered almost all the real estate cadastre. To build the database, it was necessary to develop a digital orthophoto of the country, which was to identify fields of management. The final form of LPIS, in accordance with EU guidelines, is a system in GIS technology.Project work was divided into several stages and the whole country for dozens of objects. Due to the lack of a consistent descriptive and graphical database, LPIS has been built in phases, the first - descriptive base and parcel centroid, the next ones - raster of cadastral map and orthophoto, and the last one – land vector database. |
Keywords | LPIS Poland, IACS, CAP |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
National implementation | |
Country | Greece |
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Name | Κανονισμός 1782/2003 για τη θέσπιση κοινών κανόνων στο πλαίσιο κοινής γεωργικής πολιτικής |
Description | In July 2006, the Greek authorities drew up an action plan indicating the measures to be taken and a time table, in view of applying correctly IACS as soon as possible. One of the issues addressed, since 2007, was the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) for Greece. Hence, in 2005 all agricultural reference parcels were identified in an alphanumeric way. Therefore, Greece developed a new LPIS-GIS, using the most recent ortho-imagery available and complying with the technical standard currently required. This new LPIS-GIS was finalised by 31.12.2008. Effective use of the information in the payment system, including the quality of the information in the LPIS-GIS, will be subject to audit in 2010. Under the new 2009 claim lodging procedure the farmer has to provide the claim data at the farmer union in alpha-numeric and in digital form ensuring that farmers are in a better position to declare correctly the land claimed and that funds are better controlled. As 2009 was the first year of application of the new system, all parcels on which the farmers claimed aid had to be digitised; as of claim year 2010 only the parcels which have changes will have to be digitised, which will represent a considerable time saver. |
Keywords | Greece, Hellenic LPIS, OPEKEPE, Common Agricultural Policy |
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Name : Eftychia Kalogianni |
National implementation | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Sistema de Información Geográfica de Parcelas Agrícolas. |
Description | Geographic Information System of Farming Land, LPIS, allows you to identify geographically the parcels declared by farmers and ranchers in any scheme related to the area under cultivation or used by livestock. |
Keywords | Sigpac, LPIS, parcelas, cultivos, ganaderías, farms, parcel, |
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Name : Fernando Rodriguez Amor |
National implementation | |
Country | Albania |
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Country | Austria |
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Country | Belgium |
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National implementation | |
Country | Bulgaria |
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Country | Croatia |
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Country | Cyprus |
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Country | Czech Republik |
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Country | Denmark |
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National implementation | |
Country | Estonia |
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Country | Finland |
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Country | France |
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Country | Germany |
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Country | Hungary |
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Country | Iceland |
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Country | Ireland |
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Country | Italy |
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Country | Latvia |
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Country | Lithuania |
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Country | Luxembourg |
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Country | Malta |
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Country | Moldova |
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Country | North Macedonia |
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Country | Norway |
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Country | Portugal |
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Country | Republic of Kosovo |
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Country | Republic of Serbia |
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Country | Russian Federation |
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Country | Slovakia |
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Country | Sweden |
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Country | Switzerland |
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Country | The Netherlands |
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Country | Türkiye |
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Country | Ukraine |
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Country | United Kingdom |
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EU Directive | |
ID | Directive (EU) 2019/1024 on open data and the re-use of public sector information |
Name | PSI Directive |
Description | The Directive on open data and the re-use of public sector information provides a common legal framework for a European market for government-held data (public sector information). It is built around two key pillars of the internal market: transparency and fair competition. The Directive on open data and the re-use of public sector information, also known as the ‘Open Data Directive’ (Directive (EU) 2019/1024) entered into force on 16 July 2019. It replaces the Public Sector Information Directive, also known as the ‘PSI Directive’ (Directive 2003/98/EC) which dated from 2003 and was subsequently amended by the Directive 2013/37/EU (more about the process of this revision). |
Keywords | public sector information, open data |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
National implementation | |
Country | Romania |
ID | Directive (EU) 2019/1024 on open data and the re-use of public sector information |
Name | PSI Directive |
Description | The regulation applies directly in each member state, including Romania, and is binding in its entirety (art. 188 TFEU). It enters into force and applies in Romania, as a rule, on the twentieth day after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. However, a regulation may also apply at a later date. What does it mean that a Regulation applies directly in Romania? First, there is no need for a national transposing law. In the case of the Directive, instead, a national law is needed to transpose the directive. Secondly, as a result of the direct effect, individuals (natural or legal persons, etc.) can directly invoke the provisions of the Regulation before the courts. Thirdly, individuals or public institutions can directly apply the provisions of the Regulation. There are many practical implications of the directives not having a direct effect. On the one hand, this effect is limited. If Romania does not transpose the European Union directive within the deadline or transposes it incorrectly, after the transposition deadline has passed, private individuals can directly invoke the provisions of the directive against the state[6] if they are sufficiently clear, precise and unconditional. |
Keywords | Public Sector, Public Data, Public Information |
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Name : Cornel Paunescu |
National implementation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | L. 3448/2006, 4305/2014 |
Name | L. 3448/2006, 4305/2014 |
Description | Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information has been incorporated into the Greek legislation by law 3448/2006 On the further use of Public Sector information and the regulation of issues falling into the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Public Administration and Decentralisation. Additionally, Directive 2013/37/EC amending Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information has been incorporated into the Greek Legislation by law 4305/2014 which stipulates open access to data published by the public sector. According to article 10 of Law 4305/2014 Public Authorities are authorised to record, classify and evaluate the set of documents, information and data which are either publicly available or may be available upon particular conditions. |
Keywords | Public sector information, Directive 2003/98/EC, L. 3448/2006, Greece |
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Name : Konstantina Mangina |
National implementation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 113/05 |
Name | Zakon o državni upravi (ZDU-1) and National Interoperability Framework Portal (NIO) |
Description | The NIO Portal is a basic cornerstone of the national interoperability framework in Slovenia. It is a website dedicated to publishing interoperability solutions and products of the public sector. It connects a catalogue of interoperability solutions with best practices for re-using its content. The portal enables publishing of different standards and guidelines for interoperability, interoperability assets - technical, semantic, legal and organizational. |
Keywords | national interoperability framework, interoperability solutions |
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Name : Grilc M. |
National implementation | |
Country | Malta |
ID | L.N. 20 of 2007 |
Name | MITA - Malta Information Technology Agency |
Description | The Public Sector Information (PSI) Directive in Malta has been implanted by the Circular No. 31/2006 published by the OPM on the 05/10/2006 addressed to all Permanent Secretaries, Directors General, Directors and Heads of Public Sector Entities. The Maltese law that transposes the European Union Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of Public Sector Information is Legal Notice 20 of 2007. |
Keywords | public sector information malta |
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Name : Michelle Camilleri |
National implementation | |
Country | United Kingdom |
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National implementation | |
Country | Belgium |
ID | MNE(2008)52733 |
Name | Royal Decree July 18, 2008 |
