
GISCAD-OV – CLGE joins the efforts to use Galileo in Property Surveying

In 2018, CLGE joined a consortium led by the Italian companies GeoWeb and SOGEI, with the aim of submitting a project proposal to the Horizon 2020 programme ‘Space-EGNSS’.

The original idea to take part in this bid came from the Italian CLGE member, CNGeGL, via its General Secretary, Enrico Rispoli. The concept was to develop a project based on Galileo to improve the day-to-day business of property and cadastral surveying in Europe.

After a period of intense work, during the last months of 2018 and the first trimester 2019, the proposal was submitted on time in early March. On 14 August 2019, our project called ‘Galileo Improved Services for Cadastral Augmentation Development On-field Validation’ or GISCAD-OV was approved by the European Authorities.

The project will start in December 2019 or in January 2020 and has a duration of three years.

GeoWeb will be the project coordinator for GISCAD-OV, while SOGEI will lead the scientific and technical efforts. CLGE plays an essential role, primarily in the definition of the user requirements, the pilot projects and the dissemination of the results. Alongside these core actors, a number of other prestigious organisations have have joined the consortium: Geo++, Exagone (Teria), the Universities of Delft, Padua and York (CA), to name a few.

Further more detailed information is provided in this document.


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