Education & Research / Education
Listed are the educational institutes by member state with a qualification in the profession of surveying.
Educational institute | |
Country | Italy |
Name | Istituto di Istruzione Superiore CAT (Costruzione - Ambiente - Territorio) - Higher Education Institute in Building - Environment - Territory |
Grade | Diploma + 2 years of professional training + institutional exam for the qualification to the profession or 3 Years Bachelor + institutional exam for the qualification to the profession |
Keywords | Building, Environment, Territory |
Contact Person | see weblink |
Address | see weblink |
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Name : Enrico Rispoli |
Educational institute | |
Country | Austria |
Name | Innsbruck University of Technology, Institute for Surveying and geo information |
Grade | Doctor (PhD) |
Keywords | UIBK |
Contact Person | Prof. K. Hanke |
Address | Technikerstraße 13, 6020 Innsbruck |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Rudolf Kolbe |
Educational institute | |
Country | Greece |
Name | Department of Geography - Harokopio University |
Grade | MSc Applied Geography and Spatial Planning - Stream C: Geoinformatics |
Keywords | Harokopio, MSc Geoinformatics, Geography; Geoinformatics; GIS; Remote Sensing; Geographic Analysis; Geographic Database Systems; Disaster Management |
Contact Person | Z. Foulidi |
Address | El. Venizelou 70, 176 71 Athens, Greece |
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Name : Eftychia Kalogianni |
Educational institute | |
Country | Greece |
Name | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Grade | Diploma (5 year of university education) of Rural and Surveying Engineering |
Keywords | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, AUTh |
Contact Person | D. Tsoulis |
Address | School of Rural & Surveying Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Campus of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 541 24, Thessaloniki, Greece |
Contact | - |
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Name : Konstantina Mangina |
Educational institute | |
Country | Greece |
Name | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Grade | MSc Geoinformatics |
Keywords | AUTh, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, MSc Geoinformatics |
Contact Person | V. Tsioukas |
Address | School of Rural & Surveying Engineering Faculty of Engineering Campus of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 541 24, Thessaloniki, Greece |
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Name : Konstantina Mangina |
Educational institute | |
Country | Greece |
Name | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Grade | MSc Techniques and Methods for Spatial Analysis, Planning and Management |
Keywords | AUTh, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, MSc Spatial Analysis |
Contact Person | V. Tsioukas |
Address | School of Rural & Surveying Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Campus of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 541 24, Thessaloniki, Greece |
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Name : Konstantina Mangina |
Educational institute | |
Country | Greece |
Name | Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Grade | MSc Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments |
Keywords | AUTh, MSc Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments |
Contact Person | E. Stefanidou |
Address | Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece |
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Name : Konstantina Mangina |
Educational institute | |
Country | Greece |
Name | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Grade | MSc Planning, Organization and Management of Transport Systems |
Keywords | AUTh, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, MSc Transport Systems |
Contact Person | G. Giannopoulos |
Address | Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece |
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Name : Konstantina Mangina |
Educational institute | |
Country | Greece |
Name | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering - National Technical University of Athens |
Grade | MSc Environment and Development - 1st Stream - Environment and Development; NTUA Interdisciplinary Programme of Postgraduate Studies |
Keywords | NTUA; MSc Environment & Development; Environmental Observation; Monitoring; Information Systems; Environmental Management; Environmental Economics; Decision Support Systems; Water Resources Management |
Contact Person | E. Dimopoulou (Director); A. Donta (Secretary) |
Address | 9 Iroon Polytechneiou Str.,157 80, Zographos, Athens, Greece |
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Name : Eftychia Kalogianni |
Educational institute | |
Country | Greece |
Name | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering - National Technical University of Athens |
Grade | MSc Environment and Development - 2nd Stream - Envrionment and Development of Mountai Regions; NTUA Interdisciplinary Programme of Postgraduate Studies |
Keywords | Envrionment and Development of Mountai Regions; NTUA; GIS and Mountain Management; Aquatic Environment and Development; Environmental Economics; Cadastre; Land Use &Policy |
Contact Person | E. Dimopoulou (Director) |
Address | Metsovion Interdischiplinary Research Center, 44200, Metsovo, Greece |
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Name : Eftychia Kalogianni |
Educational institute | |
Country | Republic of Serbia |
Name | University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering |
Grade | Academic studies - Bachelor in Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Master in Cadaster and Land Management, Master in Geodesy, Master in Geoinformatics, PhD |
Keywords | Geodesy, Geoinformatics, Academic studies |
Contact Person | T. Vuksa |
Address | Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Tijana Milinkovic |
Educational institute | |
Country | Republic of Serbia |
Name | University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences |
Grade | Academic studies - Bachelor in Geodesy and Geomatics, Master in Geodesy and Geomatics, PhD |
Keywords | Geodesy, Geomatics, Academic studies |
Contact Person | R. Doroslovacki |
Address | Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 21000 Novi Sad |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Tijana Milinkovic |
Educational institute | |
Country | Republic of Serbia |
Name | University of Belgrade, College of Civil Engineering and Geodesy |
Grade | Applied studies - Bachelor in Geodesy and Geomatics, Master in Geodesy and Geomatics |
Keywords | Geodesy, Geomatics, Applied studies |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Milana Rakića 42, 11000, Beograd |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Tijana Milinkovic |
Educational institute | |
Country | Republic of Serbia |
Name | Unversitu Union Nikola Tesla, Faculty of Real Estate Management |
Grade | Bachelor in Real Estate Management, Master in Real Estate Management |
Keywords | Real Estate Management |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Cara Dusana 62 - 64, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Tijana Milinkovic |
