Legal framework / National legislation
The national legal framework and legislation
The national legislation and legal framework regarding the profession of the surveyor are listed by member state.
National legislation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 47/2006 |
Name | Zakon o evidentiranju nepremičnin (ZEN) |
Description | This Act regulates the registration of real estate, state border and spatial units, the editing process and changing the boundaries of land parcels, the procedure for entering data on buildings and parts of buildings in cadastre and entry of amendments thereto, real estate register, the issuing of data and other issues related to the registration of real estate, state border and spatial units. Real estate registration under this Act include the creation, management and maintenance of the Land Cadastre, the Building Cadastre and Real Estate Register. |
Keywords | ZEN, Real Estate Real Estate Register |
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Name : Zakon o evidentiranju nepremičnin (ZEN) |
National legislation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 50/2006 |
Name | Zakon o množičnem vrednotenju nepremičnin - ZMVN |
Description | This Act regulates the valuation of Real Estate in the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of mass valuation of Real Estate for taxation and other public purposes. According to this Act shall be valued real estates which are recorded in the Real Estate Register. |
Keywords | Real Estate, valuation of Real Estate |
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Name : Zakon o množičnem vrednotenju nepremičnin - ZMVN |
National legislation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 25/2014 |
Name | Zakon o državnem geodetskem referenčnem sistemu (ZDGRS) |
Description | This Act provides state geodetic reference system and the tasks and responsibilities for the establishment, management and maintenance. |
Keywords | state geodetic reference system |
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Name : Zakon o državnem geodetskem referenčnem sistemu (ZDGRS) |
National legislation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 110/2002 |
Name | Zakon o urejanju prostora (ZUreP-1) |
Description | This Act regulates spatial planning and spatial enforcement measures for the implementation of the planned spatial arrangements, provision of land development for the construction and management of spatial databases. This Act also lays down conditions for the provision of spatial planning activities and provides for offenses relating to spatial planning and the provision of spatial planning activities. |
Keywords | spatial planning |
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Name : Zakon o urejanju prostora (ZUreP-1) |
National legislation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 33/2007 |
Name | Zakon o prostorskem načrtovanju (ZPNačrt) |
Description | This Act regulates spatial planning as part of spatial management by providing both types of spatial planning documents, their contents and their mutual relations and processes for their preparation and adoption. ZPNačrt also regulates land development and the establishment and operation of spatial information system. |
Keywords | spatial planning |
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Name : Zakon o prostorskem načrtovanju (ZPNačrt) |
National legislation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 102/2004 |
Name | Zakon o graditvi objektov (ZGO-1) |
Description | This law regulates the conditions for the construction of all buildings, provides the essential requirements and comply with them as regards the characteristics of buildings, prescribing the manner and conditions for carrying out activities in the field of construction, the organization and working area with two professional associations, regulates inspection supervision, establishes sanctions for offenses in the field of construction, and regulates other issues related to the construction of buildings. The construction of the building comprises the design, construction and maintenance of the building. |
Keywords | building, the construction of all buildings, |
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Name : Zakon o graditvi objektov (ZGO-1) |
National legislation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Italian Governor Decree 132/01-09-1929 |
Name | Cadastral Law of the Dodecanese islands |
Description | Cases of separate ownership of a floor or part of it were (and occasionally still are) custom in the Cycladic islands, the Dodecanese islands and parts of continental Greece, based on local customs, Italian legislation and ottoman law. Guidelines on Horizontal ownership forms based on customary laws, are provided in an explanatory circular of Law 2308/95. According to the customary law of Cyclades, the horizontal ownership status is mainly characterized by the following: − The possessor of a floor or of a part of a floor, is the sole owner of the floor, meaning of its own external walls, flooring, roof and communal spaces of the floor, but has a 0% percentage of ownership on the land-parcel. − The possessor of the ground-floor is the sole owner of the land-parcel and the subsoil with a percentage of 100%. − The possessor of the upper floor is the sole owner of the “air”, unless the “air” has already been transferred to another person. |
Keywords | Cadastral Law of the Dodecanese islands; Cyclades; complex property rights; customary law; Greece |
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Name : Cadastral Law of the Dodecanese islands |
National legislation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Law 4389/2016 (GG 94A) |
Name | Amendment and completion of Law 3889/2010 (A` 182) |
Description | Changes were introduced to the process of drawing up and ratification of Forest Maps by Article 153 of L. 4389/2016. According to these changes, the competent Directorate of Forests of the Decentralized Administration of each Prefecture is empowered to draw up and implement all projects until the ratification of the forest map. Provisions are made for exclusively electronic posting of the Forest Map following the certification by the competent Directorate of Forests, including: the certified Forest Map, the historical orthophotomap depicting polygons of forest areas as identified by image interpretation of older aerial photographs; and the decision of posting the forest map. The publicity of the forest map, achieved by its posting, allows any person to become aware of its content and to challenge the nature or the form and / or the land position imprinted on it. to submit objections in respect of its content. Besides, provisions are made for the exclusively electronic submission of objections in respect of the content of the Forest Map through a web application providing the electronic form for the submission of the objections and the computation of the corresponding special fee. |
Keywords | forest maps; NCMA SA; Hellenic Cadastre |
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Name : Amendment and completion of Law 3889/2010 (A` 182) |
National legislation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Joint Ministry Decision (JMD) 81706/6085/6-10-1995 |
Name | Establishment of Ktimatologio S.A. (today NCMA SA) |
Description | The Hellenic Cadastre (HC) project started in 1994, based on the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning & Public Works, the financial support of the EU (2 Community Support Framework) and the Hellenic State. Ktimatologio S.A. (today NCMA SA) a private sector firm established by a joint decision of the Ministries of National Economy and Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (JMD 81706/6085/6-10-1995) executes this project in co-operation with a private consortium, the Hellenic Cadastre Consult (HCC) for the promotion of the project. Responsible for preparing strategies and providing the necessary infrastructure data (topographic data and aerial photography) is the Hellenic Mapping and Cadastral Organization (HEMCO) (L. 1647/ 1986), a governmental organization under the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning & Public Works. The development of the HC relies greatly on the collaboration between public sector & private surveying engineering companies, who have the means to complete the tasks contracted to them by Ktimatologio & HEMCO (today NCMA SA). The system was designed as a parcel-based land information system, serving as a legally recognized record of land ownership. The aim of the project is to establish a complete, uniform, systematic and always up-to-date registration of land parcels in Greece and guarantee titles to those parcels brought on to the register by the adjudication process, issued according to relative legislation (L. 2308/1995 & 2664/1998). |
Keywords | Hellenic Cadastre; HEMCO SA; EKXA SA; NCMA SA; Ktimatologio |
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Name : Establishment of Ktimatologio S.A. (today NCMA SA) |
National legislation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Law 4014/2011 (GG A'209) |
Name | Environmental licensing of projects and activities and provisions for illegal buildings |
Description | According to the Law 4014, GG A'209 / 21.09.2011, the environmental licensing of projects and activities in the public and private sector in Greece, requires the conduction of Environmental Impact Assessment Study (EIA). Law 4014 re-determines the environmental licensing procedures for projects and activities. In order to implement this, a number of procedures were introduced, which ensured a higher quality of Environmental Terms, a reduction in administrative burdens, the elimination of dual licensing, the improvement in quality of environmental assessment reports and greater legal certainty. The Law defines the type of the project and according to that the type of the Environmental Study that should be conducted (Environmental Impact Assessment, Modification Dossier, etc.). Additionally, the contents of the different types of the studies are clearly defined and need to be followed in order to achieve the environmental licensing for the construction and the operation of the project. Additionally, the Law introduces new provisions for the process the needs to be followed in order to legalize illegal buildings and other installations. |
