Our Members
State | Constituent Organisations |
Albania | Albanian Association of Geodesy |
Austria | Bundeskammer der ZiviltechnikerInnen Bundesfachgruppe Vermessungswesen Österreichische Gesellschaft für Vermessung und Geoinformation(OVG) |
Belgium | Union Belge des Géomètres-Experts asbl Belgische Unie van Landmeters-Experten vzw Union Belge des Géomètres-Experts Immobiliers (UBG) Belgische Unie van Landmeters-Experts (BUL) Nationale Vereniging van Landmeters-Experten (NVLE) Association Nationale de Géomètres-Experts (ANGE) |
Bulgaria | Union of Surveyors and Land Managers Bulgarian Chamber of graduated Surveyors |
Croatia | Hrvatska komora ovlaštenih inženjera geodezije (Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers) |
Cyprus | The Cyprus Association of Rural and Surveying Engineers (CARSE) |
Czech Republic | Czech Association of Entrepreneurs in Geomatics (APG) Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers (CSGK) Czech Office of Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre (CUZK) |
Denmark | Den Danske Landinspektorforening / The Danish Association of Chartered Surveyors (DdL) Praktiserende Landinspektørers Forening / The Danish Association of Licensed Surveyors in Private Practice (PLF) |
Estonia | Eesti Geodeetide Ühing / Association of Estonian Surveyors |
Finland | Suomen Maanmittausinsinöörien Liitto ry (MIL ry) / Finnish Association of Geodetic and Land Surveyors |
France | Ordre des Géomètres-Experts (OGE) Association francophone de topographie (AFT) |
Germany | Bund der Öffentlich bestellten Vermessungsingenieure e.V. (BDVI) DVW e. V. – Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement |
Greece | Hellenic Association of Rural and Surveying Engineers (H.A.R.S.E.) Technical Chamber of Greece |
Hungary | Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (MFTTT) Section for Surveying and Geoinformation of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers (MMK GGT) Association of the Hungarian Geoinformatic and Geodetic Surveying Enterprises (MFGVE) |
Ireland | The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) |
Italy | Consiglio Nazionale Geometri e Geometri Laureati |
Kosovo | Kosova Association of Surveyors |
Latvia | Latvijas Mērnieku biedrība LMB / Latvian Association of Surveyors |
Lithuania | Lietuvos geodezininkų ir matininkų sąjunga (LGMS) / Lithuanian Geodetic and Land Surveyors Union |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg Association for Geodesy & Geoinformation (LAGG) |
Malta | Planning Authority Malta |
Moldova | Uniunea Geodezilor din Moldova (UGM) / Moldavian Union of Surveyors Intreprinderea de Stat Institutul de Geodezie, Prospectiuni Tehnice si Cadastru / Institute of Geodesy, Engineering Research and Cadastre (INGEOCAD) |
Netherlands | Geo Informatie Nederland (GIN) Hydrographic Society GeoBusiness Nederland |
North Macedonia | Macedonian Chamber of Trade Surveying Companies |
Norway | GeoForum Tekna Samfunnsutviklerne / Norwegian Professionals for the Built Environment |
Poland | Polska Geodezja Komercyjna – [Krajowy Związek Pracodawców Firm Geodezyjno-Kartograficznych]/Polish Commercial Geodesy- [Employers Association of Geodetic-Cartographic Firms] |
Portugal | Ordem dos Engenheiros |
Romania | Romanian Association of Private Surveyors (RAPS) Romanian Surveyors’ Union |
Russia Federation | MEMBERHSIP SUSPENDED: The Association Self-regulating organization of Cadastral Engineers |
Serbia | Serbian Union of Surveyors Association of Geodetic Organizations of Serbia |
Slovakia | Komora geodetov a kartografov/Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers (KGK) Slovenská banícka spoločnosť/Slovak Mining Society (SBS) |
Slovenia | The Slovenian Chamber of Engineers – section of surveyors |
Spain | Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Ingeniería Geomática y Topográfica |
Sweden | The Swedish professionals for the built Environment |
Switzerland | Ingenieur-Geometer Schweiz IGS / Ingénieurs-géometres Suisse IGS geosuisse Schweizerischer Verband für Geomatik und Landmanagement / geosuisse Société suisse de géomatique et de gestion du territoire |
Türkiye | Turkish Chamber of Survey and Cadastre Engineers |
Ukraine | Ukrainian Society of Geodesy and Cartography |
United Kingdom | The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors |