Latest News

Register soon for the Bucharest Conference and GA

Register soon for the Bucharest Conference and GA

After the first European Conference held in Strasbroug (FR) in september 2008, Bucharest (RO) will see the second event of this type, organized by our Romanian Friends and Colleagues, under the auspices of CLGE. Read more
Second Croatian Symposium of Chartered Geodetic Engineers

Second Croatian Symposium of Chartered Geodetic Engineers

The Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers organized the II. Symposium of Chartered Geodetic Engineers from 23rd to 25th October 2009 in Opatija, a well known sea resort.

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The first Baltic Surveyors Meeting was held on 6 November 2009

The first Baltic Surveyors Meeting was held on 6 November 2009

The Batltic Surveyors met recently for an important summit. A report by Vaidotas Sankalas is available here. Read more
Bulgaria. The metro extension project in Sofia

Bulgaria. The metro extension project in Sofia

Mark R.Wijngaarde reports from the Bulgaria: Read more
FGF has a new President

FGF has a new President

The new Bureau of the Federation of French-speaking Surveyors (FGF) was elected during the General Assembly that took place in Prague October, 9th 2009.

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The Rome presentations are available now!

The Rome presentations are available now!

Most of the presentation we’ve had in Rome, during the CLGE autumn General Assembly are available now. If you go to the Documents section and choose those related to special events, you will find them easily (or follow this link). Read more
Lithuania. The cadastral survey’ processing web service for private and public surveyors

Lithuania. The cadastral survey’ processing web service for private and public surveyors

Saulius Milevicius reports from Lithuania: Read more

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