Educational institute | |
Country | Russian Federation |
Name | Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) |
Grade | Bachelor’s degree (Mapping and Geoinformatics, Land Development and Cadastre, Geodesy and Remote Sensing), Master’s degree (Mapping and Geoinformatics, Land Development and Cadastre, Geodesy and Remote Sensing), Specialist’s degree (Applied Geodesy), Ph.D (Earth Sciences, Geodesy). |
Keywords | Mapping, Geoinformatics, Land Development, Cadastre, Geodesy, Specialist’s degree, Ph.D |
Contact Person | N.Kamynina |
Address | 4 Gorokhovskiy per., 105064 Moscow, Russia |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Kislova Maria |
Educational institute | |
Country | Russian Federation |
Name | State University of Land Use Planning, Federal State Public Institution of Higher Education |
Grade | Bachelor’s degree (Land Development and Cadastre, Geodesy and Remote Sensing), , Master’s degree (Land Development and Cadastre), Specialist’s degree (Applied Geodesy), Ph.D (Earth Sciences, Geodesy). |
Keywords | Earth Sciences, Geodesy, Ph.D, Master’s degree |
Contact Person | S.Volkov |
Address | 15, Kazakov Str., 105064 Moscow, Russia |
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Name : Kislova Maria |
Educational institute | |
Country | Russian Federation |
Name | Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies |
Grade | Bachelor’s degree (Mapping and Geoinformatics, Land Development and Cadastre, Geodesy and Remote Sensing, Mining Engineering), Master’s degree (Land Development and Cadastre, Geodesy and Remote Sensing, Geodesy), Specialist’s degree (Applied Geodesy, Mining Engineering), Ph.D (Earth Sciences). |
Keywords | sgugit, grade,university |
Contact Person | A.Karpik |
Address | 10, Plakhotnov Str., 630108 Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region, Siberian Federal District, Russia |
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Name : Kislova Maria |
Educational institute | |
Country | Slovenia |
Name | University of Ljubljana; Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (UL FGG) |
Grade | Technical Real Estate Management, Geodesy and Geoinformation, Spatial Planning |
Keywords | UL FGG, Geodesy |
Contact Person | Department of Geodetic Engineering |
Address | Jamova cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Grilc M. |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental, Geomatic and Energy Engineering |
Grade | BSc |
Keywords | Geodesy, Cartography, Engineering Surveying, Cadastre and Real Estate Economics |
Contact Person | dr hab. Lidia Dąbek - Dean |
Address | al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce |
Contact | tel. 41-34-24-444 |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław, Faculty of Technical Engineering |
Grade | BSc |
Keywords | Land Management, Geodesy and Cartography |
Contact Person | doc. dr Justyna Stasieńko – Head of Departament |
Address | ul. Czarnieckiego 16, 37-500 Jarosław |
Contact | tel. 48-16-624-46-57, e-mail: [email protected] |
Weblink | |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences |
Grade | MSc, BSc |
Keywords | Cartography and Geomatics, Geoinformatics, Land Management, Cartography and Teledetection, |
Contact Person | prof. UAM dr hab. Leszek Kasprzak – Dean |
Address | ul. Dzięgielowa 27, 61-680 Poznań |
Contact | tel./faks 48-61-829-62-30, e-mail: [email protected] |
Weblink | |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies |
Grade | MSc, BSc |
Keywords | Geoinformatics, Cartography, Teledetecion, Land Management |
Contact Person | prof. dr hab. Andrzej Lisowski – Dean |
Address | ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa |
Contact | tel. 48-22-55-20-631, fax: 22-55-21-521, e-mail: [email protected] |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | Maria Curie-Skłodowska-University, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management |
Grade | MSc, BSc |
Keywords | Geoinformatics, Spatial Management |
Contact Person | prof. dr hab. Radosław Dobrowolski – Dean |
Address | Al. Kraśnicka 2 cd, 20-718 Lublin |
Contact | tel. 48-81-537-68-00, fax 48-81-537-68-62, e-mail: [email protected] |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering |
Grade | Ph.D, MSc |
Keywords | Engineering Surveying, Civil Engineering, Geoinformation Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Environment, Geomatics, Protection of Environment, Geoinformatics and Mining Surveying |
Contact Person | Prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Gruszczyński – Dean |
Address | Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków |
Contact | e-mail: [email protected], tel: 48-12-617-22-50, fax: 48-12-634-56-68 |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | University of Agriculture in Krakow, Department of Environmental Engineering and Surveying |
Grade | Ph.D, MSc |
Keywords | Land Surveying, Agricultural Land Surveying, Cadaster and Photogrammetry, Planning, Organization and Conservation of Agricultural Areas |
Contact Person | Prof. dr hab. Inż. Krzysztof Ostrowski - Dean |
Address | Al. Mickiewicza 24-28, 30-059 Kraków |
Contact | tel: 48-12-662-41-65, fax: 48-12-633-11-70 |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography |
Grade | Ph.D, MSc |
Keywords | Geodesy and Satellite Navigations; Engineering and Industrial Geodesy; Cadaster and Real Estate Management; Photogrammetry and Teledetection; Cartography and Systems of Geographic Information |
Contact Person | Prof. dr hab. inż. Alina Maciejewska - Dean |
Address | Pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661Warszawa |
Contact | tel/ fax: 48-22-234-56-50 |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Faculty of Geodesy, Spatial Engineering and Building |
Grade | Ph.D, MSc |
Keywords | Digital Photogrammetry, Internet Photogrammetry, Geodesy, Satellite Geodesy, Geomatics and Spatial Information Systems, Land Management, Numerical Cartography, |
Contact Person | Prof. dr hab. inż. Radosław Wiśniewski - Dean |
Address | Ul. Prawocheńskiego 15, 10-720 Olsztyn |
Contact | e-mail: [email protected] , tel: 48-89-523-39-77, fax: 48-89-523-34-77 |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | Military University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying |
Grade | Ph.D, MSc |
Keywords | Surveying and Land Information Systems Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems Meteorology |
Contact Person | Prof. dr hab. inż. Ireneusz Winnicki - Dean |
Address | Ul. Kaliskiego 2, 01-489 Warszawa |
Contact | tel: 48-22-683-90-76, fax: 48-22-683-95-69 |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Faculty of Environmental Engin. and Geodesy |
Grade | Ph.D, MSc |
Keywords | Geodesy, Geodynamics, Cartography, Photogrammetry, Geoinformatics, Surveying Technologies, GPS Observations |
Contact Person | Prof. dr hab. inż. Bernard Kontny – Dean |
Address | Pl. Grunwaldzki 24, 50-365 Wrocław |
Contact | tel: 48-71-320-15-58, fax: 48-71-320-15-57 |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | Gdansk University of Technology Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engin. |
Grade | Ph.D, MSc |
Keywords | Engineering Geodesy, Cartography, GPS, Photogrammetry, GIS, GNSS, environmental protection against noise |
