CLGE General Assembly, Luxembourg (LU), 19 - 20 October 2007
General Assembly events — 19 October 2007
Documents for this event
- Minutes GA Luxembourg LU_19-20Oct2007-adopted in GA Prague 29Feb2008
- Agenda
- Welcome speech by Nico Schares
- CTF-EU Worklplan, by Dipl.-Ing. ÖbVI Volkmar Teetzmann
- Guidelines for hosting GA
- Programme
- Budget 2008
- Common Values of the Liberal Professions in the European Union
- Contributions
- European requirements toward to cadastral surveyors activities, by Saulius Urbanas
- News from Belgium
- Professional association geosuisse
- Situation in the Netherlands, by Wim van Pijkeren
- The eCadastre SystemBy Francis KAELL
- The private surveyor in Luxembourg, by Felix Peckels
- United Kingdom United Kingdom – Update, by Rob Mahoney
Events Calendar