Events Documents

CLGE GA in Chisinau (Moldova)

X   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: CLGE Student Contest papers’ list
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: International Student Meeting 2014
   CLGE_Minutes GA Chisinau MD_04-05Oct2013-adopted in GA Marbella 21March2014
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: CLGE GA Overall Programme
X   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: CLGE GA Registration Form
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: Map
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: CLGE Seminar
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: CLGE GA Chisinau – Agenda latest version
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: CLGE GA Chisinau – Agenda early version
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: CLGE GA workshop 1 – valuation
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: CLGE GA workshop 3 – BIM
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: Common Vision Cadastre LR
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: IPMS-CLGE Declaration
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: CLGE accounts (31.07.13)
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: CLGE accounts: Explanation for budget 2014
X   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: CLGE accounts: fees for 2014 (2013 10 08)
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: IG-Parls Budget 2014 Old
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: IG-Parls fees for 2014
   CLGE Students’ Contest and Meeting: Chisinau Declaration
   National Presentations: (Nicholas Smith) Seabed mapping and OGE’s Congress
   National Presentations: Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve
W   National Presentations: Kaliningrad
   Social Media
   IG-PARLS: Informations on the activities of IG PARLS
   European Affairs:
   Workshop Presentations: (Wolfgang Glunz) Real Estate Valuation in Europe
   Workshop Presentations: Chisinau Seminar summary
   Workshop Presentations: (Pedro J. Ortiz) Building and Information Modelling
   Workshop Presentations: (Alexander Aronsohn) RICS: In Essence
   Workshop Presentations: Global Valuation Standards

CLGE Ex-Board meeting

   Agenda of the Chisinau CLGE ExBoard Meeting

GERAR seminar on Land Consolidationin Lyon

   Draft programme GERAR V4
   Registration form
D   Draft programme GERAR V3
   Draft programme GERAR V1

Creation of the SSC of IPMS

   Press Release SSC – IPMS-C
   Press Release Consultation

CLGE participation in the public consultation about the GNSS Action Plan 2014 – 2018

   CLGE participation

International Property Measurement Standards Coalition meeting

   Joint proposal of a Worldwide Surveyor’s Day_NSPS-CLGE
   NSPS-CLGE-Budapest declaration

CLGE President meets NSPS officials in Washington DC

X   Budget

44 Italian Surveyors Congress

   Opening Speech Jyp

Day of the European Surveyor and GeoInformation

   Day of the European Surveyor and GeoInformation

CLGE Ex-Board meeting in Budapest (Hungary), 21 March 2013

D   Draft Agenda Exboard Budapest

HU/EU GNSS seminar

   Introduction to the European Space Expo
   CLGE Seminar Programme

CLGE Ex-Board meeting in Budapest (Hungary), 21 March 2013

   Draft Mintues Exboard Marbella

CLGE Ex-Board meeting in Marbella (Spain), 06-07 Jan 2013

   Draft Agenda ExBoard Marbella 06-07 Jan 2013
   DRAFT Minutes ExBoard LLN 07-08 Sept 2012

CLGE Sponsors