Contact Person | Dr hab. inż. Marek Przyborski – Head of Department |
Address | ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk Wrzeszcz |
Contact | e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], tel: 48-58-347-10-12, fax: 48-58-739-12-99 |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | Rzeszow University of Technology Faculty of Building Construction and Environmental Engin. |
Grade | Ph.D, MSc |
Keywords | Geodesy, Cartography, GPS, GIS, Photogrammetry |
Contact Person | Prof. dr hab. inż. Roman Kadaj – Head of Department |
Address | Ul. Poznańska 2, 35-959 Rzeszów |
Contact | e-mail: [email protected], tel: 48-17-865-13-06, fax: 48-17-865-17-11 |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | Koszalin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Environmental Engin. & Geodesy |
Grade | Ph.D, MSc |
Keywords | Geodesy, Cartography, GPS, GIS, GNSS, Photogrammetry |
Contact Person | dr hab. inż. Miłosława Rutkowska – Head of Department |
Address | Ul. Śniadeckich 2, 75-453 Koszalin |
Contact | e-mail: [email protected], tel: 48-94-348-67-17 |
Weblink | http://www.wilsigcms.wilsig.tu.koszalin.... |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Finland |
Name | Aalto University |
Grade | Master degree: Geoinformatics Real Estate Economics |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Aalto University Admission Services, Otakaari 1, P.O. Box 11110, FI-00076 Aalto |
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Name : Paavo Häikiö |
Educational institute | |
Country | Finland |
Name | Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences |
Grade | Bachelor degree |
Keywords | Land Surveying |
Contact Person | Mr. Vesa Rope |
Address | Vanha maantie 6, 02650 ESPOO, FINLAND |
Contact | vesa.rope[at] |
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Name : Paavo Häikiö |
Educational institute | |
Country | Finland |
Name | Lappland University of Applied Sciences |
Grade | Bachelor degree |
Keywords | Land Surveying |
Contact Person | Pasi Laurila |
Address | Jokiväylä 11 C, 96300 Rovaniemi, FINLAND |
Contact | pasi.laurila[at] |
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Name : Paavo Häikiö |
Educational institute | |
Country | Greece |
Name | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Grade | PhD program The Graduate Studies Program of the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki offers a PhD program to holders of a Graduate Diploma from PRSE / AUTh or to holders of an equivalent Graduate Diploma of an equivalent academic institution in Greece or abroad. |
Keywords | PhD, Surveying Engineering, Greece |
Contact Person | V. Tsioukas |
Address | School of Rural & Surveying Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Campus of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 541 24, Thessaloniki, Greece |
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Name : Konstantina Mangina |
Educational institute | |
Country | Greece |
Name | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering - National Technical University of Athens |
Grade | Diploma (5 year of university education) of Rural and Surveying Engineering |
Keywords | NTUA, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering; GIS; Geodesy; Cartography; Photogrammetry; UAV; Cadastre; Geography & Regional Planning; Natural Hazards Assessment; Infrastructure & Rural Development |
Contact Person | M. Kavouras (Dean); T. Kremizi (Secretary) |
Address | 9 Iroon Polytechneiou Str., 157 80, Zographos, Athens, Greece |
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Name : Eftychia Kalogianni |
Educational institute | |
Country | Greece |
Name | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering - National Technical University of Athens |
Grade | MSc Geoinformatics NTUA Interdisciplinary Programme of Postgraduate Studies |
Keywords | NTUA, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, MSc Geoinformatics; Geoinformatics; GIS; Ontology; Remote Sensing; Digital Chartography; Photogrammetry; Spatial Analysis; Spatial Databases; Web GIS |
Contact Person | M. Kavouras (Director); E. Paliatsou (Secretary) |
Address | 9 Iroon Polytechneiou Str., 157 80, Zographos, Athens, Greece |
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Name : Eftychia Kalogianni |
Educational institute | |
Country | Croatia |
Name | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy |
Grade | Master Study (Magistar inženjer geodezije i geoinformatike), Postgraduate-Specialist, Postgraduate-Doctoral |
Keywords | University of Zagreb, Geodesy, Geoinformation |
Contact Person | Faculty of Geodesy |
Address | Fra Andrije Kačića Miošića 26 , 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Ivan Remeta |
Educational institute | |
Country | Denmark |
Name | Aalborg University |
Grade | 3 year Bachelor + 2 Year Master = Candidatus Geometriae (chartered surveyor) Surveying Programme is a broad and holistic education where the academic traditions of engineering, architecture and law education goes up to a higher level. At the master you have the opportunity to specialize in: Measurement Science - Traditional techniques and modern electronic and satellite-based methods og mapping. Geoinformatics - Geographic information technology and geographic information systems. Land Management - Design and management of land use in urban and rural areas. Analyzing and evaluating the physical and social needs and use of spatial planning and regulation as tools in this process. |
Keywords | Land Management, Geoinformatics, Measurement Science |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Fredrik Bajers Vej 5, 9100 Aalborg |
Contact | - |
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Name : Torben Juulsager |
Educational institute | |
Country | Malta |
Name | Malta Colledge of Arts Science & Technology (MCAST) |
Grade | Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment |
Keywords | MCAST, diploma |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Triq Kordin, Raħal Ġdid, Malta |
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Name : Michelle Camilleri |
Educational institute | |
Country | Norway |
Name | Norwegian Institute of Life Sciences |
Grade | Bachelor in Geomatics, Master in Geomatics, Master in Land management, Master in Urban and regional planning, |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | - |
Address | - |
Contact | - |
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Name : Leiv Bjarte Mjøs |
Educational institute | |
Country | Norway |
Name | Bergen University College |
Grade | Bachelor in surveying and land administration |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | - |
Address | P.O. Box 7030, Nygårdsgaten 112, N-5020 Bergen |
Contact | - |
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Name : Leiv Bjarte Mjøs |
Educational institute | |
Country | Moldova |
Name | The State Agrarian University of Moldova (SAUM) |
Grade | Bachelor degree - Cadastre and Land Management (180-240 ECTS) - Real Estate Valuation (180-240 ECTS) Master Degree - Land Consolidation (90 ECTS) Real Estate Management and Valuation (90 ECTS) |
Keywords | Cadastre, Land Management, Land Consolidation, Real Estate Valuation |
Contact Person | Oleg Horjan |
