CLGE Students’ Contest on the Move – Finalists Announced

CLGE President Vladimir Krupa opened the meeting with remarks which included a thank you to the candidates, the jury and our sponsors.

CLGE Chair of the Vetting Committee Mairolt Kakko made a short presentation giving a brief history of the Contest before introducing the jury and rule for the 2020 Contest. Mairolt then introduced the three finalists who each presented their work. Bernhard Richter, Vice President Geomatics, Leica Geosystems AG said: ‘I really liked the three finalists’ and indeed, the three presentations were very good and presented in a quite dynamic and agreeable mode. The whole session can be regarded as a nice success.

The winner will be announced at the Awarding Ceremony which forms part of the Global Surveyors Day and which takes place at 21:00 (CET) on Tuesday, 23rd March 2021.

The presentations from the Finals are below:


CLGE Sponsors