Professional recognition / Regulation
National regulations related to the profession
Information is shown on the national regulations related to the professional activities of the surveyor as well as restrictions related to the profession.
Legal framework | |
Country | Romania |
ID | Order 107/2010 of the National Cadastre and Land Registry Agency (ANCPI) |
Name | Order no. 107/2010 for the approval of the Regulation on the authorization and recognition of the authorization of natural and legal persons in order to carry out and verify specialized works in the field of cadastre, geodesy and cartography on the territory of Romania. |
Description | The quality of physical or legal authorized person is obtained by the issuance by the National Cadastre and Land Registry Agency (ANCPI), or by the offices of cadastre and land registration (OCPI), of the authorization certificate or the authorization recognition certificate, act which proves the technical competence and the acquisition of the legal regulations in force by natural and legal persons who can carry out and verify specialized works. The service delivery area is throughout the country, without restrictions. If the authorized person violates the provisions of Order 107/2010, ANCPI can withdraw his right to carry out work for a certain period. The works are carried out in accordance with the technical requirements in force. |
Keywords | Authorized Individual Person, Technical Competence, Technical Requirements |
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Name : Cornel Paunescu |
Legal framework | |
Country | Moldova |
ID | HG nr. 61 29.01.1999 |
Name | Cu privire la aprobarea Regulamentului privind formarea bunurilor imobile |
Description | Regulation on establishment of real estate sets out the modality of division and consolidation of land owned sectors, regardless of how their use of the absence or existence of constructions on them, how to divide and consolidate the construction of apartments in residential homes and buildings, regardless of property type and the method of division and consolidation of land related objects privatized public property, including objects of uncompleted and the property fund with other destination than for housing, land public property related private enterprises, rights to which are registered in the register of estate property. |
Keywords | Real Estate, consolidation, public propriety, |
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Name : Vasile Chiriac |
Legal framework | |
Country | Moldova |
ID | HG nr.48 19.01.2001 |
Name | Regulamentului cu privire la reţeaua geodezică naţională |
Description | This Regulation determines the coordinate system, sets the structure and general principles of creating national geodetic network, methods of geodetic data processing: - Implementation of World Geodetic System (WGS) 1984 and Universal Transversal Mercator (UTM) projection for small scale mapping and navigation; - Implementation of European Terrestrial Reference System (ETRS) 1989 and Transversal Mercator for Moldova (TTM) all together named MoldRef99; - Maintenance of Normal height system related to Baltic Sea 1977. - creation of national geodetic network using GPS technology; - creation of geodetic database. |
Keywords | - |
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Legal framework | |
Country | Belgium |
ID | MB. 06.06.2003 |
Name | Law protecting the title and profession of surveyor-expert |
Description | This law regulates the acces to and exercise of the profession. To carry the title of surveyor-expert and to legally exercise the profession one must: Hold one of the titles mentioned in article 2 of the law of May 11, 2003 and take an oath. In addition, independent surveyor-experts as well as employees who are not under the control of an independent surveyor-expert have to be listed on the “Tableau” as described in article 3. Article 8 determines that the surveyor-expert are subject to the deontology effective of May 31, 2006. |
Keywords | - |
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Name : Wim Broes |
Legal framework | |
Country | Poland |
ID | Dz. U. 1989 nr 30 poz. 163, Dz. U. 2014 poz.176 |
Name | Act 17.05.89 Geodetic&Cartographic Law;Regul. of Minist. of Admin.&Digitization 31.01.2014 |
Description | Both legal documents regulate matters regarding: - access to the surveying and mapping professions and permission to perform surveying and mapping work, - methods, procedures and specific conditions for granting professional qualifications and nominating Qualifying Committees, - fees for recruitment processes when granting professional qualifications, - remuneration of both the chair and members of the selection committee, - limitations associated with profession of the surveyor. |
Keywords | Legal framework, surveying profession |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Legal framework | |
Country | Finland |
ID | 554/1995 |
Name | Kiinteistönmuodostamislaki - Real Estate Formation Act |
Description | This act defines the deeds that can be performed by certain education (Section 5) |
Keywords | Cadastral procedures, Real Estate Formation |
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Name : Paavo Häikiö |
Legal framework | |
Country | Greece |
ID | License for Professional Practice |
Name | License for Professional Practice |