Keywords | Environmental Impact Assessment Study; EIA; environmental licensing; environmental permit; Environmental Terms; illegal buildings |
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Name : Environmental licensing of projects and activities and provisions for illegal buildings |
National legislation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Law 3851/2010 |
Name | Accelerating the development of Renewable Energy Sources to deal with climate change |
Description | Law 3851/2010 "Accelerating the development of Renewable Energy Sources to deal with climate change and other regulations addressing issues under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change" defines the following: the National Target for Greece for the Renewable Energy Sources (RES); the license to produce electrical energy from RES or Cogeneration of Heat and Power of high efficiency (CHP);the approval of Environmental Impact Assessment and installation and operation licenses; the incorporation and connection of stations producing electrical energy from RES; the price rationalization of energy produced by RES and CHP stations; the installation of off shore wind farms; the special tax and incentive provisions for household consumers in areas near R.E.S. installations; the modification of regulations enabling to deal more effectively with climate change; the land use planning siting issues for renewable energy installations, the application of RES on buildings and the creation of Independent Office for RES. |
Keywords | Renewable Energy Sources; climate change; buildings |
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Name : Accelerating the development of Renewable Energy Sources to deal with climate change |
National legislation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Law 3481/2006 |
Name | Hellenic Cadastre - Institutional framework |
Description | Law 3481/2006 set the Hellenic Cadastre on new foundations with regard both to the cadastral survey, since the law simplifies and speeds up the survey’s completion and ensures at the same time the project’s financing, and to the implementation of the Cadastre’s institution. More analytically, the most important changes that this legislative amendment brought about are the following: The time and cost of the cadastral survey procedure are reduced; The correction procedure for the so-called "obvious mistakes” of the initials registrations is simplified; The procedure of judicial correction of the registrations referring to an "unknown owner" is accelerated and simplified; the project’s financing is assured. |
Keywords | Cadastre, Greece, Law 3481/2006 |
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Name : Hellenic Cadastre - Institutional framework |
National legislation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Real property rights |
Name | Greek Constitution, Article 17 |
Description | The right to property, as a fundamental right, is under the protection of the State, as provided in the Greek Constitution, Article 17, whereas it is stipulated that property rights cannot be exercised against the public interest. Within this context, the Constitution imposes a restriction or deprivation of property (expropriation) for the sake of public interest, always under the prerequisite of a prior compensation of the owner. Furthermore, the most significant source of property law lies in the third book of the Civil Code (articles 947-1345). Other provisions and property law rules exist in other books of the Civil Code, and the Code of Civil Procedure, as well as in various special laws. |
Keywords | Real property rights, Greece |
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Name : Greek Constitution, Article 17 |
National legislation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Building Code of Greece |
Name | Building Regulation 3046/304/1989 |
Description | There are several documents in Greece that are regulating the Building Code. The main legal framework for buildings is defined in the Building Regulation (M.D. 3046/304/1989, FEK 59/D/3.2.89) for the construction of buildings, and the Generic Building Regulation (Law 4067/4-2012) mainly for the terms of building. |
Keywords | Building Code, Greece |
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Name : Building Regulation 3046/304/1989 |
National legislation | |
Country | Republic of Serbia |
ID | SGRS 72/2009,18/2010, 65/2013, 15/2015, 96/2015 |
Name | The Law on State Survey and Cadastre |
Description | This law regulates professional and state administration affairs related to state surveying, real estate cadastre, cadastre of water pipelines, basic geodetic works, address register, topographic and cartographic activity, valuation of real estate, geodetic and cadastre information system and National Geospatial Data Infrastructure and geodetic works in engineering and technical fields. |
Keywords | surveying, cadastre, national geospatial data infrastructure, topographic and cartographic activity |
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Name : The Law on State Survey and Cadastre |
National legislation | |
Country | Russian Federation |
ID | No. 221-FZ of July 24, 2007 |
Name | Federal Law on the Cadastral Activity |
Description | This Federal Law regulates the relations originating in connection with cadastral activity, the activity of self-regulating organisation of cadastral engineers and of the national association of self-regulating organisations of cadastral engineers. It contains the cadastral engineer's rights and duties while exercising cadastral activities, rules for mandatory insurance of cadastral engineer's civil liability. |
Keywords | cadastral engineer, cadastral activity, civil liability |
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Name : Federal Law on the Cadastral Activity |
National legislation | |
Country | Russian Federation |
ID | No. 315-FZ of December 1, 2007 |
Name | Federal Law on Self-Regulating Organisations |
Description | Federal Law regulates the relationships in connection with the acquisition or termination of the status of self-regulating organisations, with the activities of self-regulating organisations having businesses or professional entities as their members, with the pursuance of interaction of self-regulating organisations and their members, consumers of goods (works, services) produced by them, federal executive governmental bodies, executive governmental bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies. |
Keywords | self-regulating organisations, cadastral engineers |
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Name : Federal Law on Self-Regulating Organisations |
National legislation | |
Country | Russian Federation |
ID | No. 136-FZ of October 25, 2001 |
Name | The Land Code of the Russian Federation |
Description | The land legislation regulates the relationships of use and preservation of land in the Russian Federation as the basis of life and activities of the peoples residing on a given territory (land relationships). Participants in land relationships are citizens, legal entities, the Russian Federation, Russian regions, municipal entities.The objects of land relationships are as follows: 1) land as a natural facility and natural resource; 2) plots of land; 3) parts of plots of land. The Land Code contains land classification (land categories), powers of the Russian Federation, federal executive power bodies, powers of russian regions and local self-government bodies in the field of land relationships. It regulates formation of land plots, emergence of rights to land, monitoring of land, land management, the state cadastre registration of land plots and reservation of land for state and municipal needs, state land supervision. |
Keywords | land code, land plot, reservation, monitoring, land categories |
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Name : The Land Code of the Russian Federation |
National legislation | |
Country | Russian Federation |
ID | No. 78-FZ of June 18, 2001 |
Name | Federal Law on the System of Land Management |
Description | The Federal Law establishes a legal foundation for land tenure and land management aimed at ensuring the rational use of land, land protection, creating a more human-friendly environment and improving landscapes. Land management is compulsory in the following cases: a change in the boundaries of land plots; the discovery of damaged land (wind-erosion, mud-avalanche etc.); the implementation of measures for land restoration and conservation, damaged land re-cultivation. The Federal Law regulates land management (geodetic and mapping work, studying the condition of pieces of land, soil, geological-botanical and other research and prospecting, assessing the quality of land, planning and organising the rational use of land and land protection, description of the location of land plots' boundaries). |
Keywords | soil, land management, land plot |
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Name : Federal Law on the System of Land Management |
National legislation | |
Country | Russian Federation |
ID | No. 431-FZ of December 30, 2015 |
Name | Federal Law on Geodesy, Cartography and Spatial Data |
