
Clemens Kiepke and Thomas Jacubeit elected President and Vice President of BDVI (DE)

Dipl.Eng. Clemens Kiepke (L) and Dipl.Eng. Thomas Jacubeit (R)

On 24 May 2024 ‘Bund der Öffentlich bestellten Vermessungsingenieure’ (BDVI), part of CLGE’s membership from Germany, elected former CLGE Delegate Clemens Kiepke as President and CLGE Delegate / IG-PARLS Vice Chair Thomas Jacubeit was re-elected as Vice President.

We warmly congratulate both and wish them every success in their new roles. Clemens and Thomas are well known in CLGE as long term friends and respected colleagues and we look forward to continuing to work with them.

Please click here to see the new BDVI Executive Board.


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