Description | The Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE-TCG) was established in 1923. It is a public legal entity, with an elected administration. Its headquarters are in Athens and has branches in 17 geographical regions. A prerequisite for being a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece is to be licensed as a qualified engineer and to be a graduate of engineering schools of Greek Universities, or of equivalent schools abroad. The Technical Chamber of Greece is the authorised body to grant work licenses to engineers of all disciplines, graduated in Greece or abroad. The license is awarded after sitting examinations successfully, organised by the TCG. The examinations take place three to four times a year. After graduation all new engineers have to pass an assessment test at the Technical Chamber of Greece (Greek Chamber of Engineers) in order to obtain the license for professional practice. |
Keywords | License for Professional Practice, Surveyor, Greece |
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Name : Konstantina Mangina |
Legal framework | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Energy Auditors |
Name | National Certification Examination for Energy Auditors |
Description | The Technical Chamber of Greece conducts the online national certification examinations for Energy Auditors. The candidates can attend preparation programs offered by the Lifelong- Learning Centres accredited by the Ministry of Environment & Energy. The candidates shall initially submit an online application which is subsequently online checked and verified. Then, they select the session in which they want to sit their examinations and come to the Central Office or to the Regional Sections of the TCG on the selected examination date. The examinations results are notified to the candidates within a short period and certificates are issued for those who succeed in the examinations. |
Keywords | Energy Auditors, Regulation, Examination, Greece |
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Name : Konstantina Mangina |
Legal framework | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Certified Valuer |
Name | Registry of Certified Valuers |
Description | The Registry of Certified Valuers is established in the national legislation under the Article 35 of the law concerning the implementation of the directive 2011/16/ΕU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation and repealing Directive 77/799/EEC. |
Keywords | Certified Valuer, Registry of Certified Valuers, Greece |
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Name : Konstantina Mangina |
Legal framework | |
Country | Greece |
ID | Law 4439/2016 |
Name | Regulations on the profession of engineers |
Description | Article 29 of Law 4439/2016 refers to the free movement of the profession of engineers in Greece. Specifically, the Law refers to the engineers that have graduated from a Technical University in Greece or an equivalent abroad and the engineers that have been recognised as licensed in Greece according to PD 38/2010 (Α' 78). The categories, registered at the Technical Chamber of Greece and are licensed, are the following: civil engineers, architects, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, electronics engineers, rural and surveyor engineers, chemical engineer, mining and metallurgical engineers, naval engineers, environmental engineers, planning and regional development engineers, mineral resources engineers and production and management engineers. |
Keywords | licensed engineers, Greece |
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Name : Eftychia Kalogianni |
Legal framework | |
Country | Republic of Serbia |
ID | SGRS 72/2009,18/2010, 65/2013, 15/2015, 96/2015 |
Name | The Law on State Survey and Cadastre |
Description | The Law on State Survey and Cadastre matters regarding access to the surveying professions and permission to perform surveying work, methods, procedures and specific conditions for granting professional qualifications. This law regulates professional and state administration affairs related to state surveying, real estate cadastre, cadastre of water pipelines, basic geodetic works, address register, topographic and cartographic activity, valuation of real estate, geodetic and cadastre information system and National Geospatial Data Infrastructure and geodetic works in engineering and technical fields. |
Keywords | access to the surveying professions, qualifications, methods |
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Name : Tijana Milinkovic |
Legal framework | |
Country | Russian Federation |
ID | No. 221-FZ of July 24, 2007 |
Name | Federal Law on the Cadastral Activity |
Description | This Federal Law regulates the relations originating in connection with cadastral activity, the activity of self-regulating organisation of cadastral engineers and of the national association of self-regulating organisations of cadastral engineers. It contains the cadastral engineer's rights and duties while exercising cadastral activities, rules for mandatory insurance of cadastral engineer's civil liability. |
Keywords | civil liability, cadastral engineer, cadastral activity |
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Name : Kislova Maria |
Legal framework | |
Country | Slovenia |
ID | Uradni list RS, št. 77/2010 |
Name | Zakon o geodetski dejavnosti (ZGeoD-1) - Act of surveying activities |