Address | str. Mirceşti, 42, or. Chişinău, Moldova, Republic of |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Vasile Chiriac |
Educational institute | |
Country | Moldova |
Name | Technical University of Moldova |
Grade | Bachelor degree - Geodesy, Cadastre and Geotechnics (180-240 ECTS) Master Degree - Engineering and quality management (90 ECTS) Doctor degree - Geodesy, Cadastre and Land Management (180 ECTS) |
Keywords | Geodesy, Physical Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote sensing, Cadastre, Geotechnics |
Contact Person | L. Nistor-Lopatenco |
Address | Bd. Ştefan cel Mare, 168, MD-2004, Moldova, Chișinău |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Vasile Chiriac |
Educational institute | |
Country | Belgium |
Name | Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen |
Grade | Bachelor in Real Estate - Option surveying |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Lange Nieuwstraat 101 2000 Antwerpen |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Belgium |
Name | Hogeschool Gent, Campus Schoonmeersen |
Grade | Bachelor in Real Estate - Option Surveying |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Valentin Vaerwyckweg 1 9000 Gent |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Belgium |
Name | Universiteit Gent |
Grade | Bachelor in Geography and Geomatics - Option Surveying |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | Philippe de Maeyer |
Address | Krijgslaan 281, S8 9000 Gent België |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Belgium |
Name | I.E.P.S.C.F. Institut d’Enseignement de Promotion sociale de la Communauté française |
Grade | Bachelor: Graduat: Géomètre-Expert Immobilier |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Place de l’Ecole des Cadets 6 - 5000 NAMUR |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Belgium |
Name | HoGent-HBO5 CVO Panta Rhei |
Grade | Topographer |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Schoonmeersstraat 26, 9000 Gent |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Belgium |
Name | Universiteit Gent |
Grade | Master of Science in de industriële wetenschappen: landmeten |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33 9000 Gent |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Belgium |
Name | Universiteit Gent |
Grade | Master in Geomatics - Option Surveying |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | Philippe de Maeyer |
Address | Krijgslaan 281, S8 9000 Gent België |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Belgium |
Name | Universiteit Gent |
Grade | Master in Geomatics - Option Surveying |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | Philippe de Maeyer |
Address | Krijgslaan 281, S8 9000 Gent België |
Contact | we |
Weblink | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Belgium |
Name | Universiteit Gent |
Grade | Master in Geomatics - Option Surveying |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | Philippe de Maeyer |
Address | Krijgslaan 281, S8 9000 Gent België |
Contact | we |
Weblink | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering Surveying, Mining and Geology |
Grade | Ph.D, MSc, BSc |
Keywords | Mining and Geology, Geodesy i Cartography, Materials Management and Protection of Environment, Geoinformatics, Exploration and Mining Geology, Engineering Surveying |
Contact Person | prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Ciężkowski - Dean |
Address | ul. Na Grobli 15, Budynek L-1, 50-421 |
Contact | tel. 48-71-320-68-33, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mining and Geology |
Grade | Ph.D, MSc, BSc, |
Keywords | Mining Surveying, Mining and Geology, Safety Engineering |
Contact Person | prof. dr hab. inż. Marian Dolipski – Dean |
Address | Ul. Akademicka 2, 44-100 Gliwice |
Contact | tel. 48-32-237-12-83, e-mail: [email protected] |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Faculty of Production Engineering |
Grade | Bsc |
Keywords | Geodesy and Cartography, Agricultural Land Surveying and Real Estate Economics |
Contact Person | prof. dr hab. Andrzej Marczuk - Dean |
Address | ul. Głęboka 28, 20-612 Lublin |
Contact | tel. 48-531-96-69 |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Poland |
Name | Maritime University of Szczecin, Faculty of Navigation |
Grade | Ph.D, MSc,BSc |
Keywords | Geodesy and Cartography, Geoinformatics |
Contact Person | dr hab. inż Andrzej Klewski – Head of Department |
Address | ul.Wały Chrobrego 1-2 , 70-500 Szczecin |
Contact | e-mail: [email protected] |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Polytechnic University of Cataluña / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
Grade | Doctor (Urbanism) |
Keywords | Urbanism |
Contact Person | Joaquim Sabate Bel |
Address | Avda. Diagonal 649 08028 Barcelona |
Contact | Email: [email protected] / Tel: 93 401 77 04 |
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Name : Álvaro Conde Pérez |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | University of León / Universidad de León |
Grade | Bachelor (BSc. Geomatic and Surveying Engineering) Currently there is no offer this Grade |
Keywords | Bachelor, Geomatic, Surveying, Leon |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Universidad de León, Campus de Ponferrada Av. de Astorga 15 - 24400 Ponferrada (León) |
Contact | Tel: 987 44 20 00 |
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Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | university of Alcala / Universidad de Alcala |
Grade | Doctor (PhD in Geographic Information Technology) |
Keywords | Doctor, PhD, Geographic Information Techonolgy |
Contact Person | Dr. Emilio Chuvieco Salinero |
Address | Escuela de Posgrado, C/ Libreros 21 - 28801 Alcalá de Henares |
Contact | Email: [email protected] / Email: [email protected] / Email: [email protected] Tel: 918 85 68 56 Fax: 918 85 68 89 |
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Meta data |
Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | University of Salamanca/Universidad de Salamanca |
Grade | Master (Cartographic Geotechnology) |
Keywords | Oficial, USAL, Geotechnology, Cartography |
Contact Person | Ángel Luis Muñoz Nieto |
Address | Address: Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ávila. C/Hornos Caleros, 50. 05003. Ávila |
Contact | [email protected]. +34 920 35 35 00 fax +34 920 35 35 01 |
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Meta data |
Name : Fernando Rodriguez Amor |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | University of Alcala/Universidad de Alcalá |
Grade | Master (MSc. Geographic Information Technology) |
Keywords | Oficial, UA, Geodesy, Cartography, GIS |
Contact Person | E. Chuvieco Salinero |
Address | Pza. San Diego, s/n, Alcalá de Henares, 28801, Madrid, Spain |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | University of Extremadura/Universidad de Extremadura |
Grade | Master (MSc. Geotechnology and Topographic Engineering) |
Keywords | Oficial, GIS, Geotechnology, Topography, Extremadura |
Contact Person | J. Juan de Sanjosé Blasco |
Address | Escuela Politécnica, Av. Universidad s/n, 10003, Cáceres, Spain |
Contact | |
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Meta data |
Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | University of Valencia / Universitat de València |
Grade | Master (Remote Sensing) |
Keywords | Oficial, Master, Remote Sensing, Teledetección |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 13. 46010 Valencia, Spain |
Contact | Email: [email protected] / Tel: 963 86 41 00 |
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Name : Álvaro Conde Pérez |
Educational institute | |
Country | Sweden |
Name | Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) |
Grade | MSc in Real Estate and Construction Management (start Autumn 2013) |
Keywords | Construction Project Management, Real Estate Development , Building & Real Estate Economics |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Real Estate and Construction Management, Brinellvägen 1, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden |
Contact | Contact: masterprogram.recm@ |
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Name : Marina Vaskovich |
Educational institute | |
Country | Sweden |
Name | Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) |
Grade | MSc in Transport and Geoinformation Technology |
Keywords | Transport Systems, Geoinformation Technology, Transport Planning, Geoinformatics, Geodesy |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Drottning Kristinas väg 30, 3 tr., 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden |
Contact | |
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Meta data |
Name : Marina Vaskovich |
Educational institute | |
Country | Sweden |
Name | Royal Institute of Technology |
Grade | MSc in Sustainable Urban Planning and Design |
Keywords | Environment & planning, urban & regional planning, urban planning & design |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Drottning Kristinas väg 30, 100 44, Stockholm, Sweden |
Contact | [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : M. Vaskovich |
Educational institute | |
Country | Sweden |
Name | Lund University |
Grade | MSc in Geographical Information Systems |
Keywords | GIS, Geographical data, Remore sensing, GIS in Planning |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Box 117, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : M. Vaskovich |
Educational institute | |
Country | Sweden |
Name | Lund University |
Grade | MSc in Sustainable Urban Design |
Keywords | Urban planning, architecture, urban landscape, urban processes |
Contact Person | - |
Address | P.O.Box 118 SE-221 00 LUND, SWEDEN |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : M. Vaskovich |
Educational institute | |
Country | Sweden |
Name | University of Gävle |
Grade | Master programme in Geomatics (60 ECTS) |
Keywords | Geomatics, GIS |
Contact Person | Bin Jiang |
Address | Högskolan i Gävle, 801 76, Gävle, Sweden |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : Marina Edlund |
Educational institute | |
Country | Sweden |
Name | Lund University |
Grade | Master (MSc. Geomatics) |
Keywords | Lund, GIS, Geomatics |
Contact Person | U. Mårtensson |
Address | Sölvegatan 12, S-223 62, Lund, Sweden |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | Switzerland |
Name | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) |
Grade | Master (MSc. Geomatics Engineering and Planning) |
Keywords | ETH, Geomatics |
Contact Person | H. Ingensand, Prof. Dr. |
Address | HIL D 43.3, Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 15, CH-8093, Zurich, Switzerland |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | Switzerland |
Name | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland |
Grade | Master (MSE Geoinformation Technology) |
Keywords | Geomatics, Geoinformation |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Geomatik, Gründenstrasse 40, 4132, Muttenz, Switzerland |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | Switzerland |
Name | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) |
Grade | Master (MSc.) |
Keywords | EPFL, GIS, Geoinformation |
Contact Person | V. Boillat Kireev |
Address | EPFL ENAC IIE LASIG Batiment, GC GC D2 397, Station 18, CH-1015, Lausanne, Switzerland |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | France |
Name | Ecole supérieure des géomètres et topographes (ESGT) |
Grade | The ESGT, created in 1946 within the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM), is authorized to issue an engineering degree. The ESGT's comprehensive training offer is as follows: (i) Graduation of engineer from CNAM, geography specialist and surveyor; (ii) Master in Science, Technology, Health, "Geography, Planning, Environment and Development", course "Land Identification and management"; (iii) Professional license in Sciences, technologies, health, mention "Trades in public works", "Geo-measures and development" course; (iv) PhD in Geomatics; and (v) continuing education, in particular for the preparation of the Diploma of Land Surveyor issued by the Government (DPLG). The ESGT is one of the three schools of engineers approved by the Ordre des Géomètres-Experts to enter this profession. The other way of access to the Ordre des Géomètres-Experts is that of the DPLG, continuing training for experienced technicians and delivered to the ESGT through several modules. |
Keywords | ESGT, created in 1946 within CNAM, is authorized to issue an engineering degree |
Contact Person | Christophe Proudhom |
Address | 1 Boulevard Pythagore, 72000 Le Mans |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Florian Lebourdais |
Educational institute | |
Country | France |
Name | Ecole spéciale des travaux publics, du bâtiment et de l'industrie (ESTP) |
Grade | In France, the engineering degree is a 5 year “diplôme d’ingénieur – master’s degree”, accredited by national authority (CTI). The first two years in higher education normally take place at specialized institutions (“classes préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles”). The syllabus of this two year course is focused on further science (mathematics, physics, chemistry, general engineering science). After a highly selective entrance examination, the actual engineering course at the “Grande Ecole d’Ingénieurs” as ESTP lasts 3 years and provides: (i) a high level general scientific knowledge ; (ii) a specialised education that will allow him to possess technical and operational skills ; (iii) a preparation to become a manager in the international market; (iv) an introduction to applied research and innovation activities. The ESTP engineering degree programme is accredited by CTI and RICS and benefits from the European quality label in engineering, EUR-ACE. |
Keywords | ESTP is accreditated to award the engineering degree “diplôme d’ingénieur” |
Contact Person | Marie-Jo Goedert |
Address | 28 avenue du Président Wilson, 94230 Cachan |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Florian Lebourdais |
Educational institute | |
Country | France |
Name | Institut national des sciences appliquées (INSA) |
