7th Croatian Symposium of Chartered Geodetic Engineers

The Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers organizes the Seventh Symposium of Chartered Geodetic Engineers that will be held from 24th – 26th October 2014 in Opatija in the Congress Center of Grand Hotel 4 opatijska cvijeta. The theme of the Symposium is THE ROLE OF GEODESY IN LAND DEVELOPMENT AND SPACE MANAGEMENT, with sub-themes Land Development and Space Management, Role of Surveyors in Assessing Real Estates and Surveying Measuring Methods in Land Development Procedures. We invite authors to submit an abstract explaining the purpose of the paper and the most important features of paper. An abstract may not contain over 250 words. The abstract and the key words appear below the title, author’s first and last name and author’s electronic mail address. Abstracts should be submitted electronically in MS Word format no later than 25 May 2014 to the electronic mail address: [email protected] More information -> http://www.clge.eu/documents/other//call_for_papers_7_symposium_Croatia.pdf


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