Events organized by CLGE — 29 January 2018

Update after the Paris Round Table

On 29 January, CLGE and OGE have gathered the so called Paris Round Table.

About 30 professionals and specialist from Administrations and the private sector have gathered during a one day meeting.

The outcome of the Paris Round Table can be found in the Power Point Presentation mentioned below.


  • Only 30 per cent of the world’s inhabitants have official land titles;
  • Securing land rights is an important issue for poverty reduction and the sharing of prosperity, not only at country but also at people’s level;
  • Assistance to countries to secure the land rights of their populations must target women, indigenous peoples and other vulnerable groups in particular.


Land tenure is at the heart of the development agenda in many parts of the world where large-scale land acquisitions by foreign investors, high population growth, including in rural areas, rapid urbanization and the associated challenges of rural development, urban development and employment, are leading to an acceleration of land tenure history.

Land is still the main means of subsistence and the main vehicle for investment, wealth accumulation and intergenerational transmission.

The title of real estate, in order to secure the right of ownership or occupation and guarantee the recognition and respect of their holders, plays a key role in the economic development of agricultural production chains, the management of natural resources, support for local development and the establishment and proper functioning of land administration systems and infrastructures.

In this respect, the issue of secure land tenure arises for all stakeholders, from local operators to domestic or foreign investors, from local authorities to public service providers.

Historical customary local legitimacies and a positive right with a wide range of State and private property accessible to a minority are most often co-existing. This leads to deadlocks that clutter jurisdictions when they do not escalate into disputes.

Over the past three decades, many countries have attempted to articulate these two rights in a positive way, and now need to undertake land reforms to formalize and secure land access rights and producers’ rights of use and exploitation, by adapting their policies.

The aim is now to implement the Voluntary Guidelines for Responsible Governance of Land Tenure adopted by the international community in May 2012, and to encourage the establishment of mechanisms to ensure land security for those with historical rights, the vast majority of whom are rural communities and families, as well as residents of urban peripheries.

However, the formalization of rights does not necessarily produce secure land tenure. Too often, a formalization process conducted by interest groups, which is too complex or over-simplifying, can set inequalities and even generate and exacerbate them. Reducing inequalities must be at the heart of any sustainable development policy.

This is why the Interest Group IG-PARLS (Publicly appointed and regulated liberal surveyors) and the Ordre des géomètres-experts propose to conduct, in collaboration with the other actors of the land governance sector (lessors, land administrations, professionals and land researchers), a round table on methodologies and practices for the sustainable security of land rights. This exchange of views and experience, based on a representative panel of cooperation projects carried out (closed or ongoing) over the past ten years in Europe, in Africa, in Latin America and the Caribbean, will examine the roles and responsibilities of each actor in conducting policies to formalize land rights that can facilitate inclusive economic development, promote investment, maintain social peace and encourage citizen participation by rural and urban populations.

 Initial Invitation 

CLGE / OGE Roundtable on the stakes of securing sustainable land rights

Paris, 29 January 2018

The Council of European Geodetic Surveyors and the Ordre des géomètres-experts are organizing a round table on methodologies and practices for the sustainable security of land rights, to be held in Paris on 29 January 2018 at the Ordre des géomètres-experts (40, avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris).

This exchange of views and experiences, bringing together a wide range of actors in the land governance sector (donors, land administrations, land professionals and researchers) and based on a representative panel of cooperation projects carried out (closed or ongoing) over the last ten years, will examine the roles and responsibilities of each actor and will identify success factors in the conduct of policies to formalise land rights that can facilitate inclusive economic development, promote investment, maintain social peace and encourage social inclusion of rural and urban populations.

The detailed program of the round table, as well as the list of speakers and participants, will be communicated soon.

For more information please contact Jean-Yves Pirlot (CLGE) or Florian Lebourdais (OGE)

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