Description | This Federal Law regulates geodesic and cartographic activity including the search for, collection, storage, processing, presentation and distribution of spatial data including with the use of the informational systems. The law establishes the following principal concepts: 1) geodesy; 2) cartography; 3) spatial data; 4) scale; 7) system of coordinate, etc. The Federal Law also establishes types of state funds of spatial data (federal fund, departmental funds, fund of spatial data of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, funds of spatial data of the subjects of the Russian Federation) and regulates Informational provision for the fulfillment of geodesic and of cartographic works. |
Keywords | geodesy, cartography, spatial data, fund of spatial data |
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Name : Federal Law on Geodesy, Cartography and Spatial Data |
National legislation | |
Country | Russian Federation |
ID | No. 218-FZ of July 13, 2015 |
Name | Federal Law on the State Registration of Immovable Property |
Description | This Federal Law regulates the relations originating in connection with effecting state registration of rights to immovable property and transactions therewith the state cadastral registration of the immovable property, as well as with keeping the Uniform State Register of Immovable Property and with supplying the data whichs are contained in the Uniform State Register of Immovable Property. According to this law: the Uniform State Register of Immovable Property is a code of reliable systematised data on the immovable property, on registered rights to such immovable property, grounds for their origination and on right possessors, as well as of other data established; the state cadastral registration of immovable property means entering to the Uniform State Register of Immovable Property data on land plots, buildings, constructions, premises, stalls, incomplete construction facilities, uniform immovable complexes and also on other facilities which are closely linked with land, that is, whose movement is impossible without causing disproportionate damage to their purpose. |
Keywords | State Register, Immovable Property, incomplete construction facilities |
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Name : Federal Law on the State Registration of Immovable Property |
National legislation | |
Country | Russian Federation |
ID | No. 190 of December 29, 2004 |
Name | Town-Planning Code of the Russian Federation |
Description | The legislation on town-planning shall regulate the relations concerning territorial planning, town-planning zonation, planning of territory, architectural engineering and structural design, the relations concerning the construction of capital development units and their reconstruction, an overhaul and also upkeep of buildings and structures (hereinafter referred to as town-planning relations). The rules of the legislation on town-planning shall apply to the relations connected with taking measures aimed at ensuring the safety of construction works, at upkeep of buildings and structures, at preventing emergency situations of natural and man-made character and liquidating the aftermath thereof when conducting town-planning, if these relations are not regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation on the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations of natural and man-made character, by the laws of the Russian Federation on the safety of hydraulic works, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the industrial safety of hazardous industrial facilities, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the use of atomic energy and by technological regulations. |
Keywords | town-planning, buildings, zonation |
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Name : Town-Planning Code of the Russian Federation |
National legislation | |
Country | Russian Federation |
ID | No. 51-FZ of November 30, 1994; |
Name | The First Part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation |
Description | The civil legislation determines the legal position of civilian participants, the grounds for the appearance and the procedure for exercising the right of ownership and the other real rights, the rights to the results of intellectual activity and to the equated to it means for the individualisation of intellectual rights), regulates the relations connected with participation in corporate organisations or in their management (corporate relations), the contractual and other liabilities, as well as the other property and personal non-property relations, based on the equality, the autonomy of the will and the property independence of the participants. |
Keywords | civil legislation, deals, property relations |
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Name : The First Part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation |
National legislation | |
Country | Russian Federation |
ID | No. 14-FZ of January 26, 1996 |
Name | The Second Part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation |
Description | Contains rules for insurance of different types of liability |
Keywords | risk of liability, obligation, contract |
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Name : The Second Part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation |
National legislation | |
Country | Russian Federation |
ID | No. 200-FZ of December 4, 2006 |
Name | The Forest Code of the Russian Federation |
Description | The forest legislation regulates the relations in the field of the exploitation, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests (forest relations).The property relations connected with the circulation of forest blocks, forest ranges, wood and other procured forest resources shall be regulated by the civil legislation, as well as by the Land Code of the Russian Federation, if not otherwise established by this Code and other federal laws. |
Keywords | forest legislation, fund land, forest management, forest block |
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Name : The Forest Code of the Russian Federation |
National legislation | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 77/2010 |
Name | Zakon o geodetski dejavnosti (ZGeoD-1) - Act of surveying activities |
Description | ZGeoD-1 defines Land surveying activities and specifies the conditions for the provision of these activities. It provides surveying job and the organization and execution of tasks surveying services, regulates the issuing and use of geodetic data, inspection and control and other issues associated with surveying activity. |
Keywords | ZGeoD-1, surveying, surveying activity |
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Name : Zakon o geodetski dejavnosti (ZGeoD-1) - Act of surveying activities |
National legislation | |
Country | Croatia |
ID | Narodne novine 16/07, 124/10 |
Name | Zakon o državnoj izmjeri i katastru nekretnina |
Description | Law on State Survey and the Real Property Cadastre governs the State Survey, the Real Property Cadastre, the Spatial Unit Register, geodetic activities in local self-government, special purpose geodetic works, the jurisdiction and the execution of State Survey and the Real Property Cadastre activities, the structure and the jurisdiction of the State Geodetic Administration, the storage and usage of data and the supervision of State Survey and Real Property Cadastre activities. |
Keywords | State Survey and the Real Property Cadastre, State Geodetic Administration |
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Name : Zakon o državnoj izmjeri i katastru nekretnina |
National legislation | |
Country | Denmark |
ID | LBK nr 1213 af 07/10/2013 |
Name | Parcelling Act |
Description | Act on subdivision and other registration in the land register. The Act is administered by the National Geodata Agency. Each property parcel is in the register designated by a cadastral number and include information on plot size and nature of the property, such as agricultural property. The register includes a digital cadastral map and measurement sheets defining the boundary. An updated land registry is vital for public administration and for the land registry and property assessment system. This is why the law requires registration of new property boundaries as a result of the sale, mortgaging or lost rent for more than 30 years of part of a comprehensive real estate, ie one or more cadastral numbers that belong together. Cadastral changes generally conducted as land development, land transfer, rectification or merger. Cadastral work, including the identification of boundaries, must be performed by surveyors with the appointment. Property registration also assumes that both the changes in property relations as the future use of the properties are legal. Boundary Disputes can be settled by legal determination of boundary (see threshold). |
Keywords | Cadastral system, boundary, appointment, cadastral work, registration |
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Name : Parcelling Act |
National legislation | |
Country | Denmark |
ID | LBK nr 680 af 17/06/2013 |
Name | Act on Surveyance |
Description | About professional requirements e.g : Sole purpose - A chartered surveying company must have the sole purpose of performing surveying and cadastral work Personal responsibility - An licensed chartered surveyor practicing in a chartered surveying company (=practicing chartered surveyor) is personally liable, together with the company, for any claims arising in consequence of assistance provided by the licensed chartered surveyor to a client Ownership regulation - In a chartered surveying company, at least 51 percent of the company capital and voting rights must be owned by licensed chartered surveyors carrying surveying business in the company Management regulation - In a chartered surveying company, the majority of the members of the board of directors and the management board must be licensed chartered surveyors carrying surveying business in the company Impartiality requirements - Licensed chartered surveyors may not perform cadastral work concerning a property in cases where the licensed chartered surveyor has a material or any other kind of interests in the property and in the outcome of the case. |
