CLGE launches the Young Surveyor’s Contest 2022

© CLGE – Awarding ceremony 2019

On this 31 January 2022 we launch the 10th Edition of our annual Contest. We use this anniversary to give our Contest an overhaul.

The CLGE Students’ Contest becomes the CLGE Young Surveyors’ Contest. Based on our experience and feedback from former participants, we have simplified the rules, only one page to read. It is not necessary anymore to write a long paper in English, the process starts now with sending a poster, following a predefined format.

The contest is very inclusive, all students’ and young surveyors active in Europe are welcome. The most diverse subjects from our sector can be chosen, they can result from a Bachelor or Master theses, a PhD paper or simply from a project or an idea in our field of activities. With these changes, we hope to get more participants and keep the quality from the past.

The Awarding Ceremony of the Contest will be held during INTERGEO 2022 in Essen on 19 October.

The social media hashtag is #CLGEYoungSurveyorsContest

Any doubts about who can apply, which topic is eligible, or any other questions on the contest? Just drop us a line at [email protected].

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