Events organized by CLGE — 15 March 2017

The day of the European Surveyor and GI honored the Swiss Surveyor, General Guillaume Henri Dufour. During the ceremony, his poster was unveiled at the House of the European Surveyor and GeoInformation. Here, you’ll find a few pictures of the event. CLGE Reception, with the introduction of the European Surveyor 2017
House of the European Surveyor and GeoInformation, 15 March 2017
                                              Opening (18.00) –  Welcome to the participants
  • Maurice Barbieri, CLGE President
  • Georges Adler, Président UGEB – ULEB
                                                                                                Thematic Part –  The FIG Forum of Regional Bodies
  •  Maurice Barbieri, CLGE President
–   The International Land Measurement Coalition
  • Pedro Ortiz, Secretary General
*** –  The European Surveyor of the Year 2017, Unveiling and Presentation
  • Meuwly Christian, Ambassador
  • Fridolin Wicki, Director swisstopo
  • Thomas Frick, President IGS (Ingénieurs Géomètres Suisses)
                                                Closing (21.30)

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