Description | The construction of Belgium implies that the transposition of the PSI Directive 2003/98/EC took place on both a federal level as well as on the level of the federate entities. The Directive was transposed into: 1. Laws, royal decrees and decrees of the legal framework, 2. A standard license for reuse; 3. A greater transparency for reusable documents by centralizing them online. ( and 4. The creation of a transparency committee at the federal level |
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Name : Wim Broes |
National implementation | |
Country | Poland |
ID | 2003/98/EC (Dz.U. 2001 nr 112 poz. 1198) |
Name | Dyrektywa o informacjach sektora publicznego |
Description | In accordance with Art. 249, third paragraph of the EC Treaty, Member States may choose the form and means of implementation, which can ensure the best achievement of the Directive’s objective. The Polish authorities as the transposing legislation of the Directive 2003/98/EC have adapted their legislative framework for access to documents to include re-use of PSI: • 1) Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Constitution of the Republic of Poland) of 02/04/1997, Dziennik Ustaw nr 78/483 of 16/07/1997 (weblink1), • 2) Ustawa z dnia 14 czerwca 1960 r. Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego (Code of Administrative Procedure), of 14.06.1960, Dziennik Ustaw nr 2000/98/1071 of 17/11/2000 (weblink2), • 3) Ustawa z dnia 6 września 2001r. o dostępie do informacji publicznej (Act on Access to Public Information) of 06/09/2001, Dziennik Ustaw of 08/10/2001 (weblink3), • 4) Amendment to Act on Access to Public Information by Act of 16 September 2011 (weblink4). |
Keywords | Public Sector Information (PSI), re-use, open data |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
National implementation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | Ley 18/2015 modifica la Ley 37/2007 |
Name | Reutilización de la información del sector público. |
Description | This law aims to basic regulation of the legal regime applicable to the re-use of documents produced or held by the authorities and public sector bodies.Reuse means the use of documents held by the authorities and public sector organizations, by individuals or legal, commercial or noncommercial purposes, provided such use does not constitute a public administrative activity. |
Keywords | Reultilización, reuse, Directiva 2013/37/UE, PSI Directive Transposition, sector público, public sector, open data |
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Name : Fernando Rodriguez Amor |
National implementation | |
Country | Sweden |
ID | SFS 2010:566 |
Name | Lag (2010:566) om vidareutnyttjande av handlingar från den offentliga förvaltningen |
Description | The purpose of the Act is to promote the development of a information market by facilitating the individual's use of documentation provided by the authorities. |
Keywords | PSI directive |
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National implementation | |
Country | France |
ID | Ordinance n°2005-650 |
Name | Liberté d'accès aux documents administratifs et à la réutilisation des informations publiques |
Description | - |
Keywords | Freedom of access to the administrative documents, public information |
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Name : B.Fournier-Schmitt |
National implementation | |
Country | France |
ID | Ordonnance n° 2010-1232 du 21 octobre 2010 |
Name | Dispositions d'adaptation au droit de l'Union européenne en matière d'environnement |
Description | - |
Keywords | Environment |
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Name : B.Fournier-Schmitt |
National implementation | |
Country | France |
ID | Loi n° 2004-801 du 6 août 2004 |
Name | Protection des personnes physiques à l'égard des traitements de données à caractère personnel |
Description | - |
Keywords | Individual liberty, personal data, data protection, private life, informatics |
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Name : B.Fournier-Schmitt |
National implementation | |
Country | France |
ID | Loi n° 98-536 du 1 juillet 1998 |
Name | Loi portant transposition dans le code de la propriété intellectuelle de la directive 96/9 |
Description | - |
Keywords | Intellectual property, data protection, |
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Name : B.Fournier-Schmitt |
National implementation | |
Country | France |
ID | Loi n°2011-12 du 5 janvier 2011 |
Name | Loi portant diverses dispositions d'adaptation de la législation au droit de l'UE |
Description | - |
Keywords | Single Market, free provision of services, single point of contact, freedom of establishment |
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Name : B.Fournier-Schmitt |
National implementation | |
Country | France |
ID | Ordonnance n° 2008-507 du 30 mai 2008 |
Name | Ordonnance portant transposition de la directive reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles |
Description | - |
Keywords | professional qualifications, regulated professions |
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Name : B.Fournier-Schmitt |
National implementation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl. I Nr 135/2005 |
Name | Informationsweiterverwendungsgesetz - IWG |
Description | This Federal law regulates the legal framework for commercial and non-commercial use of public sector information made available for re-use by federal public authorities. Additionally there are nine different regional laws regulating the re-use of information from regional public authorities. |
Keywords | re-use public sector information |
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Country | Germany |
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Country | The Netherlands |
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Country | Albania |
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Country | Bulgaria |
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Country | Croatia |
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Country | Cyprus |
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Country | Czech Republik |
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Country | Denmark |
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Country | Estonia |
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Country | Finland |
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Country | Hungary |
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Country | Iceland |
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Country | Ireland |
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Country | Italy |
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Country | Latvia |
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Country | Lithuania |
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Country | Luxembourg |
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Country | Moldova |
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Country | North Macedonia |
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Country | Norway |
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Country | Portugal |
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Country | Republic of Kosovo |
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Country | Republic of Serbia |
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Country | Russian Federation |
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Country | Slovakia |
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Country | Switzerland |
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Country | Türkiye |
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EU Directive | |
ID | Directive 2007/2/EC establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) |
Name | INSPIRE Directive |
Description | The INSPIRE Directive in May 2007, established an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe to support Community environmental policies, and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment. INSPIRE is based on the infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by the 27 Member States of the European Union. The Directive addresses 34 spatial data themes needed for environmental applications, with key components specified through technical implementing rules. This makes INSPIRE a unique example of a legislative “regional” approach. To ensure that the spatial data infrastructures of the Member States are compatible and usable in a Community and transboundary context, the Directive requires that common Implementing Rules (IR) are adopted in a number of specific areas (Metadata, Data Specifications, Network Services, Data and Service Sharing and Monitoring and Reporting). These IRs are adopted as Commission Decisions or Regulations, and are binding in their entirety. The Commission is assisted in the process of adopting such rules by a regulatory committee composed of representatives of the Member States and chaired by a representative of the Commission (this is known as the Comitology procedure). |
Keywords | EU Directive, INSPIRE, Spatial Infrastructure |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
National implementation | |
Country | Romania |
ID | Government of Romania - Ordinance no. 4/2010 of January 20, 2010 regarding the establishment National infrastructures for information spaces in Romania |
Name | National Agency of Cadaster and Land Book (ANCPI) |
Description | ANCPI coordinates the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive at the national level. It collects data from all Ministries and National Agencies that provide cartographic data. A Council of the National Infrastructure for Spatial Information was established in Romania, hereinafter referred to as the INIS Council, a structure without legal personality, made up of representatives of public authorities. A national INIS portal managed by ANCPI and the Ministry of Environment and Forests was created. |
Keywords | Spatial Data, Cartography, Database, INIS |
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Name : Cornel Paunescu |
National implementation | |
Country | Finland |
ID | 12.6.2009/421 |
Name | Laki paikkatietoinfrastruktuurista |
Description | - |
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Name : Paavo Häikiö |
National implementation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Law 3882/2010 FEK 166A |
Name | National Infrastructure for Geospatial Information - Compliance with Directive 2007/2/EC (INSPIRE) |