Grade | Created in 1874, INSA Strasbourg is a “Grande École” - an engineering and architecture school under the control of the Ministry in charge of higher education. Its missions are to train engineers and architects in five years, to conduct high-level research in science and technology, to provide continuing education for engineers and technicians, to facilitate professional integration and to promote a science and technology-focused culture. INSA Strasbourg is the only school in France to award both engineer and architect degrees. In 2014, it created a new joint engineering and architecture course. INSA Strasbourg belongs to the INSA Group, which is a grouping of 6 national institutes of applied science (Lyon, Rennes, Rouen, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Centre Val de Loire), an International INSA (INSA Euro-Méditerranée) and 7 partner schools. They make up the largest network of engineering schools in France and every year they train over 10% of French engineers. |
Keywords | INSA Strasbourg awards both engineer and architect degrees |
Contact Person | Abdellah Ghenaim |
Address | 24 bd de la Victoire 67084 Strasbourg cedex |
Contact | |
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Name : Florian Lebourdais |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | The University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea |
Grade | Bachelor (BSc. Geomatic and Surveying Engineering) |
Keywords | Bachelor, Geomatic, Surveying, Basque Country |
Address | Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería de Vitoria-Gasteiz, Nieves Cano, 12 - 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz |
Contact | [email protected] Tel 945013224 / 945 01 32 05 |
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Name : Fernando Rodriguez Amor |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | University of Santiago de Compostela / Universidad de Santiago de Compostela |
Grade | Bachelor (BSc. Geomatic and Surveying Engineering) |
Keywords | Bachelor, Geomatic, Surveying, Santiago de Compostela |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Escuela Politécnica Superior, C/ Benigno Ledo - 27002 Lugo |
Contact | Email: epsdirecció[email protected] Tel.: 982 82 30 08 Fax: 982 28 59 26 |
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Meta data |
Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria / Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria |
Grade | Bachelor (BSc. Geomatic and Surveying Engineering) |
Keywords | Bachelor, Geomatic, Surveying, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria |
Contact Person | Fernando Toscano Benítez |
Address | Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales y Civiles, Campus de Tafira - 35017, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. |
Contact | Tel.: 928 45 19 97 [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : Fernando Rodriguez Amor |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | University of Salamanca / Universidad de Salamanca |
Grade | Bachelor (BSc. Geomatic and Surveying Engineering) |
Keywords | Bachelor, Geomatic, Surveying, Salamanca |
Contact Person | Benjamín Arias Pérez |
Address | Address: Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ávila. C/Hornos Caleros, 50. 05003. Ávida |
Contact | Tel.: +34 920 35 35 00 [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : Fernando Rodriguez Amor |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | University of Jaen / Universidad de Jaén |
Grade | Bachelor (BSc. Geomatic and Surveying Engineering) |
Keywords | Bachelor, Geomatic, Surveying, Jaen |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Campus Las Lagunillas s/n - 23071 Jaén |
Contact | Email: [email protected] Tel.: 953 21 21 21 Fax: 953 21 22 39 |
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Meta data |
Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Polytechnic University of Madrid / Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |
Grade | Bachelor (BSc. Geomatic and Surveying Engineering) |
Keywords | Bachelor, Geomatic, Surveying, Madrid |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Campus Sur Camino de la Arboleda s/n - 28031 Madrid |
Contact | Tel: 913 36 79 16 |
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Meta data |
Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Polytechnic University of Valencia / Universitat Politècnica de València |
Grade | Bachelor (BSc. Geomatic and Surveying Engineering) |
Keywords | Bachelor, Geomatic, Surveying, Valencia |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Universitat Politècnica de València, Camino de Vera, s/n - 46022 Valencia |
Contact | Email: [email protected] Tel: 963 87 70 00 Fax: 963 87 90 09 |
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Meta data |
Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Polytechnic University of Cataluña / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
Grade | Bachelor (BSc. Geomatic and Surveying Engineering) |
Keywords | Bachelor, Geomatic, Surveying, Cataluña |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Campus Diagonal Sud. Edificio P, Av. Doctor Marañón, 44-50 - 08028 Barcelona |
Contact | Email: Informacio.epseb@( Tel.: 934 01 63 00 |
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Meta data |
Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | University of Oviedo / Universidad de Oviedo |
Grade | Bachelor (BSc. Geomatic and Surveying Engineering) |
Keywords | Bachelor, Geomatic, Surveying, Oviedo |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Escuela Politecnica de Mieres, Calle Gonzalo Gutierrez - 33600 Mieres |
Contact | Tel.: 985 45 80 04 Fax: 985 45 81 88 |
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Meta data |
Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Polytechnic University of Valencia / Universitat Politècnica Valéncia |
Grade | Master (Transportation, Territorial and Urban Planning) |
Keywords | Oficial, Master, Transportation, Urban Planing, Valencia |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia, Camino de Vera, s/n - 46022 Valencia, Spain |
Contact | Tel. (+34) 96 387 70 00 / Email: [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : Álvaro Conde Pérez |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Polytechnic University of Valencia / Universitat Politècnica de València |
Grade | Master (Planning and Management in Civil Engineering) |
Keywords | Oficial, Master, Civil Engineering, Valencia |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Universitat Politècnica de València, Camino de Vera, s/n - 46022 Valencia, Spain |
Contact | Email: [email protected] / Tel: (+34) 96 387 70 00 |
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Meta data |
Name : Álvaro Conde Pérez |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | The University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea |
Grade | Master (Space Science and Technology) |
Keywords | Oficial, Master, Space Science and Technology |
Contact Person | Agustin Sanchez Lavega - Begoña Atucha |
Address | Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao, Alameda Urquijo, s/n – 48013 Bilbao |
Contact | Email: [email protected] / Email: [email protected] Tel: 946 01 82 40 |
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Meta data |
Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | University of Oviedo / Universidad de Oviedo |
Grade | Master (MSc. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems) |
Keywords | Oficial, Master, Remote Sensing, GIS, Oviedo, Mieres |
