Events organized by CLGE — 10 December 2012

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Our GA in Hanover has decided to go on with the Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base.

Even if I understand the voices of some members who’ve asked us to be prudent, I am strongly convinced that this project is a real must for the profession and will enhance the relevance of CLGE.

Since the GA, we’ve continued to work on the DPKB. Below you’ll find an information package about the project.

Everything is ready now for phase II.

Aerovision is very committed to help us to achieve this goal but, of course, without the valuable help of Rudolf and the team of 8 volunteer member countries, it will not be possible to get good results.

The work of the working group uniting these 8 volunteer countries will go on now. I hope that their delegates will really support the project and answer the different questionnaires in due time. Of course, if there are major problems in doing so, it suffices to warn Rudolf and me, but we hope of course that this will not be the case.

Recent new evolutions have shown that there is a real interest about the topics covered in this study and we hope that we will get external support too. What’s sure is that there will be external interest.

In the name of the CLGE Executive Board, I thank Rudolf, who has accepted to lead this work in the next phase, as well as the eight member countries who have declared their willingness to cooperate in phase II.

Good luck to all!



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