Description | Law 3882/2010 FEK 166A on the creation of the National Geospatial Information Infrastructure (EVGEP) is the law that transposes the INSPIRE Directive. The Law was adopted on September 22, 2010 and aims to ensure equal access to geospatial data and services for all citizens and Public Administration. The law sets up a new administrative structure and structure for management of geoinformation in Greece: a) it establishes the National Committee for Geo-information (HNC) as the supreme political body responsible for the design of the National Policy for Geo-information and National Interoperability Framework for Geo-Information and Services (NIFGIS). b) it appoints the Hellenic Mapping and Cadastral Organization (HEMCO (OKXE)) as the executive and operational authority for the development and operation of the NSDI; c) it defines the establishment of a permanent steering committee called Focal Points of Contact (KOSE) in each Ministry, Decentralized Administration, Region and Municipality. |
Keywords | INSPIRE, Greece |
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Name : Konstantina Mangina |
National implementation | |
Country | Republic of Serbia |
ID | No. 72/09, 18/10 |
Name | The Law on State Survey and Cadastre |
Description | INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC of the establishment of the infrastructure for geospatial information within the European Community was partially transposed in Republic of Serbia through the provisions of the The Law on State Survey and Cadastre Act ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 72/09, 18/10). The current approach to geodatabase sharing and the use of services is reflected in: Certain data is available to other state institutions free of charge; A wider set of data is sold in accordance with regulations; Data available on the Internet is free for inspection. Access to network services is provided through a geoportal in accordance with the INSPIRE Directive (Directive 2007/2 / EC). Geoportals in practical use as a means of reviewing and sharing distributed spatial data and services, which contribute to the development of NIGPs on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, can be considered in their importance as: national, regional and local. |
Keywords | data available on the Internet, free for inspection, geoportals |
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Name : Tijana Milinkovic |
National implementation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 8/10 |
Name | Zakon o infrastrukturi za prostorske informacije (ZIPI) |
Description | This Act sets out the rules for the establishment and provision of infrastructure for spatial information in the Republic of Slovenia. |
Keywords | infrastructure, spatial information |
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Name : Grilc M. |
National implementation | |
Country | United Kingdom |
ID | SI 2009 No 3157 and SSI 2009 No 440 |
Name | UK INSPIRE Regulations |
Description | To implement INSPIRE in the UK separate but broadly consistent regulations covering England, Northern Ireland and Wales; (SI 2009 No 3157) and Scotland (SSI 2009 No 440) came into effect on 31 December 2009. The INSPIRE (Amendment) Regulations 2012 continue the transposition into UK law of INSPIRE. The Amendment Regulations came into effect on 1 August 2012. The INSPIRE (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2012 came into effect on 23 November 2012. An informal consolidated text of the England, Northern Ireland and Wales INSPIRE Regulations can be read here The INSPIRE (Amendment) Regulations 2012 update the INSPIRE Regulations 2009 to take account of technical Implementing Rules made by the European Commission since the INSPIRE Directive was made. Further amending Statutory Instruments will be introduced to complete transposition as new EC Implementing Rules are made. An Impact Assessment for implementation of INSPIRE in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is available as part of the Explanatory Memorandum which accompanies the INSPIRE Regulations 2009. All EU Member States are required annually in May to submit to the European Commission a monitoring report with details of available datasets. The UK's most recent monitoring report can be found at |
Keywords | EU Directive, INSPIRE, Spatial Data Infrastructure |
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Name : Duncan Moss and James Kavanagh |
National implementation | |
Country | Slovakia |
ID | Law No. 03/2010 |
Name | Zakon o narodnej infrastrukture pre priestorove informacie. |
Description | Establishment of National Infrastructure for Spatial Information for managing and decision-making in the state and public sector. Coordination. Field of activity of Ministry for Environment of Slovak Republic and for Slovak Environment Inspection. Rights and duties of officials, legal and natural persons. National Geoportal. Responsibility in case of infringment of this law |
Keywords | Spatial information infrastructure. Ministry for Environment of Slovak Republic and for Slovak Environment Inspection. Rights and duties. National Geoportal. Responsibility |
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Name : Jan Hardos |
National implementation | |
Country | Moldova |
ID | - |
Name | Law on National Spatial Data Infrastructure (Draft) |
Description | Development of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) according to INSPIRE Directive and ISO/TC211 standards as a physical, organizational, and virtual network designed to enable the development and sharing of digital geographic information resources. The scope of NSDI is enabling users to identify and access spatial information acquired from different sources, from local, via national to European level, in a comprehensive manner. NSDI activities are administered by the Land Relation and Cadastre Agency. |
Keywords | NSDI, ISO/TC211 standards, digital geographic information, spatial information |
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Name : Vasile Chiriac |
National implementation | |
Country | Belgium |
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Description | The construction of Belgium implies that the transposition of the INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC took place on both a federal level as well as on the level of the federate entities. The Directive was transposed into laws, royal decrees and decrees and provides a legal framework for spatial information in Europe to support Community environmental policies, and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment. |
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Name : Wim Broes |
National implementation | |
Country | Poland |
ID | 2007/2/EC |
Name | Dyrektywa Inspire |
Description | Poland, as an EU member state, has been obliged to make its input to the great undertaking defined by the directive. The Polish input consists of building in the territory of Poland the spatial information infrastructure, making up a part of the European infrastructure, and suited to the jointly developed and approved principles and standards. The first significant achievement in that respect has been the Act on spatial information infrastructure (SII Act), passed by the Polish Parliament, which makes up the transposition of the INSPIRE Directive, adjusted to Polish conditions, which has been in force since June, 2010r. In accordance with Inspire Directive’s assumptions Surveyor General of Poland establishes and maintains the geoportal of spatial information infrastructure as its central access point, in the full thematic and territorial range of the infrastructure |
Keywords | Spatial Data, INSPIRE, Spatial Infrastructure |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
National implementation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | Ley 2/2018, de 23 de mayo, modifica la Ley 14/2010, de 5 de julio, sobre las infraestructuras y los servicios de información geográfica en España |
Name | LISIGE |
Description | This law aims to complement the organization of geographic information services and establish general rules for the establishment of Spatial Data Infrastructures in Spain (SDIS) intended to facilitate the implementation of policies based on geographic information by the Public Administrations and the access and use of this information, especially environmental policies and policies or activities which may influence it. It will be based on the infrastructure and interoperable services of the public sector administrations and organizations of Spain, having to ensure the access to their nodes and the interoperability between them. |
Keywords | INSPIRE, LISIGE transposition, Spatial Data Infrastructure of Spain, Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de España, |
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Name : Fernando Rodriguez Amor |
National implementation | |
Country | Sweden |
ID | SFS 2010:1767, SFS 2010:1770 |
Name | Lag om geografisk miljöinformation, Förordning om geografisk miljöinformation |
Description | Act and related regulation states that in Sweden should be an infrastructure with an integrated system for access to and exchange of geographic information that has electronic form and is useful for activities and actions can affect human health or the environment. |
Keywords | Inspire, Spatial Data Infrastructure, Geodata |
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National implementation | |
Country | Croatia |
ID | Narodne novine 56/13 |
Name | Zakon o Nacionalnoj infrastrukturi prostornih podataka (National Spatial Data Infrastructure Act) |
Description | National Spatial Data Infrastructure Act regulates the establishment, maintenance and development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter: NSDI), as well as the establishment of the NSDI bodies. This Act contains provisions in accordance with the following European Union document: Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing spatial data infrastructure in the European Community (INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe, hereinafter: INSPIRE Directive). |
Keywords | National Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Republic of Croatia |
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Name : Ivan Remeta |
National implementation | |
Country | Denmark |
ID | LBK nr. 1331 af 19/12/2008 |
Name | Infrastructure for Spatial Information Act |