Description | ZGeoD-1 defines Land surveying activities and specifies the conditions for the provision of these activities. It provides surveying job and the organization and execution of tasks surveying services, regulates the issuing and use of geodetic data, inspection and control and other issues associated with surveying activity. |
Keywords | surveying activities, surveying job, organization |
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Name : Grilc M. |
Legal framework | |
Country | Austria |
ID | BGBl. I Nr. 30/2020 |
Name | Ziviltechnikergesetz (ZTG) |
Description | Access to the professions is regulated in the Ziviltechnikergesetz. Austrian Chartered Engineering Consultants for Surveying - as "Ziviltechniker" - are state authorized and are allowed to use the signs of the Republic of Austria (seal, emblem) and to establish public documents. In order to get access to the profession an education on post-secondary level is necessary (Master). Additionally three years of professional experience after the degree and a professional examination are necessary. After the fulfilment of these requirements the professional has to take an oath and is then officially authorized by the Austrian Federal Minister of Economy, Family and Youth. Austrian Chartered Engineering Consultants for Surveying have a very broad scope of services. They are liberal professionals and have to follow a Code of Conduct and are obliged to independency, impartiality and secrecy. For temporary cross border provision of services by authorized Chartered Surveyors established in another member states no registration is necessary. They have to provide information about their authorization / registration / insurance to their clients before the provision of the service. In cases of establishment Chartered Surveyors from other member states have to apply for recognition and get an authorization from the Federal Minister for Digital and Econoic Affairs. |
Keywords | Ziviltechniker, Chartered surveyor |
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Name : Rudolf Kolbe |
Legal framework | |
Country | Estonia |
ID | - |
Name | The Professions Act (Kutseseadus) |
Description | This act will give an framework to the Qualification system and standards. It regulates the procedure of giving the certificates, who will be the responsible body for giving the certificates etc. |
Keywords | Certification, European Qualification Framework |
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Name : Mairolt Kakko |
Legal framework | |
Country | Germany |
ID | Federal Building Code in Germany |
Name | Federal Building Code |
Description | contains regulation for Urban Land-Use Planning, Land Reallocation, land area replotting, Expropriation, Improvement, Urban Redevelopment, valuation |
Keywords | Urban Planning Legislation |
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Legal framework | |
Country | Germany |
ID | Immobilienwertermittlungsverordnung in Germany |
Name | Immobilienwertermittlungsverordnung |
Description | contains regulations for valuation, to market value, cost approach, capitalised value -method, comparison value |
Keywords | market value, |
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Name : Kiepke |
Legal framework | |
Country | Germany |
ID | Building Codes in Germany |
Name | Building Codes of the German states |
Description | contains regulations to separating areas setting out of a building, e.g. There is a Prototype Building Regulation (Musterbauordnuing MBO), which should harmonise the building codes of the states |
Keywords | building code, Bauordnung, MBO, Prototype Building Regulation |
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Name : Kiepke |
Legal framework | |
Country | Germany |
ID | professional codes of the German States |
Name | professional codes (Berufsordnungen) of the German States |
Description | In all German states, excluding Bavaria, there are publicly appointed surveyors. The way they perform the tasks is defined in the professional code. |
Keywords | professional code, Berufsordnung,publicly appointed surveyor |
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Name : Kiepke |
Legal framework | |
Country | Ireland |
ID | BCA 2007 |
Name | Building Control Act 2007 |
Keywords | building control act architect quantity surveyor |
Weblink |'2007/en/act/pub/0021/index.html |
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Name : muiris de Buitléir |
Legal framework | |
Country | The Netherlands |
ID | Stb. 2012, 683 |
Name | Kadasterwet |
Description | The Kadasterwet (Land Registry Act) lays out the statutory tasks and objectives of the Kadaster. It is the ‘Law containing rules with regard to the public registers for registered goods, as well as with regard to the cadastre’. The Kadaster’s mission is to promote legal certainty within the movement of property (including ships and aircraft), to optimise the geographic information infrastructure and to effectively inform society in these areas, all at the lowest possible cost. It provides an overview of how registered property has to be registered in which public register. |
Keywords | Cadastre, Netherlands |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Legal framework | |
Country | The Netherlands |
Name | CAP-LPIS |
Description | - |
Keywords | CAP, LPIS, land parcels |
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Name : Hans Versluijs |
Legal framework | |
Country | Spain |
ID | 8176 - Ley 12/1986, de 1 de abril. |
