Global Surveyor of the Year 2021

At the Global Surveyor’s Day Celebration event this evening our colleague Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Kutterer, President of DVW and CLGE President Vladimir Krupa unveiled the Global Surveyor of the Year 2021 to be Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss.

The Event commenced with three welcome addresses from Frédérique Ries MEP, Professor Rudolf Steiger, FIG President and Marc Vanderschueren, Chair of the Forum of Regional Bodies (FORB).

Dr Blaženka Mičević, Chair of the CLGE Working Group for Women in Surveying opened the main part of the agenda with her presentation on ‘Women in Surveying‘ which is also the CLGE Theme of the Year 2021. This was followed by a number of talking head statements from representatives of FORB from around the world.

Next Mairolt Kakko, Chair of the CLGE Vetting Committee presented the results of the CLGE Students’ Contest on the Move 2020. We are delighted to announce that the winners are as follows:

  1. First Prize – Dr Freke Caset (BE) for ‘Planning for transit-oriented development in Flanders: An open and interactive planning support tool
  2. Second Prize – Hamidreza Ostadabas (DE) for ‘Using the synergy of QFIELD for collecting data on-site and QGIS for interactive map creation by ALKIS® data extraction and implementation in PostgreSQL – for urban planning processes
  3. Third Prize – Andris Kivlenieks (LV) for ‘Automatic and semi-automatic object recognition from the cloud of laser scanning points

We send our warm congratulations to all the prize winners and we thank everyone who entered the Contest.

Finally the Event concluded with the unveiling of the Global Surveyor of the Year 2021. We are delighted to release the Poster of Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss which we encourage all to download and share widely.

All of the presentations from the Event can be downloaded here. We have also included two additional documents. The first is a short presentation from John Hohol, President FIG Foundation regarding some important forthcoming publications on the History of Surveying and Measurement. The second is a paper (in Macedonian Cyrillic) from Zoran Mukanov on Gauss as a Surveyor which will be published in a secondary school mathematics journal in order to promote his work.

Our host CLGE President Vladimir Krupa would like to thank the approximately 900 registered participants from all around the world. We also send a special thank you to Moderator Olga Bjelotomić Oršulić and Director Ivan Remeta for all their hard work in making this Event a great success.


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