Description | With the Infrastructure for Spatial Information Act Denmark has rules that allow us to find, assemble and display spatial data, so they can quickly and easily be used to meet various purposes. The law is based on the INSPIRE directive's rules, principles and associated guidelines. The law must ensure the implementation of the Directive in Denmark and the principles of law can be widely used in the national spatial data infrastructure. INSPIRE principles is not only useful for spatial information, but can also be used as a basis for development of public data collections and the associated digital infrastructure. The Act also aims to strengthen the framework for the national spatial data infrastructure and the connection to e-government. INSPIRE will particularly make himself useful in two main contexts: Digital management in general and environmental management specifically. |
Keywords | INSPIRE |
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Name : Torben Juulsager |
National implementation | |
Country | Malta |
ID | Directive 2007/2/EC |
Name | MITA - Malta Information Technology Agency |
Description | The INSPIRE Directive in May 2007, established an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe to support Community environmental policies, and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment. INSPIRE is based on the infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by the 27 Member States of the European Union. The Directive addresses 34 spatial data themes needed for environmental applications, with key components specified through technical implementing rules. This makes INSPIRE a unique example of a legislative “regional” approach. To ensure that the spatial data infrastructures of the Member States are compatible and usable in a Community and transboundary context, the Directive requires that common Implementing Rules (IR) are adopted in a number of specific areas (Metadata, Data Specifications, Network Services, Data and Service Sharing and Monitoring and Reporting). These IRs are adopted as Commission Decisions or Regulations, and are binding in their entirety. The Commission is assisted in the process of adopting such rules by a regulatory committee composed of representatives of the Member States and chaired by a representative of the Commission (this is known as the Comitology procedure). |
Keywords | Inspire Malta |
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Name : Michelle Camilleri |
National implementation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl. I Nr. 14/2010 |
Name | Geodateninfrastrukturgesetz (GeoDIG) |
Description | This law establishes a framework for a federal spatial information infrastructure for environmental policies and other political and measures and activities which can have direct or indirect impacts on the environment. Additionally there are nine regional laws establishing such infrastructure on the level of each federal state of Austria. |
Keywords | spatial information infrastructure |
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National implementation | |
Country | Germany |
ID | 17 INSPIRE laws (federal and state level) |
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National implementation | |
Country | Ireland |
ID | S.I. No. 382 of 2010 |
Name | Statutory Instrument No. 382 of 2010 |
Description | S.I. No. 382/2010 — European Communities (Establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)) Regulations, 2010. Citiation and Commencement 1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the European Communities (Establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)) Regulations, 2010. (2) These Regulations shall come into operation on 1 August 2010. Purpose and Application 2. (1) These Regulations shall provide for the establishment in the State of an infrastructure for spatial information in accordance with the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive. |
Keywords | statutory instrument Inspire directive Ireland |
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Name : M. de Buitléir |
National implementation | |
Country | The Netherlands |
ID | Stb. 2009, 310 |
Name | Implementatiewet EG-richtlijn infrastructuur ruimtelijke informatie |
Description | This bill seeks to implement in Dutch law of Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union of 14 March 2007 establishing an "infrastructure for spatial information in the Community" (INSPIRE). This EC Directive aims to harmonize the disclosure of spatial data by public organizations for environmental policy and the establishment of an infrastructure for access to these databases. The obligation to provide data exchange between authorities is strictly independent of the obligation to harmonize and develop the technical infrastructure. |
Keywords | INSPIRE, Netherlands |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
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Country | Albania |
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Country | Bulgaria |
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Country | Cyprus |
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Country | Czech Republik |
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Country | Estonia |
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Country | France |
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Country | Hungary |
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Country | Iceland |
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Country | Italy |
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Country | Latvia |
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Country | Lithuania |
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Country | Luxembourg |
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Country | North Macedonia |
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Country | Norway |
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Country | Portugal |
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Country | Republic of Kosovo |
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Country | Russian Federation |
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Country | Switzerland |
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Country | Türkiye |
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EU Directive | |
ID | Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data |
Name | General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) |
Description | The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas. It protects the privacy and integrity of data held on individuals by businesses and other organisations and ensures that individuals (customers and employees) have access to their data and can correct it, if necessary. The GDPR sets out seven principles for the lawful processing of personal data. Processing includes the collection, organisation, structuring, storage, alteration, consultation, use, communication, combination, restriction, erasure or destruction of personal data. |
Keywords | EU Regulation, Processing Personal Data |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
National implementation | |
Country | Romania |
ID | Law no. 190/2018 on measures to implement Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and its repeal of Directive 95/46/CE (General Data Protection Regulation) |
Name | The National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data (ANSPDCP) |
Description | The National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data, as an autonomous central public authority with general competence in the field of personal data protection, represents the guarantor of respect for the fundamental rights to private life and the protection of personal data, established especially by art. 7 and 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, art. 16 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and of art. 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The activity of the institution is subject to the requirements of compliance with the rules of personal data processing in the public and private environment, in order to achieve the desired of ensuring a real exercise of the right to data protection of all natural persons. |
Keywords | Personal Data, Data Protection, Human Rights |
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Name : Cornel Paunescu |
National implementation | |
Country | Finland |
ID | 523/1999 |
Name | Henkilötietolaki - Personal Data Act |
Description | The objectives of this Act are to implement, in the processing of personal data, the protection of private life and the other basic rights which safeguard the right to privacy, as well as to promote the development of and compliance with good processing practice. |
Keywords | Personal data, Index of individuals |
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Name : Paavo Häikiö |
National implementation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | L. 2472/1997 |
Name | Law 2472/1997 Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data |
Description | Data protection in Greece is primarily founded in law 2472/1997 Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data, which harmonized the Greek legislation with Directive 95/46/EC. This law sets out the obligations of those who process personal data and the respective rights of those to whom the data processing relates. The same Law also provides for the establishment of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (HDPA). The law 2472/1997 has been amended by the law 3471/2006 Protection of personal data and privacy in the electronic telecommunications sector and amendment of law 2472/1997. |
Keywords | Processing of Personal Data, Greece |
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Name : Konstantina Mangina |
National implementation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 94/2007 |
Name | Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-1-UPB1) |
Description | This Act lays down the rights, obligations, principles and measures to prevent unconstitutional, unlawful and unjustified intrusion into the privacy and dignity of individuals when processing personal data. |
Keywords | privacy, personal data |
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Name : Grilc M. |
National implementation | |
Country | Malta |
ID | Data Protection Act (CAP 440) |
Name | Office of the Information and Data Protection Commissioner |