Name | Regulación de las Atribuciones Profesionales de los Arquitectos e Ingenieros Técnicos |
Description | This law regulates the professional responsabilities of architects and technical engineers, that determines professional responsabilities of the surveying engineer. |
Keywords | professional responsabilities, architect, technical engineer, surveyin engineer, atribuciones profesionales, arquitecto, ingeniero tecnico, ingeniero tecnico en topografia |
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Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Legal framework | |
Country | Spain |
ID | Decreto 2076/1971, de 13 de agosto |
Name | Regulación de las Facultades y Competencias Profesionales de los Ingenieros Técnicos en Topografía |
Description | This decree adds faculties and professional skills of surveying engineers to those already established in Decree 1908/1962 of 8 August (Decreto 1908/1962 del 8 de agosto). |
Keywords | Faculties, Professional Skills, Surveying Engineers, Facultades, Competencias Profesionales, Ingenieros Tecnicos en Topografia |
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Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Legal framework | |
Country | Spain |
ID | Decreto 1908/1962, de 8 de agosto |
Name | Atribuciones de los Peritos Topógrafos |
Description | This decree defines the field of activity of the qualified surveyors and recognizes the right of other technicians for doing topographic works. |
Keywords | Attribution, Topographic Surveyor, Atribuciones, Peritos Topografos |
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Name : David Gorriti Azkue |
Legal framework | |
Country | Sweden |
ID | - |
Name | There is nether formal requirements, nor national legal framework for certification of surveyors. |
Description | - |
Keywords | - |
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Name : E. Swensson |
Legal framework | |
Country | Switzerland |
ID | 211.432.261 |
Name | Verordnung über die Ingenieur-Geometerinnen und Ingenieur-Geometer |
Description | Diese Verordnung regelt: die Voraussetzungen für die Zulassung zum Staatsexamen die Durchführung des Staatsexamens und die Verleihung des Patents das Register der patentierten Ingenieur-Geometerinnen und -Geometer die Berufspflichten der patentierten Ingenieur-Geometerinnen und -Geometer die Aufgaben und Organisation der Geometerkommission. |
Keywords | Geometerverordnung, GeomV |
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Name : Maurice Barbieri |
Legal framework | |
Country | Croatia |
ID | Narodne novine 152/08, 61/11, 56/13 |
Name | Zakon o obavljanju geodetske djelatnosti (Geodetic Activities Act) |
Description | Geodetic Activities Act regulates professional geodetic activities in the field of state survey, real estate cadastre and lines cadastre, professional geodetic activities required for physical planning and building, professional geodetic activities for consolidation of agricultural land, professional geodetic activities for protected areas and other professional geodetic activities performed as services rendered to legal and natural entities. This Act regulates the organization, scope of work, public authorities and membership in the Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers. |
Keywords | professional geodetic activities, Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers |
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Name : Ivan Remeta |
Legal framework | |
Country | Denmark |
ID | LBK nr 680 af 17/06/2013 |
Name | Act on Surveyance |
Description | About professional requirements e.g : Sole purpose - A chartered surveying company must have the sole purpose of performing surveying and cadastral work Personal responsibility - An licensed chartered surveyor practicing in a chartered surveying company (=practicing chartered surveyor) is personally liable, together with the company, for any claims arising in consequence of assistance provided by the licensed chartered surveyor to a client Ownership regulation - In a chartered surveying company, at least 51 percent of the company capital and voting rights must be owned by licensed chartered surveyors carrying surveying business in the company Management regulation - In a chartered surveying company, the majority of the members of the board of directors and the management board must be licensed chartered surveyors carrying surveying business in the company Impartiality requirements - Licensed chartered surveyors may not perform cadastral work concerning a property in cases where the licensed chartered surveyor has a material or any other kind of interests in the property and in the outcome of the case. |
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Name : Torben Juulsager |
Legal framework | |
Country | United Kingdom |
ID | |
Name | RICS Regulatory Structure, Privy council grant of Royal Charter |
Description | RICS operates, as is usual in the UK for professional bodies, within a self-regulatory environment as decreed by the terms of the Privy Council grant of 'royal charter'. RICS Regulatory procedures are extensive and cover all aspects of professional and techical survey practice. From Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) requirements, to bye-laws, to CPD and to disciplinary procedures. |
Keywords | regulation, discipline, ethics, bye-laws |
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Name : James Kavanagh |