Keywords | Cadastral work, professional requirements ,professional qualifications, appointment |
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Name : Act on Surveyance |
National legislation | |
Country | Malta |
ID | - |
Name | - |
Description | Malta sees an increase in number of qualified surveyors on a yearly basis. Students get their qualifications through MCAST by attending a 3-year course and having a diploma in Construction. Unfortunately, to date, our profession i.e. that of a Surveyor is not a recognised profession here in Malta. |
Keywords | - |
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Name : - |
National legislation | |
Country | Norway |
ID | No legislation for land surveyors |
Name | No legislation for land surveyors |
Description | There is no legislation for land surveyors in Norway in respect of cadastral surveying, nor for topographic mapping. Cadastral surveying is a monopoly task and duty of the municipalities, and there are no specific legal requirements for edcuation, nor any licensing or registry of surveyors. The municipalities are in principle free to appoint a person to conduct cadastral surveying. However authorisation is required according to the plan and building act for the setting out of buildings. |
Keywords | - |
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Name : No legislation for land surveyors |
National legislation | |
Country | United Kingdom |
ID | 2002 c. 9 |
Name | Land Registration Act 2002, and Rules 2003 |
Description | The Land Registration Rules 2003 (S.I. No 1417) of 2003 were laid before Parliament on 5 June 2003. The Rules deal with some of the more technical aspects of the new registered conveyancing system introduced by the Land Registration Act 2002. They came into force on 13 October 2003. An explanatory note (which does not form part of the Rules) can be found at the end of the Rules. This gives more detail about the matters that the Rules provide for. The Rules are published by The Stationery Office. They are available both online and from bookshops of The Stationery Office Ltd. The power to make Land Registration Rules is exercisable by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State with the advice and assistance of the Rule Committee. |
Keywords | land registration, general boundaries, mapping |
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Name : Land Registration Act 2002, and Rules 2003 |
National legislation | |
Country | Slovakia |
ID | Law No. 215/1995, 216/1995, 162/1995, 50/1976 |
Name | - |
Description | Law No. 215/1995 about Geodesy and Cartography, Law No. 216/1995 about Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers, Law No.162/1995 about Cadaster, Law No. 50/1976 about Building (Civil) Construction and Urbanictic Planning. |
Keywords | - |
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Name : - |
National legislation | |
Country | Moldova |
ID | Nr. 1543 25.02.1998 |
Name | Law on Real Estate Cadastre |
Description | Components of cadastral works: Executants of cadastral works; Establishment of administrative borders; Field identification works; Formation of real estate; Performing of Cadastral and geometric plans; Parcells borders establishment; Performing of cadastral files; Real estate monitoring. |
Keywords | real estate, cadastral works, administrative borders, cadastral and geometric plans |
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Name : Law on Real Estate Cadastre |
National legislation | |
Country | Moldova |
ID | 778-XV 27.12.2001 |
Name | Law on Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics |
Description | Related works: development of geodetic networks; development of leveling networks; development of gravity networks; development of national positioning system; large and small scale mapping; development of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) |
Keywords | Geodesy, Cartography, Geoinformatics, geodetic network, leveling network, gravity networks, mapping, NSDI |
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Name : Law on Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics |
National legislation | |
Country | Belgium |
ID | 1 |
Name | Law of May 11, 2003 protecting the title and profession of surveyor-experts |
Description | - |
Keywords | - |
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Name : Law of May 11, 2003 protecting the title and profession of surveyor-experts |
National legislation | |
Country | Belgium |
ID | 2 |
Name | Law of May 11, 2003 creating federal counsils for surveyor-experts (M.B. June 6, 2003) |
Description | - |
Keywords | - |
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Name : Law of May 11, 2003 creating federal counsils for surveyor-experts (M.B. June 6, 2003) |
National legislation | |
Country | Belgium |
ID | 3 |
Name | MB April 19, 2004 |
Description | The Royal arrest of March 22, 2004 determines the procedures and delays concerning the Federal Council Chambers and Federal Councils of appeal for surveyor-experts. |
Keywords | - |
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Name : MB April 19, 2004 |
National legislation | |
Country | Belgium |
ID | 4 |
Name | M.B. 25 janvier 2006 |
Description | The royal arrest of December 15, 2005 determines the rules concerning the deontology of the surveyor-expert |
Keywords | - |
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Name : M.B. 25 janvier 2006 |
National legislation | |
Country | Belgium |
ID | 5 |
Name | M.B. 29 juin 2007 |
Description | Royal arrest of April 25, 2007 relates to the obligated insurance which was provided by the royal arrest of December 15, 2005. |
Keywords | - |
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Name : M.B. 29 juin 2007 |
National legislation | |
Country | Belgium |
ID | 6 |
Name | M.B. 5 September 2013 |
Description | Law of July 18, 2013 relative to the exercise of the profession of the surveyor-expert by a corporate personhood. |
Keywords | - |
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Name : M.B. 5 September 2013 |
National legislation | |
Country | Poland |
ID | Dz. U. 1989 nr 30 poz.163, Dz. U. 2014 poz.176 |
Name | Act Geodetic&Cartographic Law; Regulation of Minister of Administration &Digitization |
Description | The Act of 17 May 1989 on Geodetic and Cartographic Law; Regulation of the Minister of Administration and Digitization of 31 January 2014 on the professional qualifications in the field of geodesy and cartography. Both legal documents regulate matters regarding: - access to the surveying and mapping professions and permission to perform surveying and mapping work, - methods, procedures and specific conditions for granting professional qualifications and nominating Qualifying Committees, - fees for recruitment processes when granting professional qualifications, - remuneration of both the chair and members of the selection committee, - limitations associated with profession of the surveyor. |
Keywords | Legal framework, surveying profession |
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Name : Act Geodetic&Cartographic Law; Regulation of Minister of Administration &Digitization |
National legislation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Energy Performance of Buildings regulation |
Name | National Renewable Energy Action Plan in the Scope of Directive 2009/28/EC |
Description | Energy issues are dealt in the Greek Energy Performance of Buildings regulation. The implementation of the EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings) Directive 2002/91/EC was incorporated into the national legislation with the Law 3661/2008 in 2008 but officially was implemented in July 2010 with the publication of the new Energy Regulation (ΦΕΚ Β’ 407 2010) and the respective Technical Guidelines formulated since January 2011 (Guidelines of Technical Chamber of Greece) |
Keywords | Energy Performance, Greece |
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Name : National Renewable Energy Action Plan in the Scope of Directive 2009/28/EC |
National legislation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development |
Name | L. 2742/1999, 4269/2014, 4447/2016, 4478/2017. |
Description | Spatial planning legislation at national level includes the ‘General Framework for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development’ and ‘Special Frameworks for Spatial Planning Development’. Amendments to spatial planning legislation have been made by the Law 4269/2014, 4447/2016 and 4478/2017. Law 2742/1999 Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development. Greek Official Gazette (FEK) A, 1(207) determines a systematic configuration framework of spatial planning for the entire territory, which is based on three levels. At the highest level there is the General Framework which is about the long-term spatial development of the national territory. Further, the Special Frameworks customize and complement the directions of the General Framework for certain regions or sectors, and the design is completed with the Regional Frameworks, drawn up for each region of the country. |
Keywords | Spatial Planning, Sustainable Development, Greece |
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Name : L. 2742/1999, 4269/2014, 4447/2016, 4478/2017. |
National legislation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Land Planning Uses |
Name | L. 2742/1999 |