Description | The Data Protection Act (Cap.440 of the Laws of Malta) transposes Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995, on the protection of individuals with regards to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. It was completely brought into effect on 15 July 2003. Directive 2002/58/EC concerning the processing of personal data in the electronic communications sector, was transposed under both the Data Protection Act and the Electronic Communications Act by virtue of LN 16 of 2003 (as amended) and LN 19 of 2003 respectively. This legislation is also in conformity with the Convention of the Council of Europe for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of personal data (ETS NO 108) which was ratified by in February 2003. The main objectives of the law are twofold: the regulation of data controllers, the persons to determine the purposes and means of processing, who are obliged to process the personal data in accordance with inter alia the requirements and criteria established by law; the protection of privacy rights of an individual, including the right to information, the right of access and the right to rectify, block or erase personal data not processed in accordance with the Act. |
Keywords | data protection malta |
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Name : Michelle Camilleri |
National implementation | |
Country | Slovakia |
ID | Law No. 122/2013 |
Name | Zakon c.122/2013 Z.z. o ochrane osobných údajov |
Description | Protection of rights of physical persons during management and processing of their personal data. Rights, duties and responsibility during processing of this data. Status, field of activities and organisation of Protection of Personal Data Authority of Slovak republic. |
Keywords | Definition. Principle of managing and processing. Permission of physical person. Security of data. Registration and record of Information systems. Supervision. |
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Name : Mr.Jan Hardos |
National implementation | |
Country | Belgium |
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Description | Status of legislative procedure • Consolidated text of the Belgian law of December 8, 1992 on Privacy Protection in relation to the Processing of Personal Data • Modified by the implementation law of December 11, 1998 (O.J. 3.2.1999) • Secondary legislation adopted on 13 February 2001 and published in the Official Journal of 13 March 2001. • Entry into force: 01.09.2001 (exception for information when the data were not collected from the data subject, then three years more). |
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Name : Wim Broes |
National implementation | |
Country | Poland |
ID | 95/46/EC (Dz.U. 1997 nr 133 poz. 883) |
Name | Ochrona danych osobowych |
Description | The Polish Act on Personal Data Protection of the 29 August 1997, which implemented Directive 95/46/EC, was the first dedicated legislation in this area. Its introduction signaled an increasing interest in the rights of individual citizens that has accompanied the progressive democratization of public life in Poland. This is also reflected in Articles 47 and 51 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Article 47 ensures the legal protection of the private and family life of citizens. Article 51 limits the circumstances in which the state can gather the personal data, and confers basic rights upon citizens, for instance the right to access. |
Keywords | personal data, data protection, protection of privacy, processing personal data |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
National implementation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales. |
Name | Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal |
Description | The object of this Act is to ensure and protect, with regard to the processing of personal data, public freedoms and fundamental rights of physical persons, and especially their honor and personal and family privacy. |
Keywords | Protección de datos, Personal data protection. |
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Name : Fernando Rodriguez Amor |
National implementation | |
Country | Sweden |
ID | SFS 1998:204 |
Name | Personuppgiftslag (1998:204) |
Description | The purpose of the law is to protect people from having their privacy violated by treating personal data. |
Keywords | personal data protection |
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National implementation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl. I Nr. 133/2009 |
Name | Datenschutzgesetz 2000 (DSG 2000) |
Description | This law establishes a constitutional right for the protection of personal data. It contains definitions, rules about the use of personal data and about necessary safety measures and rules about control and protection procedures. Additionally there are regional laws about data protection. |
Keywords | personal data protection |
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National implementation | |
Country | Ireland |
ID | Data Prot. Act 1988, (Amendment) 2003 |
Name | Data Protection Act 1988 as amended by the Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2003 |
Keywords | Data protection act Ireland |
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Name : M. de Buitléir |
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Country | The Netherlands |
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Country | Albania |
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Country | Bulgaria |
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Country | Croatia |
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Country | Cyprus |
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Country | Czech Republik |
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Country | Denmark |
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Country | Estonia |
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Country | Hungary |
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Country | Iceland |
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Country | Italy |
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Country | Latvia |
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Country | Lithuania |
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Country | Luxembourg |
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Country | Moldova |
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Country | North Macedonia |
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Country | Norway |
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Country | Portugal |
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Country | Republic of Kosovo |
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Country | Republic of Serbia |
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Country | Russian Federation |
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Country | Switzerland |
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Country | Türkiye |
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Country | Ukraine |
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Country | United Kingdom |
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EU Directive | |
ID | Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of databases |
Name | Database Directive |
Description | The Directive on the legal protection of Databases was adopted in February 1996. The Directive created a new exclusive “sui generis” right for database producers, valid for 15 years, to protect their investment of time, money and effort, irrespective of whether the database is in itself innovative (“non-original” databases). The Directive harmonised also copyright law applicable to the structure and arrangement of the contents of databases (“original” databases). The Directive’s provisions apply to both analogue and digital databases. It was amended by Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and amending Directives 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC |
Keywords | EU Directive, Protection, Databases |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
National implementation | |
Country | Romania |
ID | Law no. 8/1996, of Copyright |
Name | Romanian Copyright Office (ORDA) |
Description | In Romania, copyright law is defined by the Law No. 8/1996 on authors rights and related rights, as republished in 2018, which currently implements European copyright law (directives). Copyright is acquired irrespective of formalities, and normally belongs to the natural person/s who created the protected work. A protected work is created if the work is the author's own intellectual creation. Like other EU civil law jurisdictions, Romanian copyright law recognises two types of rights: moral rights and patrimonial rights. |
Keywords | Copyright, Plagiarism, Creation |
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Name : Cornel Paunescu |
National implementation | |
Country | Finland |
ID | 3.4.1998 / 250 |
Name | Tekijänoikeuslaki - Copyright Act |
Description | Database directive is implemented in Finland on the modification of Copyright Act 1998. |
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Name : Paavo Häikiö |
National implementation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | L. 2819/2000, 2121/1993 |
Name | L. 2819/2000 Article 7 |
Description | Directive 96/9 on the legal protection of databases was implemented in Greece by specific legal provisions (art. 7 of Law 2819/2000). The Law 2819/2000 relates to the Establishment of the Company “Olympic Village 2004 S.A.”, protection of Olympic Symbols and Marks and other Provisions. Article 7 of the Law 2819/2000 is entitled “Harmonisation with the Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1998 on the legal protection of databases and other provisions” available in the database as: "Copyright (Databases), Directive, 11/03/1996, No. 96/9". This Act amends the Law 2121/1993 on Copyright and Related Rights (“The Copyright Act” or “the GCA”). According to the Greek Ministry of Culture, the Directive entered into force on 15 March 2000. |
Keywords | Legal Protection, Database, Greece |
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Name : Konstantina Mangina |
National implementation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 16/2007 |
Name | Zakon o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah (ZASP) |
Description | This law regulates the rights of authors in their works of literature, science and art (copyright), rights of performers, phonogram producers, film producers, radio and television (RTV) organizations and publishers, and individual and collective administration of copyright and related rights. |
Keywords | rights of authors, copyright |
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Name : Grilc M. |
National implementation | |
Country | Malta |
ID | Directive 96/9/EC |
Name | Database Directive |
Description | The Directive on the legal protection of Databases was adopted in February 1996. The Directive created a new exclusive “sui generis” right for database producers, valid for 15 years, to protect their investment of time, money and effort, irrespective of whether the database is in itself innovative (“non-original” databases). The Directive harmonised also copyright law applicable to the structure and arrangement of the contents of databases (“original” databases). The Directive’s provisions apply to both analogue and digital databases. |