Legal framework | |
Country | United Kingdom |
ID | |
Name | RICS Regulatory Structure, Privy council grant of Royal Charter |
Description | RICS operates, as is usual in the UK for professional bodies, within a self-regulatory environment as decreed by the terms of the Privy Council grant of 'royal charter'. RICS Regulatory procedures are extensive and cover all aspects of professional and techical survey practice. From Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) requirements, to bye-laws, to CPD and to disciplinary procedures. |
Keywords | regulation, discipline, ethics, bye-laws |
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Name : James Kavanagh |
Legal framework | |
Country | United Kingdom |
ID | |
Name | RICS Regulatory Structure, Privy council grant of Royal Charter |
Description | RICS operates, as is usual in the UK for professional bodies, within a self-regulatory environment as decreed by the terms of the Privy Council grant of 'royal charter'. RICS Regulatory procedures are extensive and cover all aspects of professional and techical survey practice. From Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) requirements, to bye-laws, to CPD and to disciplinary procedures. |
Keywords | regulation, discipline, ethics, bye-laws |
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Name : James Kavanagh |
Legal framework | |
Country | Slovakia |
ID | 215/1995, 216/1995, 162/1995, 50/1976 |
Name | 215/95 o geodézii a kartografii, 216/95 o komore geodetov a kartografov, 162/95 zákon o katastri |
Description | Law No. 215/1995 about Geodesy and Cartography, Law No. 216/1995 about Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers, Law No. 162/1995 about Real Estate Cadastre, Law No. 50/1976 Building Construction |
Keywords | Surveyor technicien, Engineer Surveyor and Cartographer, Authorised Surveyor and Cartographer |
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Name : Mr.Jan Hardos |
Legal framework | |
Country | Albania |
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Country | Bulgaria |
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Country | Cyprus |
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Country | Czech Republik |
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Legal framework | |
Country | France |
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Country | Hungary |
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Country | Iceland |
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Country | Italy |
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Country | Latvia |
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Country | Lithuania |
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Country | Luxembourg |
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Legal framework | |
Country | Malta |
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Legal framework | |
Country | North Macedonia |
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Country | Norway |
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Legal framework | |
Country | Portugal |
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Country | Republic of Kosovo |
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Country | Türkiye |
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Country | Ukraine |
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Restrictions | |
Country | Romania |
Name | Restrictions on Free Practice for State Employees |
Description | The authorization certificate is issued to persons who request and meet the conditions. They can be employed by private companies, have individual offices or be employed by the state. State employees are obliged to suspend themselves during the period in which they work for the state. During this period they cannot carry out work. After the termination of the contract with the state,they can re-activate the authorization. |
Keywords | State Employees, Suspension, Authorization Activation |
Contact Person | ANCPI employees |
Address | Splaiul Independentei, no. 202A, 1F, Sector 6 Bucharest, postal code 060022 |
Contact | Email: [email protected], Telephone: (021) 317.64.27, Fax: (021) 316.52.24 |
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Name : Cornel Paunescu |
Restrictions | |
Country | Austria |
Name | scope of authorization |
Description | The authorisation Chartered Engineering Consultants for Surveying authorizes to provide planning, testing, supervising, consulting, co-ordinating and mediative services for their entire expert area. They act as trustees, handle total planning projects and settle projects in a commercial and organizational manner. They draft reports and are entitled to act as representatives before authorities and public law corporations. They draw up public documents in their areas of specialisation using a seal (=external sign of authorisation and certification). Chartered Engineering Consultants are not entitled to the execution of works. |
Keywords | scope of services, authorization |
Contact Person | different regional chambers |
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Name : Rudolf Kolbe |
Restrictions | |
Country | Estonia |
Name | General Part of the Economic Activities Code Act |
Description | It gives the framework to (mainly private) enterprises of the geodesy and Land Surveying. Person who works on this field as responsible for the work shall have the Certification for activity fields he acts. Company shall have working agreement with the responsible specialist with certain certificate who has right to undersign the Surveying documents. |
Keywords | Responsible person, certificate, framework to enterprises. |
Contact Person | K. Põld, L. Laaster |
Address | Harju 11, 15072 Tallinn, Estonia |
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Name : Mairolt Kakko |
Restrictions | |
Country | Germany |
Name | Surveying and mapping laws of the German states: |
Description | Appointment / License: Awarded according to state laws. Insurance: obligatory insurance system defined by the state laws. Penalty board: A penalty board based on state requirements is present to maintain the trust and the quality. Quality control body: A quality control body is present (defined by state laws) |
Keywords | Appointment / License, Insurance, Penalty board, Quality control |
Contact Person | Kiepke |
Address | Luisenstraße 46, D-10117 Berlin, Germany |
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Name : Kiepke |
Restrictions | |
Country | The Netherlands |
Name | Grensaanwijzing |
Description | Grensaanwijzing is the process of boundary designation in the Netherlands of which is outlined in the Kadasterwet. On one hand the Kadaster can indicate boundary locations, and in other cases the Kadaster will request stakeholders (buyer and seller) to agree on a boundary designation in cases where there is a dispute or properties are divided (Article 57, Kadasterwet). This is then measured by surveyors for the cadastral records. The boundary is then registered as part of the Kadaster and is legally binding. |
Keywords | Grensaanwijzing |
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Name : Supervised by AeroVision |
Restrictions | |
Country | Switzerland |
Name | Verordnung über die Ingenieur-Geometerinnen und Ingenieur-Geometer |
Description | Through the federal register for licensed surveyors, the surveying ordinance makes a clear distinction between an educational certificate, professional practice and disciplinary measures. The association with the regulations governing attorneys at law is imposed through the fact that both of these professional groups are private parties entrusted with carrying out sovereign, legally relevant tasks. |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | Elisabeth Bürki Gyger |
Address | Eidgenössische Vermessungsdirektion, Seftigenstrasse 264, CH-3084 Wabern |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Maurice Barbieri |
Restrictions | |
Country | Denmark |
Name | Appointment |
Description | Appointment to perform cadastral work - upon 3B + 2M Awarded according to State law based on application to the Danish Geodata Agency and by approval of professional skills, based on documentation of minimum three years relevant cadastral/surveying work in practice |
Keywords | - |
Contact Person | Geodatastyrelsen - The Danish Geodata Agency |
Address | - |
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Name : - |
Restrictions | |
Country | United Kingdom |
Name | - |
Description | Party Walls Act 1997 - Chartered Surveyors and neighbour disputes Land Registration Act 2002 - Chartered Land Surveyors and 'determined boundaries' Banks and Mortgage Valuation - Chartered Valuation Surveyors only and RICS Valuation Registration scheme VRS not generally applicable in UK national legislation but under RICS Regulation - RICS members must not work outside of their areas of professional skill (ethical bye law) |
Keywords | regulation, scheme, land, bye-laws |
Contact Person | James Kavanagh |
Address | - |
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Name : James Kavanagh |
Restrictions | |
Country | Moldova |
Name | - |
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Name : Vasile Chiriac |
Restrictions | |
Country | Belgium |
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Description | Article 14 of the Royal Arrest of December 15, 2005 determines the rules of deontology for the surveyor-expert. The surveyor-expert has the obligation of staying informed of the evolution within the legislation, techniques and rules concerning the exercise of his profession by participating in continued formations, who must be recognized by the Federal Counsil, for a minimum of 20 hours per year. |
Keywords | - |
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Address | Boulevard Simon Bolivar 30 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Wim Broes |
Restrictions | |
Country | Poland |
Name | Surveyor General of Poland |
Description | Professional qualification in this field is issued by the Surveyor General of Poland from the results of the examination carried out and organized by its Office. A person may apply for granting the qualifications if: - has a higher or secondary surveying education; - has a year of professional practice in the case of the second higher education degree or full time graduate studies, two years of professional practice in the case of the first higher education degree or 6 years of professional practice if the person has a secondary surveying education. Application should be submitted in the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography by mail or in person. The application shall be accompanied by, in addition to documents confirming compliance with the requirements described in art. 44 or rt. 44a Geodetic and Cartographic Law, and confirmation of payment of the fee referred to in art. 45 paragraph 3 of the Act: 1. Journal of professional practice; 2. Two photographs of the actual image of the person concerned; 3. Confirmation of payment. The person concerned may apply for granting professional qualifications in only one of the certificates at one time. Qualifying Committees shall fix the date and place of the examination within 30 days from the date of commencement of the qualifying procedure. Qualification procedure on granting professional certificates lasts no longer than four months from the date of commencement. |