Description | Rules on allowed land uses or restrictions of activities may derive first of all from the land planning legislation, law 2742/1999 Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, which provides for (a) strategic spatial plans, applicable on broader areas at national (including sectoral) or regional level, i.e. the general directions as to the developmental policy of the country, specific productive sectors or activities or the regions of the country; (b) regulatory spatial plans, setting specific regulations on areas and defining the allowed land uses and planning restrictions, which may be: local spatial plans; or special spatial plans; or urban planning application plans, which specialize the superior land plans at technical and more detailed level. However restrictions on activities or even land use restrictions may also derive from environmental protection rules and sector specific restrictions which may exclude certain activities from certain types of areas. Environmental restrictions on land uses may relate to the natural, cultural or manmade environment (fragile ecosystems including coastal areas, small islands, creeks, Natura areas and nature reserves following direct land use restrictions by the Biodiversity law 3937/2011, wetlands, forestry lands, including archaeological sites and monuments regulated under the archaeological laws or traditional settlements. |
Keywords | Land Uses, Planning, Greece |
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Name : L. 2742/1999 |
National legislation | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Law 4164/2013 (GG 156/A'/ 09.07.2013) |
Name | Supplementation of the provisions governing the National Cadastre and other regulations |
Description | The new Law on the Hellenic Cadastre L. 4164/2013 "Supplementation of the provisions governing the National Cadastre and other regulations” contains important regulations that safeguard the public property and facilitate the transactions of citizens in the context of both the cadastral survey procedure and the operation of the Cadastre. The Law's main objectives are the acceleration of the cadastral survey, the simplification of the procedure for correcting initial registrations, the cutting of red tape, the introduction of a system for online remote service. Consequently, a significant saving of resources is achieved, and the Cadastre is rendered more functional and more citizen-friendly. An important development is the establishment of the State's obligation to submit declarations, which will lead to the complete recording of public property, while protecting and exploiting it. The legislative regulations regarding the operation of the Cadastre include the digitization of the transactions with the Cadastral Offices (e.g. online submission of petitions for the entry of registrable deeds, etc.). The company “National Cadastre and Mapping Agency S.A" (EKXA SA or NCMA SA) undertakes the organisation, structure and logistical support of the operation of Cadastral Offices. |
Keywords | Hellenic Cadastre; Cadastral Offices; digitization of the transactions; cadastral survey; EKXA SA; NCMA SA; Ktimatologio |
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Name : Supplementation of the provisions governing the National Cadastre and other regulations |
National legislation | |
Country | Sweden |
ID | - |
Name | - |
Description | All information on GIS, GPS, geodesy, surveying and cadastral activities can be found at |
Keywords | GIS, GPS, geodesy, surveying, cadastre |
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Name : - |
National legislation | |
Country | Switzerland |
ID | 211.432.2 |
Name | Ordinance of 18 November 1992 on Official Cadastral Surveying |
Description | The main text which explains and legalizes the Swiss cadastral system |
Keywords | - |
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Name : Ordinance of 18 November 1992 on Official Cadastral Surveying |
National legislation | |
Country | Switzerland |
ID | 211.432.21 |
Name | DDPS Technical Ordinance of 10 June 1994 on Official Cadastral Survey-ing (TOCS) |
Description | This technical Ordinance completes the Ordinance on Cadastral Surevying |
Keywords | - |
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Name : DDPS Technical Ordinance of 10 June 1994 on Official Cadastral Survey-ing (TOCS) |
National legislation | |
Country | Switzerland |
ID | 510.62 |
Name | Verordnung über Geoinformation |
Description | This Ordinance completes the Federal Act of 5 October 2007 on Geoinformation |
Keywords | Geoinformationsverordnung, GeoIV |
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Name : Verordnung über Geoinformation |
National legislation | |
Country | Switzerland |
ID | 510.62 |
Name | Federal Act of 5 October 2007 on Geoinformation (Geoinformation Act, GeoIA) |
Description | This Act has the aim of ensuring that geodata relating to the territory of the Swiss Confederation is made available for general use to the authorities of the Confederation, the cantons and communes, the private sector, the public and to academic and scientific institutions in a sustainable, up-to-date, rapid and easy manner, in the required quality and at a reasonable cost. |
Keywords | - |
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Name : Federal Act of 5 October 2007 on Geoinformation (Geoinformation Act, GeoIA) |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Loi n°46-942 du 07/05/1946 |
Name | Loi n°46-942 instituant l’Ordre des géomètres-experts |
Description | This law created the order of licensed surveyors and defines the activities of a licensed surveyor, the conditions to access the profession, the types of authorized surveying companies, the constitution and the functioning of the order |
Keywords | Founding law, order, access to the surveying professions |
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Name : Loi n°46-942 instituant l’Ordre des géomètres-experts |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Décret n°96-478 du 31/05/1996 |
Name | Décret n°96-478 portant règlement de la profession et code des devoirs professionnels |
Description | Decree n° 96-478 dated May 31, 1996 regulating the professional surveyor and code of professional duties |
Keywords | Legal framework of the profession, professional duties |
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Name : Décret n°96-478 portant règlement de la profession et code des devoirs professionnels |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Loi n° 90-1258 du 31/12/1990 |
Name | Loi n° 90-1258 relative à l’exercice sous forme de sociétés des professions libérales |
Description | Law n° 90-1258 dated 31/12/1990 related to the exercise of liberal professions in the form of companies and subject to a legislative or regulatory status or whose title is protected, and in the form of companies of financial participation |
Keywords | Liberal professions, form of companies, regulatory status, companies of financial participation |
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Name : Loi n° 90-1258 relative à l’exercice sous forme de sociétés des professions libérales |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Arrêté du 09/09/1996 |
Name | Arrêté fixant les modalités de la formation à la gestion ou à l'entremise immobilière |
Description | Order dated 09/09/1996 laying down the terms and conditions of training in management or real estate for surveyors |
Keywords | Training in management, real estate |
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Name : Arrêté fixant les modalités de la formation à la gestion ou à l'entremise immobilière |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Arrêté du 20/02/2012 |
Name | Arrêté relatif à la reconnaissance de qualification préalable à l’inscription au tableau |
Description | Order dated 20/02/2012 amending the decree of 12/11/2009 on the recognition of qualifications prior to the registration on the roll of the Ordre des Géomètres-Experts |
Keywords | Recognition of qualifications, Registration on the roll |
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Name : Arrêté relatif à la reconnaissance de qualification préalable à l’inscription au tableau |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Arrêté du 22/12/1992 |
Name | Arrêté relatif à l’information des consommateurs sur les prix des prestations topographiques |
Description | Order dated 22/12/1992 on information to consumers on prices for topographical services |
Keywords | Topographical services, information to consumers |
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Name : Arrêté relatif à l’information des consommateurs sur les prix des prestations topographiques |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Arrêté du 12/11/2009 |
Name | Arrêté relatif à l’inscription au tableau de l’ordre des géomètres-experts |
Description | Order dated 12/11/2009 concerning the registration on the roll of the Ordre des Géomètres-Experts |
Keywords | Registration on the roll |
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Name : Arrêté relatif à l’inscription au tableau de l’ordre des géomètres-experts |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Décret n°67-870 du 02/10/1967 |
Name | Décret n°67-870 modifiant les conditions d’inscription au tableau de l’Ordre des géomètres-experts |
Description | Decree No. 67-870 dated 02/10/1967 modifying the conditions for registration on the roll of the Ordre des géomètres-experts |
Keywords | Registration on the roll |
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Name : Décret n°67-870 modifiant les conditions d’inscription au tableau de l’Ordre des géomètres-experts |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Arrêté du 08/12/2015 |
Name | Arrêté relatif au diplôme de géomètre-expert foncier délivré par le Gouvernement |
Description | Order dated 08/12/2015 concerning the diploma of Geodetic surveyor issued by the Government |
Keywords | Diploma of Geodetic surveyor |
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Name : Arrêté relatif au diplôme de géomètre-expert foncier délivré par le Gouvernement |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Décret n°2010-1406 du 12/11/2010 |
Name | Décret relatif au diplôme de géomètre-expert foncier délivré par le Gouvernement |
Description | Decree No.2010-1406 dated 12/11/2010 concerning the diploma of Geodetic surveyor issued by the Government |
Keywords | Diploma of Geodetic surveyor |
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Name : Décret relatif au diplôme de géomètre-expert foncier délivré par le Gouvernement |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Décret n°76-73 du 15/01/1976 |