Keywords | EU Directive, Protection, Databases |
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Name : Michelle Camilleri |
National implementation | |
Country | Belgium |
ID | - |
Name | MB 10 August 1998 |
Description | The law of August 10, 1998 transposes the European Database Directive into Belgian law. |
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Name : Wim Broes |
National implementation | |
Country | Poland |
ID | 96/9/WE (Dz. U. 2001 nr 128 poz. 1402) |
Name | Dyrektywa w sprawie ochrony prawnej baz danych |
Description | The Act on the protection of databases of 27 July 2001 (Journal of Laws 2001 No. 128 pos.1402) adjusts Polish Law to the Directive of the European Parliament and Council 96/9/EC of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of Databases. The database defined in the Act means a set of data or any other materials and items collected according to a specific taxonomy or methods, individually available in any way, including by electronic means, requiring significant qualitative or quantitative investment effort in order to produce, verify or present its content. The producer of a database is the person who bears the risk of investment of creating the database. The Act implements the principle of transferability of rights to databases. The Act defines the rights of the producer of the database, the duration of protection of the database and appropriate legal measures to protect the database. The Act determines that the protection extended to databases does not include computer programs used for their preparation or servicing. The Act is intended to confer databases that are not writing within the meaning of the Act of 4 February 1999 on copyright and related rights, special protection regardless of their form and content. |
Keywords | protection of databases, protection, database, directive 96/9/WE |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
National implementation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 5568 - LEY 5/1998, de 6 de marzo y Ley Orgánica 3/2018 |
Name | Protección Jurídica de las Bases de Datos, Protección de Datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales |
Description | This law is divided into three chapters dedicated to copyright, sui generis right and other provisions. This text consists of seven articles, two repeal provisions and a last unique provision. The separation between copyright and sui generis right is necessary because of the existing differences. On the one hand, the copyright of the database is recognized when the selection or disposal of its contents constitutes intellectual creation, without prejudice any rights subsisting in those contents. The element of originality is required to apply copyright protection. On the other hand, sui generis right affects to the maker of the database, ensuring the protection of a qualitative or quantitative substantial inversion, and it is applied independently from copyright. |
Keywords | Database Legal Protection, Proteccion Juridica de Bases de Datos, Derechos de autor, |
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Name : Fernando Rodriguez Amor |
National implementation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl. I Nr. 25/1998 |
Name | Urheberrechtsgesetz (UrhG) |
Description | The directive was implemented by a change of the copyright law in 1998, when special regulations for databases were included which regulate their protection. The law regulates all aspects of the protection of copyright / intellectual property. |
Keywords | copyright protection database |
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National implementation | |
Country | Ireland |
ID | CRRA 2000 |
Name | The Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000 |
Keywords | copyright database act Ireland |
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Name : M. de Buitléir |
National implementation | |
Country | The Netherlands |
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Country | Albania |
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Country | Bulgaria |
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Country | Croatia |
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Country | Cyprus |
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Country | Czech Republik |
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Country | Denmark |
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Country | Estonia |
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Country | France |
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Country | Germany |
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Country | Hungary |
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Country | Iceland |
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Country | Italy |
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Country | Latvia |
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Country | Lithuania |
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Country | Luxembourg |
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Country | Moldova |
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Country | North Macedonia |
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Country | Norway |
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Country | Portugal |
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Country | Republic of Kosovo |
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Country | Republic of Serbia |
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Country | Russian Federation |
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Country | Slovakia |
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Country | Sweden |
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Country | Switzerland |
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Country | Türkiye |
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Country | Ukraine |
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Country | United Kingdom |
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EU Directive | |
ID | Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications |
Name | Free movement of professionals |
Description | With Directive 2005/36/EC the EU has reformed the system for recognition of professional qualifications, in order to help make labour markets more flexible, further liberalise the provision of services, encourage more automatic recognition of qualifications, and simplify administrative procedures. On 20 October 2007 it has replaced fifteen existing Directives in the field of the recognition of professional qualifications. It was amended by Directive 2013/55/EU amending Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications and Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 on administrative cooperation through the Internal Market Information. This amendment introduced a number of new features to further enhance mobility such as the professional card, partial access to professions and Common Training Principles. |
Keywords | EU Directive, Professional Qualification, Recognition |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
National implementation | |
Country | Romania |
ID | The National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas from the Romanian Ministry of National Education |
Name | Law no. 200/2004 regarding the recognition of diplomas and professional qualifications for professions regulated by Romania |
Description | The procedure for the recognition of professional qualifications in order to practice a regulated profession in Romania requires the adoption by the competent Romanian authority of a compensatory measure, such as an adaptation internship not exceeding 3 years or the passing of an aptitude test or a difference exam. This stage is required if the applicant's training concerns theoretical or practical fields substantially different from those required in Romania for obtaining the higher education diploma. The persons who benefit from the recognition of their professional qualifications must have knowledge of the Romanian language to the extent that they are necessary for the exercise of the respective profession. In topography, the profession is recognized by Order 107/2010 of the Director of the National Cadastre and Book Registration Agency. |
Keywords | Profession, Specialist, Diploma Recognition, Certificate |
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Name : Cornel Paunescu |
National implementation | |
Country | Poland |
ID | 2005/36/EC (Dz. U. 2008 nr 53 poz. 394) |
Name | Dyrektywa w sprawie uznawania kwalifikacji zawodowych |
Description | Directive 2005/36/EC aims to enable every citizen of the European Union to get recognition of his professional qualifications or activity in a Member State other than that in which he acquired his professional qualifications. Directive 2005/36/EC has been implemented into the Polish legal order by the Act of 18 March 2008 on the recognition of professional qualifications acquired in the Member States of the European Union (Journal of Laws 2008 No. 53, pos. 394). If a profession is regulated in Poland a person who has acquired qualifications in another Member State needs them to be officially recognized. Similarly, the recognition is necessary if a person has acquired qualifications in Poland and intends to work in another Member State, in a profession that is regulated there. In the case of professions that are not regulated the decision of hiring an employee with qualifications obtained in another Member State of the European Community is taken by the employer. Polish Information Centre for Professional Recognition is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education - Department of Supervision and Organization of Higher Education. |
Keywords | recognition of qualifications, regulated profession, Directive 2005/36/EC |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
National implementation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | P.D. 38/25.05.2010 (GG 78), Part I, Articles 1-4 |
Name | Προσαρμογή ελληνικής νομοθεσίας στην Οδηγία 2005/36/ΕΚ - αναγνώριση των επαγγελματικών προσόντων |
