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CLGE SC2012_Alblas. THE NETHERLANDS__Archaeological visibility analysis with GISCLGE SC2012_Bálint. HUNGARY__GIS in security planning of sport events
CLGE SC2012_bozickovic_dzelalija_ivanovic__Topological operations on simple three dimensional objects in geoinformation systems
CLGE SC2012_Braunmüller. HUNGARY__The evaluation of troposphere models applied in the Hungarian Active GNSS Network
CLGE SC2012_Gisca. MOLDOVA__Impact of Persistent Organic Pollutants on human health and analysis of the damage caused by them by using GIS
CLGE SC2012_Nikkel. ESTONIA__Study of spatial data quality on the example of spatial data users in Estonia – knowledge, experience and attitude
CLGE SC2012_Petrovic, Papovic, Latinovic. SERBIA__The Classification of Crops and the Yield Evaluation Using Vegetation Indices
CLGE SC2012_Soku. ALBANIA_Students and youngster engagement
CLGE SC2012_Talvik.ESTONIA__Influence of the gravitational attraction of terraced landforms to precise levelling results
CLGE SC2012_Vermeiren. BELGIUM_Semiautomatic quality control of the positional accuracy of geographical points
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