General Assembly events — 18 March 2016

The Spring General Assembly of CLGE takes place in Tirana (AL) from 18 till 19 March 2016.

The documents for the GA will be uploaded end of January but the Registration form will be available soon.

Update 25 January 2016: The registration form and overall programme are available now.

The delegates are required to register without delay.

A detailed agenda and the CLGE seminar programme will follow as soon as possible.

Here we add a few interesting addresses:

Hotel Sheraton Tirana :

Sheraton Tirana Hotel

Parnters programme on Friday :

Social programme Saturday PM:

Update 26 January 2016

Visa information : This website information seems to be outdated. Please check your national information.

Additional up to date information can be found here.

Dress codes will be added soon.

Documents for this event

Autumn General Assembly – Riga


Membership affairs

Presentation by Partners

Editorial Policy


European and International Affairs


Events Calendar

CLGE Sponsors