Description | Directive 2005/36/EC on the free movement of professionals has been incorporated into the Greek legislation by the Presidential Decree (PD) 38/25.05.2010 (GG 78). The objective of this PD is to establish regulations according to which the professional qualifications acquired in one or more EU Member States are being recognized and give to the holder the right to pursue his/her profession in a self-employed or employed capacity. These regulations apply for adopting and pursuing regulated professions. This PD comprises of the relevant terminology in Greek; the principle of the free provision of services, while the service providers that are excluded are also stated; the freedom of establishment is described and the professional qualifications are grouped into levels; the requirements regarding the recognition of professional experience are defined; the recognition on the basis of coordination of minimum training conditions. Specifications are given for the training of doctors, nurses, dentists, veterinaries, midwives, pharmacists & architects. Additionally, rules are defined for pursuing the profession; the administrative cooperation between the Member States and the responsibility of the implementation are presented. Last but not least, Annexes are attached, where additional information are presented better explaining the recognized professional qualifications. |
Keywords | Greece, EU Directive, free movement, professionals |
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Name : Eftychia Kalogianni |
National implementation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 77/2010 |
Name | Zakon o geodetski dejavnosti (ZGeoD-1) |
Description | ZGeoD-1 defines Land surveying activities and specifies the conditions for the provision of these activities. It provides surveying job and the organization and execution of tasks surveying services, regulates the issuing and use of geodetic data, inspection and control and other issues associated with surveying activity. |
Keywords | Land surveying activities, geodetic data, surveying activity |
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Name : Grilc M. |
National implementation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 39/16 |
Name | Zakon o postopku priznavanja poklicnih kvalifikacij za opravljanje reguliranih poklicev (ZPPPK) |
Description | This Act regulates the procedure for the recognition of professional qualifications acquired in the Member States of the European Union, European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation for the provision of regulated professions in the Republic of Slovenia for partial access to the regulated professions and the recognition of training done in another Contracting State, and provides bodies that manage this process, in accordance with the following EU directives. |
Keywords | professional qualifications, |
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Name : Grilc M. |
National implementation | |
Country | Malta |
ID | Directive 2005/36/EC |
Name | Free movement of professionals |
Description | With Directive 2005/36/EC the EU has reformed the system for recognition of professional qualifications, in order to help make labour markets more flexible, further liberalise the provision of services, encourage more automatic recognition of qualifications, and simplify administrative procedures. On 20 October 2007, at the end of the transposition period, this Directive has replaced fifteen existing Directives in the field of the recognition of professional qualifications, providing the first comprehensive modernisation of the EU system since its introduction over 40 years ago. |
Keywords | EU Directive, Free Movement, Professionals |
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Name : Michelle Camilleri |
National implementation | |
Country | Slovakia |
ID | Laws No.293/2007, 215/1995, 216/1995 |
Name | Zakony c.293/2007 o uznavani odbornych kvalifikacis, plus specificke parag. v 215/1995 a 216/1995 |
Description | Law No.293/2007 about Recognition of Professional Qualification is a general law for regulated professions without specificic law dealing with particular profession.Law No. 215/1995 about Geodesy and Cartography and Law No.216/1995 about Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers includes apart from other also some speciphic articles dealing with recognition of professional qualification for geodetic surveyors comming to Slovakia from member states. Recognition of diplomas, Rrecognition of professional qualification, Single points of contact, Competent authorities, IMI system, etc. |
Keywords | Recognition of diplomas, Rrecognition of professional qualification, Single points of contact, Competent authorities, IMI system, |
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Name : Mr.Jan Hardos |
National implementation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 18702 - REAL DECRETO 1837/2008, de 8 de noviembre. Updated 2017. |
Name | Reconocimiento de Cualificaciones Profesionales |
Description | This Royal Decree is to establish the rules to permit access and pursuit of a regulated profession in Spain, through the recognition of professional qualifications obtained in one or other Member States of the European Union and allow the owner of pursuing the same profession.The "professional qualification" is the ability to access a particular profession, or exercise, which is officially accredited by a qualification, by formally recognized professional experience or by the participation of more than one of such circumstances. |
Keywords | Reconocimiento cualificación profesional, profesiones reguladas, regulated profession. |
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Name : Fernando Rodriguez Amor |
National implementation | |
Country | Croatia |
ID | Narodne novine 124/09, 45/11 |
Name | Zakon o reguliranim profesijama i priznavanju inozemnih stručnih kvalifikacija |
Description | The Act on Regulated Professions and Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications regulate the question of recognition of foreign professional qualifications in the Republic of Croatia for the purpose of establishment and free provision of services on a temporary and occasional basis in the Republic of Croatia on the basis of foreign professional qualifications. |
Keywords | regulated professions, recognition of foreign professional qualifications |
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Name : Ivan Remeta |
National implementation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl. Nr. 156/1994 |
Name | Zivltechnikergesetz (ZTG) |
Description | The directive was implemented by over 130 different federal and regional laws. The professional recognition (free movement) of Chartered Surveyors is regulated in the ZTG. For temporary cross border provision of services by authorized Chartered Surveyors established in another member states no registration is necessary. They have to provide information about their authorization / registration / insurance to their clients before the provision of the service. This information can be requested from the client by the public authorities. In cases of establishment Chartered Surveyors from other member states have to apply for recognition and get an authorization from the Federal Minister of Economy, Family and Youth. |
Keywords | professional recognition |
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Country | The Netherlands |
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Country | Albania |
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Country | Belgium |
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Country | Bulgaria |
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Country | Cyprus |
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Country | Czech Republik |
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Country | Denmark |
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Country | Estonia |
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Country | Finland |
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Country | France |
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Country | Germany |
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Country | Hungary |
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Country | Iceland |
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Country | Ireland |
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Country | Italy |
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Country | Latvia |
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Country | Lithuania |
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Country | Luxembourg |
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Country | Moldova |
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Country | North Macedonia |
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Country | Norway |
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Country | Portugal |
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Country | Republic of Kosovo |
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Country | Republic of Serbia |
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Country | Russian Federation |
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Country | Sweden |
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Country | Switzerland |
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Country | Türkiye |
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Country | Ukraine |
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Country | United Kingdom |
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EU Directive | |
ID | Directive 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market |
Name | Services Directive |
Description | The objective of the Services Directive is to release the untapped growth potential of services markets in Europe by removing legal and administrative barriers to trade in the services sector. The simplification measures foreseen by the Directive should significantly facilitate life and increase transparency for SMEs and consumers when they want to provide or use services in the single market.The Directive requires the Member States to simplify procedures and formalities that service providers need to comply with. In particular, it requires Member States to remove unjustified and disproportionate burdens and to substantially facilitate the establishment of a business and the cross-border provision of services. The Services Directive also strengthens the rights of recipients of services, which can be both consumers and businesses. For instance, it prohibits discriminatory conditions based on the nationality or residence of the service recipient, such as discriminatory tariffs. It also lays down a set of measures to promote a high quality of services and to enhance information and transparency relating to service providers and their services. |
