A group of German Trainees visits Brussels and the House of European Surveyors and GI

From 29 to 31 January, a group of German Trainees had the nice idea to visit the heart of the European Union, including House of European Surveyors and GI (HESGI) and CLGE.

Here is their brief report: “We are a group of eight people form the German federal states of Berlin and Thuringia. Right now, we are in the midst of a kind of traineeship for our administrations which is taking two years. During the last INTERGEO in Berlin we got to know each other and talked about a trip to Brussels. It is important because a lot of politics within our states is influenced by Europe and there are many initiatives to work together, build new products and services and harmonise data on a European level. We stayed in Brussels from Sunday till Wednesday and on Monday morning we organised a program in the EU Commission. In the afternoon we visited the Experience Europe exhibition. On Tuesday we first went to an exhibition in the parliament and in the afternoon, we visited EuroGeographics and obviously CLGE.”

This is a great initiative and CLGE encourages others to do the same. CLGE President Vladimir Krupa said: “We need more Europe“.

Definitely, these young surveyors heard his message and acted accordingly.


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