General Assembly events — 6 May 2010

After the first European Conference held in Strasbroug (FR) in september 2008, Bucharest (RO) saw the second event of this type, organized by our Romanian Friends and Colleagues, under the auspices of CLGE. This event took place from 6 to 8 May 2010.

The General Assembly took place on 7 May in the afternoon.

You can find the GA – Programme in the documents section of this event.

Jean-Yves Pirlot, Secretary General

Documents for this event


Session I – The Cadastral Surveyor, a Cornerstone of Society

Session II – The Publicly Appointed Cadastral Surveyors

Session III – The Publicly Appointed Cadastral Surveyors, Ctd

Session IV – The Romanian Surveyors and their role in the Real Estate Economy

Session V – The Italian example


Events Calendar

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