Name | Décret n°76-73 portant application à la profession de géomètre-expert |
Description | Decree No.76-73 dated 15/01/1976 applying to the profession of professional Geodetic surveyor of Law No 66-879 dated 29/11/1966 relating to civilian professional societies |
Keywords | Civilian professional societies |
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Name : Décret n°76-73 portant application à la profession de géomètre-expert |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Loi n° 66-879 du 29/11/1966 |
Name | Loi n° 66-879 relative aux sociétés civiles professionnelles |
Description | Law No. 66-879 dated 29/11/1966 on professional civil societies |
Keywords | Professional civil societies |
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Name : Loi n° 66-879 relative aux sociétés civiles professionnelles |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Décret n°92-704 du 23/07/1992 |
Name | Décret n°92-704 pris pour l’application de l’article 14 de la loi n°90-1258 du 31/12/1990 |
Description | Decree No.92-704 dated 23/07/1992 taken for the application of Article 14 of Law No.90-1258 dated 31/12/1990 related to the exercise of liberal professions in the form of companies and subject to a legislative or regulatory body or whose title is protected |
Keywords | Exercise of liberal professions, form of companies, regulatory body, protected title |
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Name : Décret n°92-704 pris pour l’application de l’article 14 de la loi n°90-1258 du 31/12/1990 |
National legislation | |
Country | France |
ID | Décret n°92-618 du 06/07/1992 |
Name | Décret relatif à l’exercice de la profession sous forme de société d’exercice libéral |
Description | Decree No.92-618 dated 06/07/1992 on the joint exercise of the profession of Geodetic surveyor in the form of a Company of Liberal Exercise |
Keywords | Joint exercise, Company of Liberal Exercise |
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Name : Décret relatif à l’exercice de la profession sous forme de société d’exercice libéral |
National legislation | |
Country | Croatia |
ID | Narodne novine 152/08, 61/11, 56/13 |
Name | Zakon o obavljanju geodetske djelatnosti (Geodetic Activities Act) |
Description | Geodetic Activities Act regulates professional geodetic activities in the field of state survey, real estate cadastre and lines cadastre, professional geodetic activities required for physical planning and building, professional geodetic activities for consolidation of agricultural land, professional geodetic activities for protected areas and other professional geodetic activities performed as services rendered to legal and natural entities. This Act regulates the organization, scope of work, public authorities and membership in the Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers. |
Keywords | professional geodetic activities, Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers |
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Name : Zakon o obavljanju geodetske djelatnosti (Geodetic Activities Act) |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 4163 - Real Decreto 1/2004 & BOE-A-2015-7046 |
Name | Catastro Inmobiliario |
Description | The Real Estate Cadastre is an administrative register of the Ministry of Finance in which the real property described rustic, urban and special characteristics as defined in the Act. It has become a regional information infrastructure available to all public authorities, notaries, businesses and citizens in general, but especially tax purposes. This royal decree combine many previous laws since Law of March 23, 1906. |
Keywords | Catastro inmobiliario, cadastre, registro de la propiedad,property registry |
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Name : Catastro Inmobiliario |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 20556 - Real Decreto 1545/2007, de 23 de nov. |
Name | Sistema Cartográfico Nacional |
Description | This royal decree in application of Law 7/1986, of January 24, Management of Cartography, regulates the activities of collection, storage, processing and dissemination of geographical information on the national territory and territorial sea, the area contiguous, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, held by public authorities through the National Cartographic System. |
Keywords | Cartografía, IDEE |
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Name : Sistema Cartográfico Nacional |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 1331- Real Decreto 4/2010, de 8 de enero. |
Name | Interoperabilidad |
Description | The National Interoperability Scheme include the safety recommendations and criteria, standardization and storage of information, formats and applications that must be taken into account by public authorities to ensure an adequate level of interoperability organizational, semantic and technical data, information and services that manage the exercise of their competences to prevent discrimination against citizens by reason of his technological choice. |
Keywords | Interoperabilidad, Interoperability |
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Name : Interoperabilidad |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | NEM v1.1. |
Name | Núcleo Español de Metadatos |
Description | Bodies and organizations which manage geographic information metadata need to create their map data to make their catalogs. The catalog is the most important component of a SDI, because they allow users to search, locate, compare and use geographical data sets and all kinds of services and resources. ISO 19115:2003 "Geographic Information - Metadata" is the International Standard Metadata is the standard that defines all the details related to metadata |
Keywords | Metadatos, metadata, IDEE |
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Name : Núcleo Español de Metadatos |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 4117 - Ley 2/2011, de 4 de marzo |
Name | Economía Sostenible |
Description | This Law aims to introduce in the legal order structural reforms necessary to create favorable conditions for sustainable economic development, a pattern of growth that reconciles economic, social and environmental development in a productive and competitive economy that promotes quality employment, equal opportunities and social cohesion, and guarantees environmental respect and the rational use of natural resources, so as to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the possibilities of future generations to meet their own needs. Chapter III (Cadastral activity) of Title II (Competitiveness) establishes requirements in order to increase the availability of cadastral information for the whole of society and to give better response to the principles of efficiency, transparency, legal certainty, quality, interoperability and promotion of electronic administration and productivity, which govern cadastral activity, and in the terms established by the Consolidated Real Estate Cadastre Law (Texto Refundido de la Ley del Catastro Inmobiliario), approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2004, of March 5 (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2004, de 5 de marzo). |
Keywords | Sustainable Economy, Cadastre, Economia Sostenible, Catastro |
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Name : Economía Sostenible |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | Real Decreto 1372/1986, de 13 de junio |
Name | Reglamento de Bienes de las Entidades Locales |
Description | The Act regulates the goods of Local Government, which is classified into public property and assets |
Keywords | Bienes, Entidades locales, Goods, local goberment |
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Name : Reglamento de Bienes de las Entidades Locales |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 7253 ORDEN ECO/805/2003, de 27 de marzo |
Name | Valoración de Bienes Inmuebles |
Description | This Order sets standards for the calculation of the value of real estate appraisal. |
Keywords | Valuation, Real estate |
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Name : Valoración de Bienes Inmuebles |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | Decreto de 8 de febrero de 1946 |
Name | Ley Hipotecaria |
Description | In the Mortgage Regulations will determine the shape and people that notifications be made, the auction procedure, the amounts to be entered to take part in it, grounds for suspension, the award and its impact on rights holders or charges and subsequent persons who have to execute the deed of sale and its forms of representation. |
Keywords | Hipoteca, Registro Propiedad, Mortagage |
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Name : Ley Hipotecaria |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | Real Decreto 1020/1993 DE 25 DE JUNIO |
Name | Valoraciones Catastral |
Description | The present rules shall apply to calculate the assessed value of the real estate of urban nature, whose data and descriptions constitute the urban real estate cadastre. |
Keywords | Cadastral Assessment |
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Name : Valoraciones Catastral |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | BOTHA nº 133 de 12/11/1999 |
Name | Ordenanza Municipal Sobre Alineaciones, Rasantes, Actas de Replanteo y Planos de Final de Obra |
Description | This is an example of a municipal ordinance. This Ordinance, published in 1999, has been amended several times, being the one of 2010 the latest to date, published in the BOTHA, No. 9 of 21/01/2011. This ordinance will be applied in all activities subject to municipal license or whose execution requires in his project the geometric definition of its layout or affects the physical configuration of the terrain. It defines how you have to carry out the staking of alignments and gradients, the end of construction plans, the updating of the topographic database and the conservation and densification of the urban network of topographical references of the municipal term of Vitoria-Gasteiz. |
