CLGE GA Skopje (MK) – final call for registration

CLGE will hold our Spring General Assembly in Skopje (MK) on Friday, 13th and Saturday, 14th May 2022.

Thus far more than 30 delegates have already registered, with more registrations expected. We encourage CLGE Member associations from all countries to send their Delegates to this event. The deadline for registration has been extended until Sunday, 24th April. With only a few more days remaining all Delegates are kindly asked to register ASAP.

We also encourage you to attend the Seminar on ‘New technologies and best practices in geodesy‘, organised by our hosts the Macedonian Chamber of Trade Surveying Companies with the support of CLGE, which takes place in Skopje (MK) on Thursday, 12th May 2022.

Full details are available here, for direct registration for the GA and the Seminar please follow this link.


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