Contact Person | Dª. Asunción Cámara Obregón |
Address | Edificio Científico Tecnológico, Calle Gonzalo Gutiérrez Quirós, s/n 33600, Mieres, Spain |
Contact | Email: [email protected] / Email: [email protected] / Tel: (+34) 985 45 80 04 |
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Meta data |
Name : Álvaro Conde Pérez |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | The University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea |
Grade | Master (European Master in Project Management - Euro MPM) |
Keywords | Oficial, Master, European, Project Management, Euro MPM, Basque Country |
Contact Person | Jose Ramón Otegi Olaso - Begoña Atucha |
Address | Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao, Alameda Urquijo, s/n – 48013 Bilbao |
Contact | Email: [email protected] / Email: [email protected] Tel.: 946 01 82 40 |
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Meta data |
Name : Fernando Rodriguez Amor |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Polytechnic University of Madrid / Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |
Grade | Master (MSc. Engineering Geodesy and Cartograph) |
Keywords | Oficial, Master, Geodesy, Cartography, Madrid |
Contact Person | José María Fábrega Golpe |
Address | Calle Ramiro de Maeztu, 7, 28040 Madrid |
Contact | Email: [email protected]/ Tel: 913367927 |
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Meta data |
Name : Álvaro Conde Pérez |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Polytechnic University of Cataluña / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
Grade | Master (Urbanism) |
Keywords | Oficial, Master, Town planning, Urbanism, Urbanismo, Barcelona |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Campus Diagonal Sud. Edificio A Av. Diagonal, 649 08028 Barcelona |
Contact | Email: [email protected] / Email: marta.sogas@( / Tel: 93 401 63 29 / 63 33 |
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Meta data |
Name : Álvaro Conde Pérez |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | University of Oviedo / Universidad de Oviedo |
Grade | Doctor (PhD in Mining, Civil Engineering and Environment and Project Management) |
Keywords | Doctor, PhD, Mining, Civil Engineering, Environment, Project Management |
Contact Person | Jorge Loredo Pérez |
Address | Centro Internacional de Postgrado, Plaza de Riego, s/n, 33003 - Oviedo |
Contact | Email: [email protected] Tel: 985 10 42 05 / Email: [email protected] Tel: 985 10 49 17 - 985 10 49 18 Fax: 985 10 49 59 |
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Meta data |
Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Polytechnic University of Cataluña / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
Grade | Master (Urban management and valuation) |
Keywords | Oficial, Barcelona, Urban management |
Contact Person | Luz Soro Llop |
Address | Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona Av. Diagonal 649, 08028 Barcelona |
Contact | Email: [email protected] / Tel: 93 401 18 75 |
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Meta data |
Name : Álvaro Conde Pérez |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Polytechnic University of Madrid / Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |
Grade | Doctor (PhD in Geographical Engineering) |
Keywords | Doctor, PhD, Geographical Engineering |
Contact Person | - |
Address | E.T.S.I. en Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía, Campus Sur de la UPM, Km 7.5 de la Autovía de Valencia - 28031 Madrid Spain |
Contact | Email: [email protected] Tel: 913 36 79 09 Fax: 913 36 79 32 |
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Meta data |
Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Polytechnic University of Cataluña / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
Grade | Doctor (Urban and Architectonic Management and Valuations) |
Keywords | Barcelona, Urban management, Valuations |
Contact Person | Josep Roca Cladera |
Address | Campus Diagonal Sud, Edificio A. Av. Diagonal, 649 08028 Barcelona |
Contact | Email: [email protected] / Tel: 93 401 63 96 |
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Meta data |
Name : Álvaro Conde Pérez |
Educational institute | |
Country | Austria |
Name | Graz University of Technology |
Grade | Doctor (PhD.) |
Keywords | TU Graz |
Contact Person | R. Hoedl |
Address | Steyrergasse 30/I, 8010, Graz, Austria |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | Austria |
Name | Vienna University of Technology |
Grade | Master (MSc. Survey and Land Registration, MSc. Geodesy and Geophysics, MSc. Geomatics Engineering and Cartography) |
Keywords | TU Wien, Geoinformation |
Contact Person | Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation |
Address | E120.1 and E120.7 Gußhausstraße 27 - 29, 1040, Vienna, Austria |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | Bulgaria |
Name | University of Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Geodesy |
Grade | Master (MA Geodesy) |
Keywords | UACEG, Geodesy |
Contact Person | G. Pаvlоv |
Address | 1 Hristo Smirnenski Blvd., 1046, Sofia, Bulgaria |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | Estonia |
Name | University of Tartu |
Grade | Master (MSc.) |
Keywords | Geography |
Contact Person | R. Ahas, Prof. |
Address | Vanemuine 46, 51014, Tartu, Estonia |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | Estonia |
Name | Tallinn University of Technology (Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, TTÜ) |
Grade | Applied Geodesy (Rakendusgeodeesia). A master degree in Applied Geodesy could be obtained at department of Road Engineering (Faculty of Civil Engineering). |
Keywords | Applied Geodesy, Construction Geodesy, Surveying, Mapping |
Contact Person | prof. A. Ellmann |
Address | Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, ESTONIA |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Germany |
Name | Several universities in Germany - see weblink! |
Grade | Bachelor or Master (MSc. Geodesy and Geoinformatics) |
Keywords | Geodesy, Geoinformation, Landmanagement |
Contact Person | see weblink |
Address | see weblink |
Contact | |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | Ireland |
Name | National University of Ireland Maynooth |
Grade | Master (MSc. in GIS and Remote Sensing) |
Keywords | GIS, Remote Sensing |
Contact Person | Dr. Paul Gibson |
Address | Department of Geography, NUI Maynooth, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : M. de Buitléir |
Educational institute | |
Country | Ireland |
Name | Dublin Institute of Technology |
Grade | Bachelor (BSc. in Geomatics) |
Keywords | Geomatics, Geodetic Surveying |
Contact Person | Kevin Mooney |
Address | DIT, Bolton Street, Dublin 1, Ireland |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : M. de Buitléir |
Educational institute | |
Country | Ireland |
Name | Dublin Institute of Technology |
Grade | Master (MSc. Spatial Information Management ) |
Keywords | DIT, Geoinformation Spatial Information |
Contact Person | Patrick Prendergast, Dr. |
Address | Department of Spatial Information Sciences, DIT Bolton Street, Dublin 1, Ireland |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : M. de Buitléir |
Educational institute | |
Country | Ireland |
