IX CLGE Conference of the European Surveyor - 'The Role of Geodetic Surveyors in Disaster Management', Paris (FR), 9 November 2023
Events organized by CLGE — 9 November 2023
Documents for this Event
- CLGE General Assembly and Conference – Overall Programme
- IX CLGE Conference of the European Surveyor – Flyer
- IX CLGE Conference of the European Surveyor – Compendium
- IX CLGE Conference of the European Surveyor – Programme
Session 1 – Activities of Geodetic Surveyors in Disaster Management in France
- Environmental assessment by the surveyor: a relevant tool for risk prevention and management, Michel Greuzat, OGE (FR)
- Land planning, an environmental compensation tool for rural territories, Mr Philippe Cachod, OGE (FR)
- The surveyor and forest fire risk prevention, Mr Jean-Yves Mas, OGE (FR)
Session 2 – The Role of the Surveyor in Disaster Preparedness
Session 3 – The Role of the Surveyor in Disaster Response
- Enabling applications in disaster management: the EU Space Programme, Ms Teresa Martinez Reche, EUSPA
- The critical role of authoritative geospatial data in resilience, Mr Duncan Moss, Ordnance Survey (UK)
Session 4 – The Role of the Surveyor in Disaster Recovery
- Technical and Humanitarian Studies of Surveyors after the 6 February Earthquakes in Turkey – Mr Ali Ipek, HKMO (TR)
- Data centre disaster recovery following the earthquake and new products for the prevention of natural disasters – Dr. Ilija Grgić, DGU (HR)
Moderated Panel Discussion
Events Calendar