Keywords | GUGIK, certfications, restriction |
Contact Person | - |
Address | ul. Wspólna 2, 00-926 Warszawa |
Contact | [email protected] |
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Name : Florian Romanowski |
Restrictions | |
Country | Greece |
Name | Licensed Engineer/ License for Professional Practice |
Description | There are no restrictions arising from the Greek legal framework. However, the license awarded from the Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG) is the only restriction that can apply, as if a rural and surveyor engineer is not registered at the TCG records, he cannot practice as a professional licensed engineer. The Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE-TCG) was established in 1923. It is a public legal entity, with an elected administration. Its headquarters are in Athens and has branches in 17 geographical regions. A prerequisite for being a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece is to be licensed as a qualified engineer and to be a graduate of engineering schools of Greek Universities, or of equivalent schools abroad. The Technical Chamber of Greece is the authorised body to grant work licenses to engineers of all disciplines, graduated in Greece or abroad. The license is awarded after sitting examinations successfully, organised by the TCG. The examinations take place three to four times a year. After graduation all new engineers have to pass an assessment test at the Technical Chamber of Greece (Greek Chamber of Engineers) in order to obtain the license for professional practice. |
Keywords | CTG, License for Professional Practice, Surveyor, Greece |
Contact Person | - |
Address | 4 Nikis str., 10563 Athens, Greece |
Contact | [email protected] |
Weblink | |
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Name : Eftychia Kalogianni |
Restrictions | |
Country | Russian Federation |
Name | Federal Law No. 315-FZ of December 1, 2007 on Self-Regulating Organisations |
Description | Federal Law regulates the relationships in connection with the acquisition or termination of the status of self-regulating organisations, with the activities of self-regulating organisations having businesses or professional entities as their members, with the pursuance of interaction of self-regulating organisations and their members, consumers of goods (works, services) produced by them, federal executive governmental bodies, executive governmental bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies. |
Keywords | self-regulating organisations, cadastral engineers |
Contact Person | M.Petrushina |
Address | Building 3, office 10 32, Tallinskaya Str.,123458 Moscow, Russia |
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Name : Kislova Maria |
Restrictions | |
Country | Albania |
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Country | Bulgaria |
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Country | Croatia |
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Country | Cyprus |
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Country | Czech Republik |
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Country | Finland |
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Restrictions | |
Country | France |
Name | - |
Description | - |
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Country | Hungary |
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Country | Iceland |
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Country | Ireland |
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Country | Italy |
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Country | Latvia |
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Restrictions | |
Country | Lithuania |
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Restrictions | |
Country | Luxembourg |
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Restrictions | |
Country | Malta |
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Country | North Macedonia |
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Country | Norway |
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Country | Portugal |
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Country | Republic of Kosovo |
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Country | Republic of Serbia |
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Restrictions | |
Country | Slovakia |
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Country | Slovenia |
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Country | Spain |
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Country | Sweden |
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Country | Türkiye |
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Country | Ukraine |
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