Name | University College Cork |
Grade | Master (MSc. Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing) |
Keywords | GIS, Geoinformation, GPS, Remote Sensing |
Contact Person | F. Cawkwell, Dr. |
Address | Department of Geography, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | The Netherlands |
Name | University of Twente (ITC) |
Grade | Master (MSc. GIMA) |
Keywords | GIMA, ITC, GIS, Geoinformation |
Contact Person | C. Blok, Dr. |
Address | Twente University - MSc. GIMA , P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede, The Netherlands |
Contact | |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | The Netherlands |
Name | Wageningen University |
Grade | Master (MSc. Geo-Information Science) |
Keywords | Wageningen, Geoinformation |
Contact Person | W.T. ten Haaf |
Address | Droevendaalsesteeg 3, 6708PB, Wageningen, The Netherlands |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | The Netherlands |
Name | Delft University of Technology |
Grade | Master (MSc. Geomatics) |
Keywords | TU Delft, Geomatics |
Contact Person | E. Verbree |
Address | OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment, Jaffalaan 9 (Building 30), 2628 BX, Delft, The Netherlands |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | The Netherlands |
Name | Utrecht University |
Grade | Master (MSc. Geographical Information Management and Applications) |
Keywords | Utrecht University, GIS |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Budapestlaan 4, 3584 CD, Utrecht, The Netherlands |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | The Netherlands |
Name | Delft University of Technology |
Grade | Master (MSc. Geoscience and Remote Sensing) |
Keywords | TU Delft, Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN, Delft, The Netherlands |
Contact | |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | The Netherlands |
Name | University of Twente |
Grade | Master (MSc.) |
Keywords | University of Twente, ITC, Geo-information |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Hengelosestraat 99, 7514 AE, Enschede, The Netherlands |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Meta data |
Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | The Netherlands |
Name | Free University of Amsterdam/Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam |
Grade | Master (MSc. Geographical Information Sciences) |
Keywords | GIS, Geoinformation |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Vrije Universiteit, dep. Spatial Economics, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros en Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía Campus Sur |
Grade | Formar profesionales con capacidad para:•Diseñar y desarrollar proyectos geomáticos y topográficos.•Planificar, proyectar, dirigir, ejecutar, y gestionar procesos de medida, sistemas de información, explotación de imágenes, posicionamiento y navegación; modelización, representación y visualización de la información territorial en, bajo y sobre la superficie terrestre. •Planificar, proyectar, dirigir, ejecutar y gestionar procesos y productos de aplicación a la obra civil y la edificación; a la ingeniería medio ambiental, agronómica, forestal y minera; en la sociedad de la información y de aplicación en catastro y registro, ordenación del territorio y valoración en el ámbito geomático. |
Keywords | Bachelor, Geomatic, Surveying, Madrid |
Contact Person | - |
Address | - |
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Name : Fernando Rodriguez Amor |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | Master's Degree in Geomatics Engineering and Geoinformation |
Grade | The Master's Degree in Geomatics Engineering and Geoinformation offers instruction in geographic information technologies applied to the study and management of land and the environment on its various scales, provides theoretical knowledge, and has a highly practical approach to handling equipment and solving problems. The programme explores data acquisition techniques; the development of GIS applications; geoportals and mobile devices; management of spatial databases; environmental and land use analysis and modelling with remote sensing and lidar; positioning technologies, navigation, surveying and documentation of architectural heritage; and 3D cartographic representation and visualisation. |
Keywords | GIS, geoinformacion, |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Universitat Politècnica de Valencia. Camino de Vera s/n – 46022 Valencia |
Contact | [email protected] Tfno: 963877160 Fax: 963879009 |
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Name : Fernando Rodriguez Amor |
Educational institute | |
Country | Spain |
Name | University of Extremadura / Universidad de Extremadura |
Grade | Bachelor (BSc. Geomatic and Surveying Engineering) |
Keywords | Bachelor, Geomatic, Surveying, Extremadura |
Contact Person | - |
Address | Avda. Santa Teresa de Jornet, 38 - 06800 Mérida |
Contact | Tel.: 924 387 068 Fax: 924 303 782 |
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Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Educational institute | |
Country | Albania |
Name | - |
Grade | - |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | - |
Address | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Cyprus |
Name | - |
Grade | - |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | - |
Address | - |
Contact | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Czech Republik |
Name | - |
Grade | - |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | - |
Address | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Hungary |
Name | - |
Grade | - |
Keywords | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Iceland |
Name | - |
Grade | - |
Keywords | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Latvia |
Name | - |
Grade | - |
Keywords | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Lithuania |
Name | - |
Grade | - |
Keywords | - |
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Educational institute | |
Country | Luxembourg |
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Grade | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | North Macedonia |
Name | - |
Grade | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Portugal |
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Grade | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Republic of Kosovo |
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Grade | - |
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Educational institute | |
Country | Romania |
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Grade | - |
Keywords | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Slovakia |
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Grade | - |
Keywords | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Türkiye |
Name | - |
Grade | - |
Keywords | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | Ukraine |
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Grade | - |
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Name : - |
Educational institute | |
Country | United Kingdom |
Name | - |
Grade | - |
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Contact | - |
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Name : - |