Our Members
Principal Member
Constituent Organisation
- Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (MFTTT)
- Section for Surveying and Geoinformation of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers (MMK GGT)
- Association of the Hungarian Geoinformatic and Geodetic Surveying Enterprises (MFGVE)
CLGE Delegates
György Domokos
Address: H-1590 Budapest (Hungary) Pf.: 94.H-1149 Budapest (Hungary) Bosnyák tér 5.
Website: https://www.mfttt.hu
Zsolt Vidovenyecz
Address: H-1117 Budapest (Hungary) Szerémi út 4.Email:
Website: http://mmk-ggt.hu/
László Boldizsár
Address: H-1143 Budapest (Hungary) Hungária krt. 134.Email: