Other events — 4 October 2018

Pre TIGSIG Forum 2018 October 4th, 2018, from 16:00 to 18:30. Venue: Auditorium of the Institute Cartographic and Geological of Catalonia. Organized by: ACTIG Dedicated website This year we suggest a preliminary session to focus on the topic of the next TIGSIG Forum. The objective of the session will be to show the potentials of the relationship between geoinformation and the world of the digitization of buildings and civil works. Session will be closed with a practical presentation about point clouds. In other words, the confluence between the world of geinformation and the BIM world will be the subject. The technological tools of the building and the civil works are taking a step beyond the use of digital tools to create graphic information, jumping to the digital world, affecting all phases of the life of a project from design to maintenance. Event will start with a dialogue between Víctor Roig from Bimetric and Joaquim Calafí, ACTIG’s President. Discussion will dealt about What is the BIM? and The integration of the world SIG and the world BIM. Following, the potential of point clouds as a source of basic information will be shown by Ricard Gonzàlez, Infraplan’s CEO. At the end of the event, attendees may join the welcome ceremony of the members of the general assembly of CLGE (the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors or Comité de Liaison des Géomètres Européens).

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