Events Documents

CLGE Launch of the IPMS for Buildings


2nd Young Surveyors Meeting hosted by FIGYSEN and CLGE

X   Hotels

CLGE Ex-Board meeting in Reykjavik (Iceland), 25 June 2014

   Draft agenda_Exboard Reykjavik
   Draft minutes_Exboard Athens
   MoU EUROGI_CLGE-draft

CLGE Feedback on the IPMS Exposure Draft for Offices

   CLGE Feedback on the IPMS Exposure Draft for Offices

The CLGE Students’ Contest

   The CLGE Students’ Contest 2013-2014

New registration of CLGE in the EU Transparency Register

   Code of Conduct for EU Engagement

IV CLGE Conference of the European Surveyor

   (Jean-Yves Pirlot) Opening Speech
   Full Programme of the IV CLGE Conferenc of the European Surveyor and GI
   Overall Schedule
   Partners Programm
   Curonian Spit
X   Registration Form
   Kaliningrad declaration (english)
   Kaliningrad declaration (russian)
   Kaliningrad office of the Federal Cadaster – the Chamber of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre, and Cartography
   Visit of the Kaliningrad office of the Federal Cadaster: Федеральная кадастровая палата Федеральной службы государственной регистрации, кадастра и картографии по Калининградской области
   Life, activity and main work results of F.G.W. Struve: (Vitaly Kaptüg) F.G.W. Struve – outstanding geodesist of the XIX C.
   Life, activity and main work results of F.G.W. Struve: (Miroshnichenko S.G.) ГЕОДЕЗИЧЕСКОЕ И КАРТОГРАФИЧЕСКОЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ
   Life, activity and main work results of F.G.W. Struve: (Artem Yurov Valerianovich) Great Insight of Bessel
   Life, activity and main work results of F.G.W. Struve: (Stepanov A.V., Abalakin V.K., Tolbin S.V.) V. Ya. Struve – founder and first director of Pulkovo observatory
   Life, activity and main work results of F.G.W. Struve: (Петрушина М.И) Деятельность В.Я. Струве в Русском географическом обществе
   The value of works by F.G.W. Struve for the development of modern surveying, navigation, gravimetry and other science areas: (А. О. КУПРИЯНОВ, А. А. МАЙОРОВ) Современное состояние и перспективы развития применения ГЛОНАСС/ГНСС в Российской Федерации
   The value of works by F.G.W. Struve for the development of modern surveying, navigation, gravimetry and other science areas: (Keith Hofgartner) Mission Accomplished: The Payoff in New GNSS Technologies
   The value of works by F.G.W. Struve for the development of modern surveying, navigation, gravimetry and other science areas: (Jens Riecken) Ready for Galileo?
   Geodetic arc of Struve in different countries as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Realized and being planned projects.: (Bjørn Geirr Harsson) Status for all the
   Geodetic arc of Struve in different countries as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Realized and being planned projects.: (Pekka Tätilä) Struve Geodetic Arc
   Geodetic arc of Struve in different countries as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Realized and being planned projects.: (Torben Juulsager) Free Geographic Basic Data
   Geodetic arc of Struve in different countries as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Realized and being planned projects.: (Mairolt Kakko) Valuation of Struve heritage in Estonia
   Geodetic arc of Struve in different countries as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Realized and being planned projects.: (Florian Romanowski) Implementation of national/regional spatial data infrastructure
   Geodetic arc of Struve in different countries as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Realized and being planned projects.: (Томас Ладукас) Геодезическое наследие Ф.Г.В. Струве и развитие геодезических сетей в Литве
   Geodetic arc of Struve in different countries as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Realized and being planned projects.: (Карасуцкий В.М) Геодезическая дуга Струве – мост, соединяющий народы и культуры
   Geodetic arc of Struve in different countries as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Realized and being planned projects.: (Serghei Nagorneac, Vasile Chiriac) Struve Geodetic Arc in Republic of Moldova
   Geodetic arc of Struve in different countries as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Realized and being planned projects.: (Тихонов В.В.) Экспедиция на остров Гогланд
   Geodetic arc of Struve in different countries as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Realized and being planned projects.: (Keith Hofgartner) 30th Meridian – ‘The Cape to Cairo’
   Geodetic arc of Struve in different countries as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Realized and being planned projects: (Шевня М.С.) Состояние и перспективы топографо-геодезических и картографических работ в Калининградской области

CLGE Ex-Board meeting in Athens (Greece), 22 June 2014

   ExB meeting Athens-draft Agenda
   Draft minutes ExB Marbella

GeoSkills Plus Workshop

   Press Release

About a KEN on Positioning

   CLGE Position on a Positioning KEN

EESC Publication

   EESC Opinion on Liberal Professions

CLGE GA Marbella (Spain)

   CLGE GA Marbella-Agenda 21&22 March 2014
   CLGE Minutes GA Marbella (SP) 21-22 March 2014 adopted in GA Reykjavik 26 Sept 2014
   CLGE-Draft minutes GA Chisinau to be adopted
X   CLGE_Registration_Form_v1.0
   Hotel brochure
   Optional Programme for Excursion to Granada (Thursday 20th 2014)
X   Registration form for Granada Excursion (optional)
Z   documents for GA_posted on February 20th
Z   Code of Professional Qualifications (IG-PARLS)
   Host and Special Guests (Andrés Díez Galilea) Welcome Address
   Finances: CLGE Accounts 2013
   Finances: CLGE Balancesheet 2013
   Finances: CLGE Revised Budget 2014
   Finances: CLGE – IGPARLS Accounts 2013
   Finances: CLGE – IGPARLS Balancesheet 2013
   Finances: CLGE – IGPARLS Revised Budget 2014
   CLGE Conference of the European Surveyor: (V.V. Tikhonov) Magic Arch
   Next General Assembly: (Gunnar H. Kristinsson) CLGE GA Autumn Reykjavík 2014, 26. – 27. September
   Memberships Affairs: (Marc Nicodet) The Cadastre of Public Law Restrictions on Landownership in Switzerland
   Memberships Affairs: Farewell Mark Wijngaarde
   Memberships Affairs: OGE’s Portal for the Coastline and the Sea
   Editorial: Policy Social Media
   European Affairs:
   European Affairs: CLGE Students’ Meeting 2014
   IGPARLS: IGPARLS report of activites
   IGPARLS: CLGE Position Paper in favour of the regulation of the surveying profession
   IGPARLS: Workshop of CLGE about the Directive on Mutual Recognition of Professional qualifications in Paris, France 27.-28. January 2014
   IGPARLS: Code of professional qualifications for Liberal Property Surveyors – report
   IGPARLS: Code of professional qualifications for Liberal Property Surveyors
   IGPARLS: Code of professional qualifications for Liberal Property Surveyors – Letter of intent
   Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base: (Pedro J. Ortiz) Quantitative control of the existing entries in DPKB
   Workshops: Galil-EU
   Workshops: (Paula Dijkstra) GEO Skills +
   Workshops: Trimble – Cutting Edge Technology

CLGE Ex-Board meeting in Marbella (Spain), 20 March 2014

   ExB meeting Marbella-draft Agenda
   Draft minutes ExB Brussels

CLGE Sponsors