Earthquake in Türkiye – European Solidarity


On 6th February Europe’s surveyors woke up in grief. Our theme of the year 2023 ‘The Role of Surveyors in Disaster Management’ finds a very sad relevance in Türkiye.

Our President Vladimir Krupa has immediately contacted our Turkish Delegates Ali İpekHaluk Özener and Ferah Pırlanta Köksal, to express our condolences to all those affected. The European solidarity must be in full play. Our Turkish member, the Chamber of Survey and Cadastre Engineers, has been asked to estimate the losses and damages in its ranks. In a second phase, we will analyse what support CLGE can provide. We will update this news post once we have further information to report.

Update 8 February: The CLGE Bureau held an emergency meeting to prepare our offer of assistance to our Turkish colleagues. We will keep our Members informed via this website and LinkedIn.


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