CLGE Students Contest 2012

The first CLGE Students contest has successfully been implemented.

The jury has decided to award prizes in two categories.

After announcing the contest in October 2011, 11 papers, all with high quality, was received in these three categories within the deadline 15th of July.

The winners will receive their awards in Hannover, October 10th, in connection with the 3rd CLGE European Surveyors Conference and INTERGEO.

Below you may find the participants’ papers

Students were invited to send in papers in three categories:

  • Geodesy and Topography
  • GIS and Mapping
  • Students and Youngsters engagement

TRIMBLE and ESRI have supported the Students contest.

The winner in category “Geodesy, Topography”

Geodetic Works In Research And Development Plan For Remediation Of Landslides Kostanjek. Diana Bečirević, Daria Dragčević, Jakov Maganić, Kristina Opatić, Ljerka Županović (CROATIA)


The winner in the category “GIS and Mapping”

Impact of Persistent Organic Pollutants on human health and analysis of the damage caused by them by using GIS tools. Constantin Gisca (MOLDOVA)


Other participants

The evaluation of troposphere models applied in the Hungarian Active GNSS Network. Péter Braunmüller (HUNGARY)Category “Geodesy&Topography”

Influence of the gravitational attraction of terraced landforms to precise levelling results. Silja Talvik (ESTONIA) Category “Geodesy&Topography”

Semiautomatic quality control of the positional accuracy of geographical points. Jan Vermeiren (BELGIUM) Category “Geodesy&Topography”

Study of spatial data quality on the example of spatial data users in Estonia knowledge, experience, and attitude. Õie Nikkel (ESTONIA) Category “Geodesy&Topography”

Topological operations on simple three-dimensional objects in geoinformation systems. Zoran Bozickovic, Grgo Dzelalija, Antonije Ivanovic (CROATIA) Category “Geodesy&Topography”

Archaeological visibility analysis with GIS. Linda Alblas (THE NETHERLANDS) Category “GIS&Mapping”

GIS in security planning of sports events. Bálint Molnár (HUNGARY) Category “GIS & Mapping”

The Classification of Crops and the Yield Evaluation Using Vegetation Indices. Miroslav Petrovic, Denis Papovic, Veljko Latinovic (SERBIA) Category “GIS & Mapping”

Students and youngsters engagement. Alban Suku (ALBANIA) Category “Students and youngsters engagement”



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