Keywords | EU Directive, Services |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
National implementation | |
Country | Romania |
ID | Competition Council |
Name | Competition Law no. 21/1996, |
Description | The purpose of the law is to protect, maintain and stimulate competition and a normal competitive environment, in order to promote the interests of consumers. Apart from this law, there are regulations in various fields: energy, agriculture, natural resources, underground exploitation, etc. |
Keywords | Competition, Free Market, Unfair Competition |
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Name : Cornel Paunescu |
National implementation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 77/2010 |
Name | Zakon o geodetski dejavnosti (ZGeoD-1) |
Description | ZGeoD-1 defines Land surveying activities and specifies the conditions for the provision of these activities. It provides surveying job and the organization and execution of tasks surveying services, regulates the issuing and use of geodetic data, inspection and control and other issues associated with surveying activity. |
Keywords | Land surveying activities, geodetic data, surveying activity |
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Name : Grilc M. |
National implementation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 110/2002 |
Name | Zakon o graditvi objektov (ZGO-1) |
Description | This Act regulates the conditions for the construction of all facilities, provides the essential requirements and comply with them as regards the characteristics of objects, prescribes the ways of and conditions for carrying out activities in the field of construction, the organization and working area with two professional associations, regulates inspection supervision, establishes sanctions for offenses in the field of construction and regulates other issues related to the construction of buildings. The construction of the buildings under this Act comprises the design, construction and maintenance of the building. |
Keywords | construction of buildings, |
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Name : Grilc M. |
National implementation | |
Country | Poland |
ID | 2006/123/WE |
Name | Dyrektywa w sprawie usług, dyrektywa usługowa |
Description | The main act transposing the Services Directive into the Polish legal order is the Act on Provision of Services in the Territory of the Republic of Poland (PSA) of 4 March 2010 which came into force on 10 April 2010. The PSA is a legislative instrument which applies to all services, except for those explicitly excluded from its scope. Poland has taken a horizontal approach to implementing Article 16 of the Services Directive, as well as making additional amendments to existing law. Article 4(1) of PSA introduces a general rule that service providers from another Member State may temporarily provide services in the territory of Poland, without having to be entered in any business register. PSA also specifies that temporary provision of the service by service providers from another Member State may be subject to the requirement to obtain a certificate, concession, licence, authorisation, approval, entry in the register of regulated activity or to another appropriate register, if provisions of specific laws impose such obligation on the grounds of public policy, public security, protection of public health or the environment (Article 4(2)). Article 4(2) of PSAseems to be the basis for the Commission Staff Working Paper on the process of mutual evaluation of the Services Directive (CSWP/Services Directive) classification of Poland. |
Keywords | services directive |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
National implementation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Law 3844/2010 (GG 63) |
Name | Προσαρμογή της Οδηγίας 2006/123/ΕΚ, σχετικά με τις υπηρεσίες στην εσωτερική αγορά |
Description | Directive 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market has been incorporated into the Greek legislation by the Law 3844/2010 (GG 63). The Law concerns only providers established in a EU Member State and does not cover external aspects. The objective of this Law is to establish general provisions in order to facilitate free movement of services inside the European Community, while maintaining the high quality of services provided. In order to facilitate access to and exercise of service activities, the Law comprises of the following main parts: the definition of the relevant terminology and concepts in Greek, the determination of the services that this Directive applies for, as well as the services that are excluded, the simplification of the administrative procedures (right to information, procedures by electronic means, etc.), the freedom of establishment for providers (authorization schemes and procedures, etc.), the free movement of services, the determination of the quality of services, the administrative cooperation (mutual assistance and general obligations), the fees and penalties which may apply and the convergence program under which the Member States should cooperate. |
Keywords | Greece, EU Directive, free movement, services |
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Name : Eftychia Kalogianni |
National implementation | |
Country | Malta |
ID | Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) |
Name | Services (Internal Market) Act (Act 23 of 2009) |
Description | The EU Services Directive aims to eliminate barriers which hinder service providers' freedom of establishment throughout the EU. The directive will: simplify administrative procedures to make it easier for a service provider in one country to become established in another; prohibit particularly restrictive legal requirements; enforce certain principles, including non-discrimination on the grounds of nationality; improve competition. |
Keywords | Services Directive, Malta |
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Name : Michelle Camilleri |
National implementation | |
Country | Slovakia |
ID | Law No.136/2010 |
Name | Zakon c.136/2010 Z.z. o sluzbach na vnutornom trhu |
Description | Rights and duties of service providers. Rights of service recipients. Supervision over service providers. Single Points of Contact ' activity. Competent Authorities. Cooperation with other Member States. |
Keywords | right to establish service, cross-border service, protection of service recipients, |
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Name : Mr.Jan Hardos |
National implementation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 18731 - Ley 17/2009, de 23 de noviembre |
Name | Libre Acceso a las Actividades de Servicios y su Ejercicio. |
Description | This law aims to establish general provisions to facilitate the free establishment for service providers and the free provision of services, simplifying procedures and encouraging, at the same time, a high level of service quality and avoid the introduction of restrictions on the functioning of services markets that, according to the provisions of this law, are not justified or proportioned. |
Keywords | Open Acces Services, Libre Acceso a Servicios |
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Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
National implementation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl. I Nr. 100/2011 |
Name | Dienstleistungsgesetz |
Description | The directive was implemented by about 60 different federal and regional professional and other laws. The horizontal issues for services providers of all professions – such as the procedures of the points of single contact, the information duties for authorities and for the service provider and the cross border cooperation of authorities - are regulated in the “Dienstleistungsgesetz”. The requirements for the provision of services of Chartered Surveyors are regulated in the “Ziviltechnikergesetz” (see above implementation of Directive 2005/36/EC). |
Keywords | freedom of services |
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Country | The Netherlands |
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Country | Albania |
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Country | Belgium |
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Country | Bulgaria |
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Country | Croatia |
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Country | Cyprus |
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Country | Czech Republik |
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National implementation | |
Country | Denmark |
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National implementation | |
Country | Estonia |
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National implementation | |
Country | Finland |
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Country | France |
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National implementation | |
Country | Germany |
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National implementation | |
Country | Hungary |
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National implementation | |
Country | Iceland |
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National implementation | |
Country | Ireland |
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National implementation | |
Country | Italy |
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National implementation | |
Country | Latvia |
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Country | Lithuania |
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National implementation | |
Country | Luxembourg |
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Country | Moldova |
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National implementation | |
Country | North Macedonia |
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Country | Norway |
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Country | Portugal |
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Country | Republic of Kosovo |
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Country | Republic of Serbia |
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Country | Russian Federation |
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Country | Sweden |
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Country | Switzerland |
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Country | Türkiye |
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Country | Ukraine |
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Country | United Kingdom |
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