Young Surveyors support DPKB

CLGE and FIG YSEN invite European young surveyors to collaborate on CLGEs Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base. The answers to What, Why, Where,  When, Who or How questions could be found here. If you would like to contribute within this great project feel free to fill in the Registration form until June 18th. We would like to point out that there is lack of data for Czech Republic, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Iceland, Albania, FYRO Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Republic of Kosovo, Republic of Serbia, Romania, Russian Federation, so YS from these countries are more than welcome. After data input by the YS and evaluation by CLGE there will be a small reward for successful young surveyors. More detailed info regarding the prizes could be also find within provided materials. For any other info, please, contact FIG YS European representative in CLGE, Diana Becirevic ([email protected]).


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