General Assembly events — 11 September 2009

The Autumn CLGE GA took place in Rome. It was a very succesful event as it saw the accession of Croatia and the Russian Federation as new CLGE members as well as the solemn signature of the Code of Conduct of European Surveyors.

Rome is placed on the banks of the river Tevere. With its hilly shape it includes also the small state of Citta del Vaticano. Important International Bodies, first of all the FAO, have here their headquarters. Rome is a typical metropolis with executive functions of advanced level. Always desired destination of tourists of every social extraction, of religious and young students, Rome has historical districts bounded by old wall, artistic and cultural testimony of its millenary history and of its privilege of centre of Christianity. The incomparable totality of its urban and undulating landscape, soaked in monuments and memories, constitutes the fascination contained in the common noun of “eternal city”.


Friday 11 September 2009
    CLGE General Assembly I   09.00-12.00
    CLGE Lunch 12.30-14.00
    CLGE General Assembly II  14.00-16.00
    Visit to the Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica   17.00-24.00

Saturday 12 September 2009
    CLGE General Assembly III 9.00-12.00
    CLGE Lunch  12.30-14.00


Friday 11 September 2009: 17.00-24.00

Cultural meeting in the “Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica” and General Assembly Dinner in “Sala Dante”. In Palazzo Poli, venue of the “Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica”, whose main façade is the grand view of the Trevi Fountain, a lectio magistralis will be held by Prof. Andrea Cantile about:”From the image to the model – The Geometric Cartography in Italy from the Renaissance to the Geodetic Revolution“.

  • The lectio magistralis will be about the birth and the development of the geometric cartography in Italy, from its first traces during the Renaissance to the beginning of the “Geodetic Revolution”, as the moment of spreading and of definitive affirmation of new methods and of new instruments of the cartographer.
  • Demonstration in the printing office on the manners of the reproduction of the incised matrixes by Giuseppe Trassari Filippetto, responsible of the diagnostic Laboratory of matrixes, and by the metal restorer Ms. Lucia Ghedin, and  printing proof by the Master Chalcographer Antonio Sannino.

There will be also program prepared for accompanying persons:

Friday 11 September 2009: 08.45-12.30

  • Guided Tour to Musei Vaticani, Cappella Sistina, Piazza and Basilica di San Pietro

Saturday 12 September 2009: 17.00-24.00
    (optional programme for accompanying persons and delegates)

  • Guided Tour of Rome (Piazza Venezia, Castel Sant’Angelo, San Pietro, Lungotevere and visit within the  Colosseo)
  • Dinner at the “Meo Patacca” Restaurant

Contact Information:

Hotel Bernini Bristol – Piazza Barberini, 23
Tel: +39 06 488931 – Fax: +39 06 4824266

Maria Grazia Scorza – Tel: +39 06 4203161 – Fax: +39 06 4814026
Mob: +39 336 921447
E-mail:[email protected]

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