FIG Climate Task Force Meeting and First Global Virtual Seminar
CLGE in cooperation with FIG invites Climate Task Force members and CLGE Members, to attend the first full Task Force meetings.
This is revolutionary interactive seminar series for all surveyors interested in climate change. Please join to meet, learn, inspire and share your expertise.
The FIG Climate Compass Task Force is holding a series of three virtual seminars across different global time zones across 20 to 22 February 2024 with:
- Diverse global expert surveying/geospatial practitioners providing case studies of climate impacts and resilience
- Audience-driven brainstorming livescribed to inform the FIG Climate Compass Task Force’s latest FIG publication
- Extensive audience involvement and interactivity for learning, sharing and problem-solving discussions
The Climate Task force needs to hear from CLGE members on how spatial intelligence, space technologies, digital transformation and innovation come together for surveyors for climate action. It’s about using geospatial technology and innovations to protect our planet by improving data capture, maintenance, modelling, analysis, maintenance and use for climate action.
Together, we will be defining and assessing what the big global land, carbon and biodiversity issues are that are relevant for surveyors working at national and local levels.
This means thinking about what the legal, policy, financial, and capacity implications are for rolling out new solutions at the scale necessary. Opportunities will be identified for the development of the future of the surveying profession, including technical opportunities and how surveying education needs to be rethought.
The three meetings will be held across the three major global time zones to reach all surveyors interested in climate no matter where around the world
Please register at the links below (each session accessible from two time zones) and please share across your networks with anyone you know who might be interested:
- Tuesday, 20 February 2024 at 09:00 GMT: Europe/Africa (09:00 CET start) Asia Pacific (19:00 AEDT start) –
- Wednesday, 21 February 2024 at 23:00 GMT: Asia Pacific (09:00 AEDT start) Americas (17:00 EST start) –
- Thursday, 22 February 2024 at 15:00 GMT: Americas (09:00 EST start) Europe/Africa (15:00 CET start) –
This event is organised by Roshni Sharma & Clarissa Augustinus, Co-Chairs, Climate Compass Task Force
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