The Forum of Regional Bodies meets in Istanbul

During the FIG Congress in Istanbul, the Forum of Regional Bodies has met for the third time. After two editions, chaired by CLGE, NSPS has now taken over the chair. Curtis Sumner, Executive Director of NSPS, has taken over the chairmanship CLGE has offered the permanent secretariat. The meeting was very interessant and the participants have reached the following conclusions: They want to continue the work –Virtual meetings (‘1st VM’ second half of September 2018, in two shifts) –Dedicated page on the website of FIG for information exchange –Continuity with fixed dates for live meetings (Thursday afternoon, one session) FoRB –is willing to take over the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications –recommends an active involvement in the International coalitions (ILMS) –supports actions in the field of exchanges about Regional GNSS solutions FoRB thanks FIG Vice president and Dr. Orhan Ercan for the excellent venue and the good organization The powerpoint of the meeting can be downloaded on this page.


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