Keywords | Ordinance, Vitoria, Gasteiz, Alignment, Gradient, Construction Plan, Variation Order |
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Name : Ordenanza Municipal Sobre Alineaciones, Rasantes, Actas de Replanteo y Planos de Final de Obra |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 10707 Ley 14/2010, de 5 de julio |
Name | Infraestructuras y los servicios de información geográfica en España. |
Description | This law is intended to complement the organization of geographic information services and establish, in accordance with State competences, the general rules for the establishment of geographic information infrastructures in Spain aimed at facilitating the implementation of policies based on geographic information by the Public Administration and the access and use of this information, especially environmental policies and policies or activities which may influence it. |
Keywords | Geographic information service |
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Name : Infraestructuras y los servicios de información geográfica en España. |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 13317 Real Decreto 1027/2011, R. D. 967/2014 |
Name | Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación Superior. |
Description | This Royal Decree establishes the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education and description of their levels. Are classified, listed and compare the qualifications to facilitate the mobility of people in the European higher education and in the international labor market. Correspondence Degree and Engineer as MECES classification. |
Keywords | Qualifications, Higher education, International movility, Cualificaciones, Educación superior, Movilidad internacional |
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Name : Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación Superior. |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | - |
Name | Anexo 5: Norma de cartografía catastral urbana (Full name in Summary) |
Description | Anexo 5: Norma de cartografía catastral urbana y pliego de prescripciones técnicas para la contratación por la dirección general del catastro de los trabajos de cartografía catastral urbana. This standard regulates by rules and instructions how should be carried out the work of urban cadastral cartography such as basic cartography, thematic cadastral cartography and the updating and maintenance of computerized urban cadastral cartography. These rules and instructions are of two types: mandatory in all types of work (points 1-7 inclusive, and annexes), and specific rules for each type of work (8-19 points). |
Keywords | Urban cadastral cartography, basic cartography, thematic cadastral cartography, standard |
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Name : Anexo 5: Norma de cartografía catastral urbana (Full name in Summary) |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero |
Name | Enjuiciamiento Civil |
Description | Civil Prosecution |
Keywords | Civil Prosecution |
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Name : Enjuiciamiento Civil |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 15822 REAL DECRETO 1071/2007 |
Name | Sistema Geodésico de Referencia Oficial en España. |
Description | This Royal Decree regulates the geodetic reference system on which to compile all official cartography and geographic information, allowing full integration of geographic information and mapping Spanish official to other European countries and navigation systems. |
Keywords | Geodetig Reference System, Sistema Geodésico de Referencia |
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Name : Sistema Geodésico de Referencia Oficial en España. |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | Real Decreto 2949/1979, de 29 de diciembre |
Name | Competencias del Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Mapa Nacional Topográfico Parcelario. |
Description | This royal decree regulates the competences of National Geographic Institute regarding the National Topographic Map Parcel. |
Keywords | National Geographic Institute, Instituto Geográfico nacional |
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Name : Competencias del Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Mapa Nacional Topográfico Parcelario. |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | Real Decreto 1030/1980, de 3 de mayo |
Name | Coordinación del Catastro Topográfico Parcelario con el Registro de la Propiedad Inmobiliaria |
Description | The coordination as its primary objective pursues to achieve a uniqueness in the administrative action and a harmonious development of Parcel Topographic Cadastre purposes, but without disrupting the Judiciary competency in matters that are exclusively reserved to it. This Royal Decree establishes a coordination process which by its characteristics will mean a major advance in this area. |
Keywords | Coordination, Parcel Topographic Cadastre |
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Name : Coordinación del Catastro Topográfico Parcelario con el Registro de la Propiedad Inmobiliaria |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 10792 - RDL 2/2008, de 20 de junio |
Name | Se aprueba el texto refundido de la ley de suelo. |
Description | This Law regulates the basic conditions that guarantee the equality in the exercise of rights and fulfillment of their constitutional duties related to soil throughout the state. It also establishes the economic and environmental bases of their legal status, their assessment and the patrimonial responsibility of the Public Administrations in the field. |
Keywords | Land Law |
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Name : Se aprueba el texto refundido de la ley de suelo. |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 25659 Real Decreto 2421/1978, de 2 de junio. |
Name | Señales Geodésicas y Geofísicas. |
Description | This royal decree approving the Regulation of Law 11/1975, of March 12,about geodetic and geophysical signals.Defines the types of signals, the methodology of their placement, maintenance, expropriation, compensation. |
Keywords | Geodetic and Geophysical Signals, Señales Geodésicas y Geofísicas |
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Name : Señales Geodésicas y Geofísicas. |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | - |
Name | Informe de Legislación Urbanística Estatal y Autonómica 2013 |
Description | This report attempts to clarify some relevant issues in planning legislation in Spain, as there is a need to locate, sort and relate the large normative dispersion in this area. It is not a statute book, but a simplified scheme that collects the most relevant aspects for the valuation work at regional level. |
Keywords | Report, Planning Legislation, National and Regional |
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Name : Informe de Legislación Urbanística Estatal y Autonómica 2013 |
National legislation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl 1968/306 latest change BGBl. I Nr. 51/2016 |
Name | Vermessungsgesetz (VermG) |
Description | This law regulates the scope and tasks of land surveying. The competent authority for land surveying is the “Bundesamt für Eich und Vermessungswesen” ( Federal office of calibration and surveying), which is part of the Federal Ministry Digital and Economic Affairs. It also contains the regulations about the cadastral land register (Grenzkataster), its contents and all procedures related to it, including also boundary negotiotions and - fixations. The law contains special provisions regulating the rights of authorized surveying personnel – including chartered surveyors – during their surveying work. It also regulates the cooperation between authorities and the necessity to keep the cadastral land register (Grenzkataster) and the land charge register (Grundbuch) congruent. |
Keywords | cadastral land register, procedures |
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Name : Vermessungsgesetz (VermG) |
National legislation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl. II Nr. 307/2016 latest change BGBl. II Nr. 235/2018 |
Name | Vermessungsverordnung 2016 (VermV 2016) |
Description | This regulation defines in a more technically detailed way - and in accordance with the state of the art of science and research - surveying methods and contents and the required presentation of data in plans. |
Keywords | cadastral land register, methods, plans |
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Name : Rudolf Kolbe |
National legislation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl II 2010/116 latest change BGBl 2010/242 |
Name | Benützungsarten-Nutzungen-Verordnung (BANU-V) |
Description | This regulation defines in a more technically detailed way the different kinds of land utilisation and their presentation in the cadastral land register. |
Keywords | cadastral land register, land utilisation |
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Name : Benützungsarten-Nutzungen-Verordnung (BANU-V) |
National legislation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl. II Nr. 51/2016 |
Name | Adressregisterverordnung (AdrRegV 2016) |
Description | This regulation defines in a more technically detailed way the content and structure of the address register – containing space-related addresses – and regulates the costs of extracts and queries from this register. |
Keywords | address register |
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Name : Adressregisterverordnung (AdrRegV) |
National legislation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl II 1997/391 |
Name | Sprengelverordnung |
Description | This regulation is a definition of parishes. It regulates which surveying office is the competent authority for certain areas and also contains a list of all surveying offices. |
