IV CLGE Conference of the European Surveyor, Kaliningrad (RU), 1 - 3 July 2014
Events organized by CLGE — 1 July 2014
The IV CLGE Conference of the European Surveyor and GeoInformation is planned to be held in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation).
Details about the programme will follow soon.
Hereafter you can already find the registration form as well as the partners programme and the description of an interesting social event (update 3rd April 2014).
Update 7 April, we add the overall schedule of the three days conference. More information to follow soon.
The local organizer urges you to register without delay and not later than 24 April, since it takes some time to get the needed VISA.
Update 1 July, the CLGE President’s opening speech sets the seen. Available on-line.
Update 12 July, all the presentations are available online now, see hereafter.
Important note
The Board of CLGE, gahtered in Marbella on 21 – 22 March 2014 has confirmed the venue for the IV Conference of the European Surveyor. Clearly, this cannot be understood as a position of CLGE about the current Ukrainian crisis. CLGE explicitly abstains from expressing any political position.
This decision is a confirmation of our permanent will to promote our profession, its technical background and ethical standards, all over Europe.
Documents for this event
- (Jean-Yves Pirlot) Opening Speech
- Full Programme of the IV CLGE Conference of the European Surveyor and GI
- Overall Schedule
- Partners Programm
- Curonian Spit
- Registration Form
- Kaliningrad declaration (english)
- Kaliningrad declaration (russian)
Visit of the Kaliningrad office of the Federal Cadaster
- Kaliningrad office of the Federal Cadaster – the Chamber of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre, and Cartography
- Федеральная кадастровая палата Федеральной службы государственной регистрации, кадастра и картографии по Калининградской области
Life, activity and main work results of F.G.W. Struve
- (Vitaly Kaptüg) F.G.W. Struve – outstanding geodesist of the XIX C.
- (Stepanov A.V., Abalakin V.K., Tolbin S.V.) V. Ya. Struve – founder and first director of Pulkovo observatory
- (Петрушина М.И) Деятельность В.Я. Струве в Русском географическом обществе
- (Artem Yurov Valerianovich) Great Insight of Bessel
The value of works by F.G.W. Struve for the development of modern surveying, navigation, gravimetry and other science areas
- (А. О. КУПРИЯНОВ, А. А. МАЙОРОВ) Современное состояние и перспективы развития применения ГЛОНАСС/ГНСС в Российской Федерации
- (Keith Hofgartner) Mission Accomplished: The Payoff in New GNSS Technologies
- (Jens Riecken) Ready for Galileo?
Geodetic arc of Struve in different countries as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Realized and being planned projects.
- (Bjørn Geirr Harsson) Status for all the
- (Pekka Tätilä) Struve Geodetic Arc
- (Torben Juulsager) Free Geographic Basic Data
- (Mairolt Kakko) Valuation of Struve heritage in Estonia
- (Florian Romanowski) Implementation of national/regional spatial data infrastructure
- (Томас Ладукас) Геодезическое наследие Ф.Г.В. Струве и развитие геодезических сетей в Литве
- (Карасуцкий В.М) Геодезическая дуга Струве – мост, соединяющий народы и культуры
- (Serghei Nagorneac, Vasile Chiriac) Struve Geodetic Arc in Republic of Moldova
- (Тихонов В.В.) Экспедиция на остров Гогланд
- (Keith Hofgartner) 30th Meridian – ‘The Cape to Cairo’
- (Шевня М.С.) Состояние и перспективы топографо-геодезических и картографических работ в Калининградской области
Events Calendar