CLGE Global Surveyors’ Day Photo Contest

This year, we have expanded this very nice initiative of the Estonian and then Baltic Surveyors. Thank you to CLGE Estonian Delegate and former CLGE Vice-President Mr Mairolt Kakko from Tallinn (EE) and his colleagues.

Please take part in the CLGE Global Surveyors’ Day Contest at Global Surveyors’ Day ( which includes full instructions and details. Please note that your participating photos can be taken only on 21 March 2024, i.e. on Global Surveyors’ Day, and must be uploaded between 21 and 28 March.

We look forward to seeing your photos from all across Europe and good luck with you entry!

CLGE Global Surveyors’ Day Registration

Please make every to join us for this important celebration please follow this link to register and why not encourage your colleagues to join us too. We look forward to celebrating with you 21 March, together we are stronger!

Social Media

Please share this information on social media posts using hashtag #GlobalSurveyorsDay #Geodesy


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