Keywords | definition of parishes |
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Name : Sprengelverordnung |
National legislation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl 1930/3 latest change BGBl I 2012/30 |
Name | Liegenschaftsteilungsgesetz (LiegTeilG) |
Description | The division of property in the land charge register is regulated by this law. The authorization for such a division is restricted to the profession of chartered surveyors and to certain public authorities. The law also contains regulation about the deduction of property and about all necessary procedures related to these acts. |
Keywords | division of property, land charge register |
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Name : Liegenschaftsteilungsgesetz (LiegTeilG) |
National legislation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl 1974/9 latest change BGBl III 2006/150 |
Name | Staatsgrenzgesetz |
Description | This law regulates the execution of interstate treaties and agreements about surveying and marking of state boundaries and about duties and rights in view to boundary surfaces. |
Keywords | state boundaries, boundary surfaces |
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Name : Staatsgrenzgesetz |
National legislation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | 196. Verordnung der bAIK Zl 219/07 idF Zl 154/10 |
Name | Urkundenarchiv-Verordnung |
Description | In 2006 a law has regulated that it is possible for “Ziviltechniker” (= Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants; Chartered Surveyors are Chartered Engineering Consultants) to establish public documents not only in paper but also in electronic form. In order to enable the “Ziviltechniker” to actually do so, the establishment of an archive for these electronic public documents – which is active since 2008 - was necessary. The “Urkundenarchiv-Verordnung” defines the procedures and technical terms of saving of public documents into this archive. |
Keywords | electronic public documents, archive |
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Name : Urkundenarchiv-Verordnung |
National legislation | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl. Nr. 156/1994 |
Name | Ziviltechnikergesetz (ZTG) |
Description | The “Ziviltechnikergesetz” mainly regulates the access to the professions of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants and the scope of these professions (Geodetic Surveying is one of them) and the conduct of the profession. Austrian Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants are state authorized and are allowed to use the signs of the Republic of Austria (seal, emblem) and to establish public documents. In order to get access to the profession an education on post-secondary level is necessary (Master). Additionally three years of professional experience after the degree and a professional examination are necessary. After the fulfilment of these requirements the professional has to take an oath and is then officially authorized by the Austrian Federal Minister of Economy, Family and Youth. Austrian Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants have a very broad scope of services. They are liberal professionals and have to put their authorization to rest when they work as employees. They have to follow a Code of Conduct and are obliged to independency, impartiality and secrecy. Chartered Engineering Consultants are active in more than 60 different fields of specialisation; one of them is Geodetic Surveying. |
Keywords | Ziviltechniker, acess, conduct, scope of profession, professional law |
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Name : Ziviltechnikergesetz (ZTG) |
National legislation | |
Country | Estonia |
ID | 510072014026 |
Name | Spatial Data Act |
Description | Scope of application of Act This Act provides the requirements for making available and sharing spatial data sets and services, the conditions of administration of the geodetic system and the address data system and acquisition and grant of use of topographic data, coordination of the development of a spatial data infrastructure and organisation of reporting, administrative supervision over the establishment of location addresses and liability for violation of the requirements for the protection of geodetic marks. |
Keywords | Spatial data, Geodetic system, Address data, topographic data, protection of the geodetic marks |
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Name : Spatial Data Act |
National legislation | |
Country | Estonia |
ID | 12861144 |
Name | Act for Geodetic Surveying |
Description | Act for large scale topographical surveying (1:500 ... 1:2000) and for as-built drawings. It's a underact of the Building Act. The language is only Estonian. |
Keywords | topographical surveying, as-built drawings |
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Name : Act for Geodetic Surveying |
National legislation | |
Country | Estonia |
ID | 52901201500 |
Name | Land Register Act |
Description | The Land Register Act provides for the procedure for maintenance of land registers in Estonia |
Keywords | Land Register, Cadastral Surveying |
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Name : Land Register Act |
National legislation | |
Country | Estonia |
ID | 638028 |
Name | The implementation of the cadastral survey and verification procedures for cadastral survey |
Description | A detail implementation of the cadastral survey and verification procedures for cadastral survey. It's underact of the Land Register Act. Available only in Estonian language. |
Keywords | Cadastral Surveying |
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Name : The implementation of the cadastral survey and verification procedures for cadastral survey |
National legislation | |
Country | Germany |
ID | - |
Name | 16 different federal surveying laws |
Description | Legislative competence for surveying is by the federal states. There are 16 different federal surveying laws with different names. "Vermessungsgesetz", "Vermessungs- und Katastergesetz", "Vermessungs- und Geoinformationsgesetz", ... Summary see link |
Keywords | surveying law, geoinformation law, legislative competence |
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Name : 16 different federal surveying laws |
National legislation | |
Country | Ireland |
ID | BCA 2007 |
Name | Building Control Act 2007 |
Keywords | Building control act architect quantity surveyor |
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Name : Building Control Act 2007 |
National legislation | |
Country | Ireland |
ID | OSIA 2001 |
Name | Ordnance Survey Ireland Act 2001 |
Keywords | Ordnance Survey Ireland Act establishment |
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Name : Ordnance Survey Ireland Act 2001 |
National legislation | |
Country | The Netherlands |
ID | Stb. 2012, 683 |
Name | Kadasterwet |
Description | The Kadasterwet (Land Registry Act) lays out the statutory tasks and objectives of the Kadaster. It is the ‘Law containing rules with regard to the public registers for registered goods, as well as with regard to the cadastre’. The Kadaster’s mission is to promote legal certainty within the movement of property (including ships and aircraft), to optimise the geographic information infrastructure and to effectively inform society in these areas, all at the lowest possible cost. It provides an overview of how registered property has to be registered in which public register. |
Keywords | Cadastre, Netherlands |
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Name : Kadasterwet |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | BOE-A-2015-7046 |
Name | Reforma de la ley hipotecaria 2015 |
Description | Update Mortgage law. |
Keywords | Real state, cadastre. |
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Name : Reforma de la ley hipotecaria 2015 |
National legislation | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 2383 - Ley 7/1986, de 24 de enero. |
Name | Ordenación de la Cartografía |
Description | The object of this law is to manage the state cartographic production. Will be Official mapping that made subject to the prescriptions of this Law by Public Administrations or under its direction or control. |
Keywords | Cartografía, cartography, MTN |
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Name : Ordenación de la Cartografía |
National legislation | |
Country | Albania |
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Country | Bulgaria |
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National legislation | |
Country | Cyprus |
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National legislation | |
Country | Czech Republik |
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National legislation | |
Country | Finland |
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Country | Hungary |
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Country | Iceland |
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National legislation | |
Country | Italy |
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Country | Latvia |
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Country | Lithuania |
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Country | Luxembourg |
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National legislation | |
Country | North Macedonia |
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National legislation | |
Country | Portugal |
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National legislation | |
Country | Republic of Kosovo |
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National legislation | |
Country | Romania |
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National legislation | |
Country | Türkiye |
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National legislation | |
Country | Ukraine |
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