Events organized by CLGE — 20 April 2017

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Follow this link.

Relevant documents will be posted on the above mentioned website and when necessary, below.


We are pleased that you have registered for the V Conference of the European Surveyor «We shape the living space – break the barriers».

The day will offer an interesting selection of topics and the Keynote speakers and moderators will somewhat push us out of our comfort zones with inspiring lectures and interesting workshops. In addition, there will be a lot of lively networking possibilities.

Until today, we’ve received the following numbers of registrations: 137 persons from Switzerland, 46 from CLGE and 38 from WPLA/CLRKEN.
We are pleased about every additional registration, recommendations of our event within your network are highly appreciated.

The key points of the event are the following:


Programme V CLGE Conference of the European Surveyor(draft)

08.30    –   Arrival and check-in at the welcome desk

09.30    –   Welcome coffee

10.15    –   Start of the plenary conference [Curtis will be inform directly by Pol Budmiger regarding his intervention]

12.45    –   Networking lunch

14.00    –   Introduction to the Work Shops

14.30    –   CLGE Work Shop Part I

15.45    –   Coffee Break

16.05    –   CLGE Work Shop Part II

17.25    –   Plenary wrap up of the Work Shops

18.05    –   Closing

18.20    –   Ice Breaker and Unveiling

19.30    –   Networking Dinner

Plenary Programme, 20th Morning:

We shape the living space – break the barriers

  • Georges T. Roos: Thesen zur 10.000 Millionen Schweiz, Räumliche Implikationen
  • Xavier Comtesse: Block-chain wird das Grundbuch ersetzen
  • Ralf Mosler: Die Zukunft der Infrastukturplanung ist „connected“
  • Curtis Sumner: The future of the Surveyor in the USA

Speakers of the CLGE Workshop:

Surveyors and Cartography, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (14.30 – 18.20)

  • Curtis Sumner (NSPS): Cartography and Surveying in the USA
  • [with a special accent on cartography]
  • Daniel Palmieri (CICR): The contribution of Guillaume Henri Dufour to the Swiss Cartography
  • Fridolin Wicki (swisstopo): The benefit of the Cadaster for Cartography in Switzerland
  • Martin Salzmann (Kadaster, Netherlands): The collaboration between the private sector and the national mapping agencies [including interaction with google, tomtom, here, OSM, VGI]
  •  Ingrid Vanden Berghe (EuroGeographics): The future role of national mapping agencies

Programme of the CLGE Workshop (draft)

14.30    –   Opening and presentation of the speakers by Maurice Barbieri and Muiris de Buitléir

14.45    –   Daniel Palmieri

15.05    –   Curtis Sumner

15.25    –   Fridolin Wicki

15.45 – 16.05 Coffee break

16.05    –   Martin Salzmann

16.25    –   Ingrid Vanden Berghe

16.45    –   17.20 CLGE Workshop discussion and questions

You will find more detailed information on the regularly updated website

Best regards

Ingenieur-Geometer Schweiz

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Documents for this event

Events Calendar

CLGE Sponsors